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Piracetam ; Journal


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
So, some dude that is me has got a bunch of piracetam. Alot. I plan to document my experience with the substance, as it has great (some reliable!) rumors about it's effectiveness at treating a number of conditions, most of which are psychological/neurological, but also reynaud's syndrome which I have.

Mid April:
Took 1 gram Piracetam and 5mg of Ritalin (methylin) 12pm. After 2 hours, slight headache developes, but normal effects of ritalin unenhanced (contrary to popular belief). 4 hours pass, headache becomes irratating. 10 full hours pass and headache persists. Do not attempt mixture again.

April 28th:
Took 500mg Piracetam with Choline Bitartrate alone with apple cider. Little effect - 2 hours gives slight false-colorations, nothing else.

April 29th:
Took same dose, same conclusion.

May 1st:
Same dose, same conclusion.

May 3rd:
Take 1 gram Piracetam with Choline Bitartrate before bed, slight discolorations after glows, sleep is a bit delayed.

May 4th:
Very tired today. Ritalin in morning 8am. 4pm slight nap, 5pm 2 grams piracetam mixed with Acetyl Choline & B-vitamins [ stimulates acetyle choline production & use]. Slight discolorations, lathargy and tiredness not mixing well with this compound. Sleep is hard.

May 5th:
Wake up to 2 grams piracetam with Choline Bitartrate, along with a 2.5 gram amount of piracetam over 4 hour period. Slightly clearer thoughts, feel as if writing is easier, vocabulary slightly enhanced and accesible. Ritalin taken one hour ago, if headache arises, mixture will never be attempted in same day again.

[/End log for now]


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
May 6th:
3-4 grams in lemonaide with choline bitartrate.

Amazing feeling in morning, good, alive, and well. It's not as if I feel / felt more intelligent, I just felt more 'me'. As if able to concentrate at will, the ability to peice concepts together again, a confidence in one's self. Whether or not this is directly from piracetam unknown.

After about 8 hours after ingestion, extreme lathargy & tiredness. Unable to tell what is responsible. More research to come.

May 7th (Today):

Currently drinking ~4-5 grams piracetam in kool-aid with .5g choline. Sleep was heavy, melatonin was taken out of curiousity for the night, hard time upon waking, ended up not going to class anyways.

The drink always leaves a slight "ick" feeling after ~20 minutes of ingestion. Quickly fades and becomes one of straight-fowardness. Will report how day goes with this high of dose.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
After 4-5 grams yesterday, I decided 8 hours after ingestion it was ok to have a beer.

After 3 beers I felt fairly intoxicated, not normal at all. This was slightly worrysome, actually, I should never feel intoxication after 3 beers to such a degree.

Sleep was ok. After awakeing I took 1-2 grams piracetam, and within an hour, 5mg ritalin. Headache began 5 hours later.
Significant conclusions!:
Combination of ritalin and piracetam never to be repeated!

Never drink the same day piracetam has been ingested!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Sigh, Listen to your own advice IJC!
Do not drink same day of piracetam!

2.5mg of ritalin seems to be OK, same effect as ritalin, no headache.

Piracetam gives a very good feeling, this stuff definitely has nootropic properties.


21 Jan 2009
Oxiracetam, in my opinion, is the superior out of all of them.


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Nov 2008
Wow... out of all my noodling around, I seem to have overlooked the possibilities of these.

Which is ironic, as I've spent a lot of time considering how drugs like LSD could improve bandwidths through neural pathways by causing the body to over express esterases at the junctions, in an attempt to flush the drug out via metabolism.

I'd be very interested to hear some balanced opinions on using these and what kinds of effects they actually produce. How do high doses of Ritalin (as in, the highest prescribed to a child) compare to other amphetamine like compounds. I've always wanted to try it just to compare it with my lexicon and see what it's like for the kids on it.

I might give these a go, feed my opinions. :wink:

"I am smart, I'm self smarted"



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
High doses of ritalin approach addirol. But I wouldn't know.

I've been away from piracetam for 3 weeks... No updtaes.


26 Mar 2010
Sounds interesting... Have heard piracetam aids and increases potency of other chemicals. I would be interested to know if anyone has taken it a bit more long term. perhaps notable effects go away? or if not do they increase or whatever? Have been umming and arring over purchasing enough for long term usage, any advice or alternative substances?


15 Juil 2009
nice work. i have no experience with this compound but i have played around a bit with phenibut and while it's very mild, it is pretty nice. phenibut works nicely with psychedelics like lsd, it seems to make it a bit more carefree and enjoyable. it doesn't loosen the tension as much as a benzo but it does work to some extent. it wouldn't save you from a bad trip but it does seem to make things flow a little nicer


21 Jan 2009
I think the consensus among most life extensioners is that Oxiracetam is the most palatable of the bunch, with Aniracetam and Pramiracetam (if you can get the latter) being to "intrusive". Oxiracetam taken at about 1.6g a day (800mg in the morning and 800mg in the afternoon) has provided a noticeable increase in clarity for me (as a baseline reference, I am completely drug free both illicit and licit, and have been for a long time). There is an ever-so-slight sedation I get from Oxiracetam, but it is so slight that I chalk it up to placebo. But the mental clarity is most definity there - so much less tip-of-the-tongue moments in my life. Recall of words has improved. I haven't taken any before and after cognition tests, but as someone whose very attuned to mood/chemical shifts (from past experiences) I can say that it works.

The appeal to me is the safety profile of these things. I don't think there is even an LD50 for these chems. They are so subtle and slowly cumulative in the mode of actions that that medicine doesn't want to take them seriously.

By the way, thanks for ignoring my PMs, Peach. :)

peach a dit:
Wow... out of all my noodling around, I seem to have overlooked the possibilities of these.

Which is ironic, as I've spent a lot of time considering how drugs like LSD could improve bandwidths through neural pathways by causing the body to over express esterases at the junctions, in an attempt to flush the drug out via metabolism.

I'd be very interested to hear some balanced opinions on using these and what kinds of effects they actually produce. How do high doses of Ritalin (as in, the highest prescribed to a child) compare to other amphetamine like compounds. I've always wanted to try it just to compare it with my lexicon and see what it's like for the kids on it.

I might give these a go, feed my opinions. :wink:

"I am smart, I'm self smarted"



Glandeuse pinéale
5 Nov 2008
By the way, thanks for ignoring my PMs, Peach.

I just PM'ed you a reply to the last one I got from you, which was on the 31st of May.

I thought maybe my inbox might be full, but it's not.

I haven't been online to check them the last day or two, but there's nothing new there now.


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Nov 2008
I'm taking piracetam. Can't feel any difference whatsoever. Taking about 3.5g a day on it's own, since it's not giving me any headaches that suggest I need choline.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
It is very subtle. The effects aren't felt, they just are. I can slightly find them, better cognition, deeper & clearer thought... Nothing amazing, but I wasn't planning to be the million dollar man after some nootropics.


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Nov 2008
Neither was I, but as of yet I haven't even experienced any change in my ability to read these forums, journals or other sciency related stuff. Which is a good acid test of concentration I expect.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
yeah, don't compare it to acid... I don't think I'm going to get anymore after my kilo is gone.

I'm going to try oxiracetam.

By the way if you do want to feel anything, try, for one day, taking ~7grams 3x throughout the day...


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Nov 2008
You have heard the expression "acid test" before right? It comes from people trading gold, who'd test it with acids. Imitations would react with single acids. Only a mixture of two acids (called aqua regis) could attack pure gold. Aqua regis meaning, "royal water". Hence, an "acid test" refers to a gold standard. Not LSD. :P


21 Jan 2009
I don't think you'll find an acid test threshold. The beauty of these compounds as I said, is that they are not "felt" in the classic context. They simply improve cognition and clarity (but not in an amphetamine sort of way).

Piracetam is a complete waste as its far to inert that you have to gobble grams of the stuff. There was alot of focus into more potent analogue like Aniracetam, Pramiracetam and the like, and the consensus was that Oxiracetam was the sweetspot. Its not expensive, it is water soluble unlike the "Ani" and "Pram", and is slightly sweet and therefore very palatable.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Good, next journal: OXIRACETAM! coming when i ffind a job :roll:


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Nov 2008
I wasn't really expecting it to be like amp. in that sense, although I was a tiny bit hopeful it might be.

I have been testing myself against things like journals and how well I can concentrate doing reactions. There's zero improvement. I didn't expect to feel an improvement physically or mentally accelerated, but there's no noticeable difference in how quickly or thoroughly I understand a journal or reaction. I think old mr placebo is at work here. Particularly when I read lab reports that demonstrate people perform worse in cognition tests with the chemical than without.

I still have about 15g left though, so I'll see if I notice any change with that.

Maybe it has an accumulation time.

Maybe I'm just too much of a genius for it to function on me. Or at least too accustomed to having to read journals and such 9h+ a day that it can't improve on how my brain already interprets them.

Maybe, and far more likely, I've fucked my body and mind up so much they're refusing to work anymore. :P The number of chemicals I've eaten, inhaled, had in my eyes or all over my skin is starting to scare the shit out of me as I think about it all. I have strange aches and pains, dizzyness, nausea or a dirty feeling constantly lingering inside (like something is wrong), to mention but a few. My spidey senses are tingling and suggesting something bad may be on the horizon.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
The only real effect I am having so far is quite negative:

Loss of vocabulary. I find myself much more often now not being able to find the appropriate word. Definitely not a good thing.