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pharmaceutical combinations


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Juin 2009
this trip report on Erowid have inspired me into trying a similar combination of drugs which was taken by the author of the report but just with a few drugs added and slightly higher doses:

I don't have access to Ritalin so I decided that I shall use some other stimulant instead of it to make my experience as close to the mentioned one as possible (probably pseudoephedrine)
in this combination I mostly focus on the diphenhydramine
I want you to look it up and tell me if you think that anything good might come out of it
I noticed that both dimenhydrinate and diphenhydramine make you tired/sleepy in higher dosages so I hope that the pseudoephedrine and the coffee will keep me refreshed enough to be able to enjoy the trip

the combination and the dosages on which I decided look like that:

*Diphenhydramine 600-800mg. (first I plan to take 600 and if I won't get too ill than I plan to take another 200)
*Dimenhydrinate 500mg.
*Dextromethorphan 360mg.
*Ritalin or some other stimulant like pseudoephedrine

*lemon juice (hoping that the citric acid will help me fight the nausea which I will probably get)
*a tea from milk thistle seeds (I read a report on Erowid which said that using milk thistle while tripping on anything makes the trip better but I dunno if it's true)
*coffee (just in case I will get too sleepy from all those sleep aids and motion sickness pills)

*I suggest that I would probably also be experimenting with carbogen or perhaps laughing gas while on the trip (if I'll be lucky enough to finally find a whippit)
*the syrup which I usually use as a source of pseudoephedrine also contains diphenhydramine which will add up to the one which I already taken (diphenhydramine by the was is a great way to reduce the risk of getting a robo-itch)

and a final word:
feel free to use this thread to discuss any other pharmaceutical drug combinations if you like


Elfe Mécanique
29 Nov 2007
well dude i think you might want to adjust the amounts of the downers i wouldnt reccoment taking 800mg Diphen, and 500mg dimen. 800 of diphen is a pretty strong dose by its self. Id say dont take the Dimen. at all.
plus your mixing it with dxm, and also uppers... that all doesnt go well together
sounds like a trip to the hospital to me if u take 800diphen, 500dimen, 360dex and also ritalin.. :roll:


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Juin 2009
LsDxMdma a dit:
well dude i think you might want to adjust the amounts of the downers i wouldnt reccoment taking 800mg Diphen, and 500mg dimen. 800 of diphen is a pretty strong dose by its self. Id say dont take the Dimen. at all.
plus your mixing it with dxm, and also uppers... that all doesnt go well together
sounds like a trip to the hospital to me if u take 800diphen, 500dimen, 360dex and also ritalin.. :roll:

hmm...perhaps you're right! I shall lower the doses
it's just that diphenhydramine acts very lightly on me
I took 400mg. yestarday and it just made me a bit dizzy and that's about it (doesn't worth the money and the liver damage)
I read about people having heavy hallucinations at just 300mg.
but I'm a person which has to make a lot of effort to even have a mild hallucination
for my first time I took 200mg. with a clearly stupid dose of 400mg. of pseudoephedrine and some hard alcohol
I'm really surprised that I didn't get sick or atleast a bit nauseous
so I guess that I tolerate diphenhydramine and pseudoephedrine pretty well (which is not so great because that means that I need bigger doses to reach effects which people get from regular doses)
at first I didn't plan to take 800mg. but only 600mg. but 2 pack have exactly 800mg. and I don't want to waste the extra 200mg. of the pills
500mg of dimenhydrinate is not considered for me to be a big dose at all
my regular dose is 1000mg. in which I likely to have mostly auditory hallucinations and maybe just few datura-like ones but I'm not sure that I would have any hallucinations at just 500mg.
360mg. of DXM isn't considered for me to be a big dose neither
it's a second plateau dosage and when I take DXM alone I usually take third plateau dosages of around 720mg. (I rarely have any hallucinations on it and usually just feel confused and get completely crazy idea like that the CIA and FBI are after me or that it's end of the world today) 360mg. usually only makes me have a stoned alcohol-like feeling

oh - and I've read a report on Erowid of a dude which was mixing those substances together said that they actually go pretty well together because they are indeed related


Elfe Mécanique
29 Nov 2007
well the threshold dose for hardcore hallucinations is usually about 600 mg.. 800 and theres no doubt in my mind you'll be out of it..i know from experience.
and the DXM would just cause each to be stronger, its a rather fun combo to me. i prefer more dxm than diphen, it just is a better buzz. but if your going to do it, take the diphen or take the dimen, not both, or just take half of each u were planning, the dex shouldnt gbe a problem. as for the uppers, just dont take very much.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Août 2007
1 976
diphenhrdramine and dimenhydrinate are deliriants in high doses... not fun at all... read up the TR on erowid or Bluelight....

trust, its not worth it


Glandeuse pinéale
27 Mai 2009
I haven't taken Ritalin since early elementary school. I HATED that shit. I've got to wonder what it would be like now, probably not particularly enjoyable. I remember it being like a depressing stoning effect.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Remove all ingredients and take 3 hits of acid.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
^second that!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
^third that


Glandeuse pinéale
27 Mai 2009
I would forth, but it depends if you can handle that much. I'm a lightweight and that much is still liable to freak me out :S


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Juin 2009
I can't describe what just happened to me
I tried all three of those drugs in higher doses and this never happened to me
I do have to admit that even though I tried them many times I did not make any combination with them except for combining ones a low dose of diphenhydramine with a low dose of DXM
last Thursday night I toke:
600mg. of diphenhydramine
400mg. of dimenhydrinate
with just 200mg. of dextromethorphan (I was afraid that I might get serotonin syndrome)
I toke it with a cup of coffee and some orange juice which is said to help the liver metabolize DXM into DXO
first I toke the diphenhydramine taking the other two drugs 20-40 minutes after it
at first it was the usual stuff - a mild buzz some visual hallucinations irregular thoughts and a little drowsiness..
and then... it just hit me like a truck! I don't remember anything from there!
the next thing I remember is that it was already morning or even after noon (I toke the drugs at 2-4 after midnight) I though I was in my room but in fact I was in some strange field outdoors (have NO fucking idea how I got there!) I was convinced that nuclear winter have started today and that I am going to die shortly after that due to nuclear radiation
and I didn't dare to drink water because I was convinced that the enemy poisoned it
I saw all kinds of people showing and disappearing (both people which I am afmilliar with and those who I am not)
I even saw some bird and I thought that she was my mom and talked to her like for 10 minutes before realizing that it was just a bird :shock:
I even saw my computer there but the screen was broke (wtf)
anything which I touched felt in too pieces (I thought that it happened due to nuclear radiation - :!: )
I even saw people flying in the wind
the real horrors began when I tried to escape
I saw corpses everywhere
they all had cut throats
I thought that the enemy soldiers killed them so I didn't dare to go in the direction of the corpses so that I won't get killed myself
some of the corpses weren't even fully human
half-human mutilated dehydrated corpses lying in the bushes o_O you can imagine the horrors that I felt
I have no idea for how long the trip lasted or how did I end up home eventually but my guess is that it lasted about for a day or two
it sounds to me like this experience was even crazier then a hardcore datura trip
and the weirdest thing is that I had NO side effects what so ever which I usually do experience on those drugs
no heavy drowsiness no diarrhea no nausea or vomiting and even no headache or stomachache
really creepy



Elfe Mécanique
23 Oct 2007

Yes. You acted irresponsible and took a cocktail of different drugs without a sitter and you are lucky to be still alive :!:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
sadhak, maybe you could try to get a job at a farmaceutical company. I guess the rabbits and monkey's don't really mind to have some human company. Especially when your high on the same drugs and living nearby them in a cage. But don't be surprised if you see them having HUGE eyes that think WTF!

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Yes, definitely sounds like a Datura trip, with possibly memories of poisoning of the amniotic fluid while you were still in the womb. Did your mother take medication while she was pregnant?

A somewhat more mundane explanation of the theme of poisoning by nuclear radiation could be that due to the mixing of chemicals and ingesting them into your body, the thought of poisoning was in the back of your mind, coloring your visions that way.

You should have followed Forkbender's advice. It's not much use talking about an experience that could be totally delirious rather than psychedelic.

You had an adventure. Great. Now please read up on the classic psychedelics: psilocybine, DMT, mescaline, LSD. These compounds are much safer and much more useful.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Oct 2007
1 022
:shock: :shock: Dude!
What if you wake up in the hospital/jail/mental institute not knowing what happened and these 2 cops walk in the room and tell you a horrible story about some guy who completely freaked out, and youre like huh? Me? No I can't remember jack.
Please be carefull, even here in Holland they don't tolerate this kind of behavior. I never bin in Israel but something tells of that the police there isn't as "friendly and forgiving" as those idiots over here :lol:


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Juin 2009
Icelus a dit:

Yes. You acted irresponsible and took a cocktail of different drugs without a sitter and you are lucky to be still alive :!:

well I did research before taking the drugs
and me hurting myself from the delirium was in fact a bigger concern then overdosing on the drugs
another concern is that diphenhydramine is said to also have some mild SSRI activity and that brings the danger of serotonin syndrome if combined with DXM in large doses (see this for more information http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?title=Talk ... dramine.3F)
but I did do this combo and didn't get a serotonin syndrome
plus another concern = dimenhydrinate is in fact a chemical which is very related to diphehydramine
if this source is correct (http://www.drugs-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=41006) then "there are 29 mg of DPH per 50 mg of DMH"
so what I'm saying that taking 600mg. of diphehydramine with 400mg. means that you will have almost 900mg. of diphehydramine in your system which is of course a very heavy dose and is potentially dangerous

also read this quote:
"Diphenhydramine (DPH) and Dimenhydrinate (DMH) are essentially the same drug. Specifically, DMH is the 8-chlorotheophyllinate salt of DPH. What this means is that DMH is DPH attached to a weak stimulant similar to caffeine. Therefore, the only real differences between the two drugs is that DPH is stronger (29 mg of DPH is the same as 50 mg of DMH), and DPH will probably start affecting the user faster. Also, a user may be less likely to fall asleep on DMH, but the sedative properties of DPH far outweigh the stimulant properties of what is attached to it."


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Juin 2009
mysticwarrior a dit:
sadhak, maybe you could try to get a job at a farmaceutical company. I guess the rabbits and monkey's don't really mind to have some human company. Especially when your high on the same drugs and living nearby them in a cage. But don't be surprised if you see them having HUGE eyes that think WTF!

I really don't know what your point is :roll:


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Juin 2009
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Yes, definitely sounds like a Datura trip, with possibly memories of poisoning of the amniotic fluid while you were still in the womb. Did your mother take medication while she was pregnant?

A somewhat more mundane explanation of the theme of poisoning by nuclear radiation could be that due to the mixing of chemicals and ingesting them into your body, the thought of poisoning was in the back of your mind, coloring your visions that way.

You should have followed Forkbender's advice. It's not much use talking about an experience that could be totally delirious rather than psychedelic.

You had an adventure. Great. Now please read up on the classic psychedelics: psilocybine, DMT, mescaline, LSD. These compounds are much safer and much more useful.

well I just asked her and she said that she did take some medications for her lungs but she doesn't really remember much about them as it was obviously a really long time ago
I'm not really surprised though that I felt into this delirium thinking that there was a nuclear attack as I kept hearing in the media about Iran's nuclear program
plus I had auditory hallucinations which I confused to be a nuclear attack alarm (I heard it ones when I was sober just waking up from sleep but it turned out to be just a test..almost crapped my pants)
you know it's pretty hard to live in a peaceful and calm mindset while you aware that you might get nuked at any moment
but I didn't even worry about the drugs that much - I did expect stuff like nausea diarrhea and maybe even vomiting but surprisingly I did not experience any ill side effects (I have to admit that I have a huge black out and might have vomited during it)

now about those psychedelics you've been talking about - I was thinking of maybe trying out San Pedro cactus or collecting some shrooms (don't worry - I'm not retarded to the point of eating any random mushroom that I discover)
or maybe I shall just follow the advice of that Israeli dude that I met on this forum - go to some rave in the woods and buy yourself some nice acid
too bad I can't order any salvia..I heard it's a pretty spiritual high
and I'm actually into that stuff


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Juil 2008
1 632
mysticwarrior a dit:
sadhak, maybe you could try to get a job at a farmaceutical company. I guess the rabbits and monkey's don't really mind to have some human company. Especially when your high on the same drugs and living nearby them in a cage. But don't be surprised if you see them having HUGE eyes that think WTF!
:lol: :lol: :lol:


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Juin 2009
mrvn a dit:
:shock: :shock: Dude!
What if you wake up in the hospital/jail/mental institute not knowing what happened and these 2 cops walk in the room and tell you a horrible story about some guy who completely freaked out, and youre like huh? Me? No I can't remember jack.
Please be carefull, even here in Holland they don't tolerate this kind of behavior. I never bin in Israel but something tells of that the police there isn't as "friendly and forgiving" as those idiots over here :lol:

well I'm happy to hear that you are concerned
but after THIS I don't think that I'll ever allow myself to take any deliriants without a sitter and probably only do it indoors or at least in some place in nature far far away from traffic
beside - those drugs which I mentioned are legal anyway