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Je m'inscris!

OHHH NOOO... I cant do psychedelics anymore?!?!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
I didn't do psychedelics until my mid 20's, and I would say I wish everyone would wait until they are this age. The upside is you get to go through the brutal post-high school years and find out who you really are and establish your adult peronality without the use of altered states. And when you take psychedelics for the first time it will roxxor your soxxors..

But to be fair, I know a lot of people who started doing psychedelics in their mid-late teens who now are all astrophysicists, computer programmers and PhD-heads, so I can't say it really is all that bad. Some of them went into those fields because they took psychedelics and got profoundly interested in mathematics or art as a result.

The other downside as to waiting until you are older is that psychedelics (esp LSD) get bloody hard to find when you hit your mid 20's... :x


st.bot.32 a dit:
The other downside as to waiting until you are older is that psychedelics (esp LSD) get bloody hard to find when you hit your mid 20's... :x

Maybe that just depends on how well you keep up your social life,
what people you hang out with and where you go out.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Fair enough, like I said, I never even started psychedelics until my mid 20's, and when i was ready, it turned out that the vast majority of people i knew and liked and were attracted to were psychedelic users.

We were all asking the same questions.. all along. Just in different ways.


6 Avr 2008
I think, if I would have taken stuff so early in my life, I might have gone nuts.
My youth was a time of intense inner and outer conflicts (though nobody in
my family had a history of mental illness). Still, it might be enough to fuel the
basic adolescent psychological setup with stuff to crack someone. I don't re-
commend doing trips blow the age of 25. I know, I am conservative, wait
till you are my age (half a century is a lot...)! :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
The way I see it with age, is if you wait till your 30, as many people in my life advise, you become a conditioned zombie. Anything that the Mushrooms or Ayahuasca want to teach you; well the substance has to break an even bigger wall of conditioned self. The search for the Mystical Experience becomes even harder when you have so much cultural conditioning I think it's good for individuals who are around 18 years old, to break their cultural condionting, and stand outside their culture, to see what is happening to the whole society, before they are off into the world, to become a productive part of society. Although individuals should be very careful and treat substances with the greatest degree of respect. The only thing that is 'wrong' with younger individuals using psychedelics, is that they don't admire the powerful of the substance, and it can get you into trouble if not used properly. They substances are powerful!



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
The question is: supposing there would be a modern eleusian mysteries, what age would you set for the initiation?


6 Avr 2008
It took 40 years for a druid to become fully initiated!

Eleusis: not below 25!


Glandeuse pinéale
11 Jan 2008
if it does turn out to be schizo, psylocybin is a good natural remedy, sometimes if you are lucky it can completely integrate all aspects of this. thus eliminating the schizophrenia.

of course, ask a doctor first. and as far as yourself, i agree with many others here, wait until you are at least 18. better off if you wait till you are 24.

but the shrooms (for medicinal value only) may help your mother out, and has a very good chance of "fixing" her. :)

may the gods watch over you, no matter which path you choose.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
???????? a dit:
The question is: supposing there would be a modern eleusian mysteries, what age would you set for the initiation?

17 for weed and 18 for mushrooms sounds good to me. I agree with user_1919 that if you wait for too long, you are going to have much more cultural conditionning, which would make everything harder. If you consider LSD as an experience that requires even more maturity than shrooms (I never tried LSD so I can't have an opinion on it), it could be at 20. And finally, ayahuasca at 25 :P


I don't think making rules or a standard is wise,
some people are never ready for it, some people are born ready.
Setting up a limit is not an answer (seen the world lately?)
Good education however....


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
well I didn't mean it as laws, the numbers I said are approximations, of course it isn't everyone who is ready at the same age.

EDIT: And I wasn't really serious when I wrote this (and I'm 95% sure I was stoned XD)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
If you consider LSD as an experience that requires even more maturity than shrooms (I never tried LSD so I can't have an opinion on it), it could be at 20. And finally, ayahuasca at 25

I believe that you should wait for LSD. I have never done it, but I live in a family that is very accepting towards these substances. My father has experience, and he says I should wait till I'm older. I trust my father in the advice that he gives me. He always tells me that when you wait till your a little older, you will be able to intergrate the experience better, rather than just let all the lessons fly directly over your head. Good LSD lasts a solid 12 hours, and that is a lot to handle, and this is mainly why I want to wait.
Ayahuasca on the other hand I will do anytime when the oppourunity presents itself. Ayahuasca is suppose to be 'different' in my Uncles/fathers view. It is more of a teaching plant, or rather mixture of plants, and it will never lead you in the wrong direction. I cannot wait to have my first Ayashuaca experience, which may be with a lot of people on this forum, down in Peru! :D



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Very much neglected is the change before and after you've tried a psychedelic. Once you've tried it, certain filters are lowered, unlocked permanently. People who try psychedelics in their teens will never understand exactly what that means, because they don't have a significant period before they tried psychedelics to compare to.

I see what people are saying with cultural conditioning, but I mean, if you actually need psychedelics to understand that you are being spoon-fed propaganda from the media then I think that is really kinda sad and you won't get anything out of psychedelics anyways. There are plenty of people who get nothing out of psychedelics, they try it once, use it wrong, get scared because "it is weird" then take the blue pill.

I would say that accumulating that much life experience before taking psychedelics means you will have a lot more "life" to react to in your first trip. If you aren't a sheeple, your senses will be much more refined, and you will be really paying attention during your first trip.

I think my approach to psychedelics is much different than people I know who started using it when they were over a decade younger than I was. A lot of the great names in psychedelic literature, Huxley, Hofmann started explorations during adulthood, and approached it with a sense of responsibility and mystery and science, looking for healing and creative properties, rather than as a cheap and mass produced party fix, which, let's face it, that's how the majority of users are introduced to psychedelics.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
firstly let me wish your mom well. modern medicine and medical support means hopefully she should be out of hospital quite soon. its not the private gulag it once was.a lot of inherited mental illness skips a generation so you should be ok. if you are going to take psychonautics then i recomend balancing out with meditative techniques such as qigung, tai chi or yoga. something with a physical element will probably be most effective as it takes up more of your concious mind. (i always recomend hsing i kungfu as its an internal art, not a fighting sport). if you experience residual wierd effects from your journeys dont worry about it, just take a LONG break. quigung/hsing i has fixed me (an embarrasing number of times)