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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482


Sale drogué·e
2 Sept 2007
not nearly as bad as i'd been led to believe, in my experience

i did it a few times. i don't think i'll do it again, though...

there's no real 'delirium' beyond the sort of 'delirium' you'd get from ingesting a whole lot of weed.

best dose is two tablespoons (six teaspoons) of powdered nutmeg. mixed in orange juice... you should have some water to wash it down, too.

and don't double dose. it takes 5 hours to really come on.

also... brighter colors, some hallucinations, better music and overall messed up thought patterns. a lot like cannabis in my opinion.

expect an afterglow of a day where you'll feel relaxed and tired.

i would warn against anyone with low blood pressure.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
An old friend once went to prison and powdered three nuts and mixed them with a liter of cacao mix. He said everything felt like pudding for two days and he felt like crap for days.

It's not called prison drug for nothing.

One of the first descriptions I read about it years ago in some drug enforcement article was something like 'side effects are too messed up for most people to try again.'


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
HeartCore a dit:
One of the first descriptions I read about it years ago in some drug enforcement article was something like 'side effects are too messed up for most people to try again.'


Ok I'll resist.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Sept 2008
1 072
Nutmeg is one of those last efforts to "get fucked up" :mrgreen:
Definitely not on my list to try out.
Small amounts in food can be quite tasty though 8)


Matrice périnatale
14 Mai 2009
Nutmeg? heh... interesting thingy. very interesting if you take enough and do it right. It's tough on liver though.

Onetime I took somewhere around 8-12 nuts, and went to sleep for a week or maybe more. I remember feeling incredibly stoned. More stoned then i've ever been in my life. First few days i was too stoned to even move. I slept through most of the experience...

When i finally woke up some uncertain number of DAYS later, summer was gone, it was fall, and in my tiny bachelor apartment (studio, 12 meters) there was a crack dealer and two whores living in there besides me! My memory of what happened in between is somewhat foggy.

If you fell like trying this, prepare for unexpected.
Buy a box of nuts, It's usually around 12 pieces inside, grind somewhere around 6-10 of it right before use (don't buy grinded, nuts are alive, powder's dead), then mix it with liquid yogurt - that's the only way to take it. No smell, and not too bad of a taste.

Take it on a sunny, relaxed day, preferably in a country, since you're going to turn into a tree. You'd feel like a tree, you'd think like a tree, you'd even smell like a tree. You will become a tree. A nutmeg tree. Very interesting experience. But you can potentially walk into a trouble and have very little memory of it, just like it happened with me.

Solitude, warmth, sun, that's all perfect.
Rain, fog, cold, work - that's all really, REALLY doesn't go well with nutmeg.


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
Why don't you just eat a lightbulb?

Doing the nutmeg thing is silly. It's not introspective at all-- and it makes you feel horrible. Stay away from it.


29 Juin 2009
I've actually had some pretty great experiences with nutmeg. Of course it effects everyone differently. You just need to prepare for it and keep a lot of water and gatorade (electrolytes) handy. and eyedrops.
I capsule it, so taste isn't a problem.
It just makes me feel really stoned for 12 hours or so, starting 5-10 hours after ingestion. Music is enhanced as well as taste, and really intense euphoria. Things are a lot funnier also; very similar like cannabis.
It also seems to have a reverse-tolerance effect on me. I used to have to eat 5 nuts to feel anything, now I eat only half of one and it works awesome.
It's treated me nicely, It never makes me feel like shit and I always have a great time on it.
again, it effects everyone differently.