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Muira Puama - Ptychopetalum olacoides

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Descrizione: Muira Puama Capsule: per contrastare in modo naturale stanchezza e calo del desiderio!!!

• Muira Puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides): favorisce il naturale equilibrio della sfera sessuale...
• Muira Puama: più vigore e migliori prestazioni...

Cosa è la Muira Puama ?
Botanicamente conosciuta come Liriosma ovata (o con il sin. Ptychopetalum uncinatum), è un arbusto che si trova in Brasile nelle zone a nord-nord est. I fiori, di colore bianco, hanno un odore pungente e aromatico somigliante al gelsomino.
Muira puama, nel linguaggio degli indios amazzonici, significherebbe "legno della potenza" (potency wood). Essa è una droga sudamericana utilizzata sin dai tempi antichi nella medicina tradizionale brasiliana.
La droga è costituita dal legno del tronco e dalla radice (Ptychopetali lignum), dal quale si può preparare un estratto secco acquoso o più semplicemente un tè. L'unico difetto del tè, è la sua amarezza, la quale può essere corretta con un pò di liquirizia o dello zucchero. La dose giornaliera di muira puama corrispondere ad un grammo circa di corteccia non lavorata.
In Brasile, molti la considerano efficace per un gran numero di disturbi. Nel 1930 Meiro Penna la descrisse nel suo libro Notas Sobre Plantas Brasileriras citando alcuni esperimenti terapeutici eseguiti in Francia nei trattamenti contro i disturbi quali l'impotenza, le astenie gastrointestinale e circolatoria. La Dr. Schwontkowsky nel suo trattato “Erbe dall'Amazzonia” (1993) la considera non solo come un ottimo fitoterapico contro l'impotenza, ma anche contro la frigidità, i crampi mestruali e la sindrome pre-mestruale.
I primi esploratori europei degli anni 1920-1930 notarono che gli indigeni dell' Amazzonia la usavano come afrodisiaco e tonico. Quando venne inserita in Europa entrò subito ad arricchire le specialità fitoterapiche inglesi. Vista la lunga storia dell'uso di muira puama in Inghilterra, essa è tutt'ora inserita nella “British Herbal Pharmacopoeia”, un' autorevole fonte sulla medicina erboristica dalla British Herbal Medicine Association, dove è raccomandata per il trattamento della dissenteria e dell'impotenza. E' inserita nella Brazilian Pharmacopoeia sino dal 1950.
All'Istituto di Sessuologia di Parigi, sotto la supervisione di una delle più grandi autorità mondiali in materia di disfunzioni sessuali, il Dr. Jaques Wajnberg, uno studio clinico con 262 pazienti che lamentavano perdita del desiderio sessuale e impotenza, ha dimostrato che la muira puama è più efficace della yohimbine hydrochloride. Dopo due settimane di trattamento con l'estratto naturale, il 62 % dei pazienti con perdita della libido sostennero che il trattamento aveva avuto un notevole miglioramento funzionale mentre il 51% dei pazienti con impotenza sentirono un buon beneficio. Non fu riscontrato alcun effetto collaterale. Questi risultati sono estremamente promettenti e indicano che muira puama fornisce risultati migliori rispetto la yohimbine senza gli effetti collaterali comunemente associati a quest'ultima.
- Prodotto: Muira Puama Capsule (60 Opercoli) Erba Vita - Tonici, Energetici, Afrodisiaci Naturali, Calo del Desiderio, Erezione, Sesso, Afrodisiaci Efficaci, Debolezza Sessuale, Disfunzioni Erettili, Erezione, Impotenza, Aumento del Desiderio, Afrod

Più recentemente, una formulazione a base di muira puama e gingko ha migliorato il desiderio, le fantasie ed il rapporto sessuale di 202 donne adulte che lamentavano un calo della libido [Waymberg & Brewer (2000) Adv Ther 17:255-262]
Nessuno dei composti chimici identificati nella muira puama sembra sostenere tali caratteristiche, che sono quindi da attribuire al fitocomplesso, cioè all'insieme di sostanze (in questo caso esteri degli acidi grassi e sostanze amare, quali l'alcaloide muirapuamina) contenute nella droga.
In accordo con il suo impiego popolare, la muira puama viene consigliata in caso di stress, stanchezza nervosa e per alleviare i sintomi della depressione, come droga adattogena, antifatica ed antistress. Anche in questo caso esistono alcuni studi che testimoniano la fondatezza di tali proprietà.

Gli effetti collaterali associati all'uso di muira puama sono lievi e perlopiù limitati alla possibile comparsa di saltuari dolori allo stomaco e alla testa, associati a nervosismo ed iperagitazione.

<p style="display: none;"><cite><a href="http://www.my-personaltrainer.it/integratori/muira-puama.html">Muira puama</a></cite> da http://www.my-personaltrainer.it/integratori/muira-puama.html</p>
Muira puama


Historically, all parts of muira puama have been used medicinally, but the bark and roots are the most-utilized parts of the plant. It has long been used in the Amazon by indigenous peoples for a number of purposes. Native peoples along the Brazilian Amazon's Rio Negro river use the stems and roots from young plants as a tonic to treat neuromuscular problems; a root decoction is used in baths and massages for treating paralysis and beri-beri; and a root-and-bark tea is taken to treat sexual debility, rheumatism, grippe, and cardiac and gastrointestinal weakness. It's also valued there as a preventive for baldness. In Brazilian herbal medicine, muira puama still is a highly-regarded sexual stimulant with a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac. It has been in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia since the 1950s. It is used as a neuromuscular tonic for weakness and paralysis, dyspepsia, menstrual disturbances, chronic rheumatism (applied topically), sexual impotency, grippe, and central nervous system disorders.

Muira puama is employed around the world today in herbal medicine. Early European explorers noted the indigenous uses and the aphrodisiac qualities of muira puama and brought it back to Europe, where it has become part of herbal medicine in England. It is still listed in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia (a noted herbal medicine source from the British Herbal Medicine Association); it is recommended there for the treatment of dysentery and impotence. It is also used in Europe to treat impotence, infertility, nerve pain, menstrual disturbances, and dysentery. In Germany, muira puama is employed as a central nervous system tonic, for hookworms, menstrual disturbances, and rheumatism. Muira puama has been gaining in popularity in the United States, where herbalists and health care practitioners are using it for impotence, depression, menstrual cramps and PMS, nerve pain, and central nervous system disorders.



In one of the early studies, researchers indicated that muira puama was effective in treating disorders of the nervous system and sexual impotence, and that "permanent effect is produced in locomotor ataxia, neuralgias of long standing, chronic rheumatism, and partial paralysis." In 1930, Meiro Penna wrote about muira puama in his book Notas Sobre Plantas Brasilerias. He cited physiological and therapeutic experiments conducted in France by Dr. Rebourgeon that confirmed the efficacy of the plant for "gastrointestinal and circulatory asthenia and impotency of the genital organs."

The benefits of treating impotence with muira puama have been studied in two human trials in France, which reported that muira puama was effective in improving libido and treating erectile dysfunction. In one French study among 262 male patients who experienced lack of sexual desire and the inability to attain or maintain an erection, 62% of the patients with loss of libido reported that the extract of muira puama "had a dynamic effect," and 51% of patients with erectile dysfunction felt that muira puama was beneficial. The second study evaluated positive psychological benefits of muira puama in 100 men with male sexual weakness. The therapeutic dosage was 1.5 g of a muira puama extract daily. In their final report, researchers indicated muira puama could "enhance libido [in 85% of test group], increase the frequency of intercourse [in 100%] and improve the ability to maintain an erection [in 90%]."

In other recent clinical research, muira puama extracts have been reported to have adaptogenic, antifatigue, antistress, and beneficial effects on the central nervous system. A specially-prepared extract from the root of muira puama has been patented for its ability to "relieve physical and mental fatigue" and for "ameliorating a weakened constitution." Researchers in Brazil documented a definite central nervous system effect of the bark in studies with mice. The bark of muira puama also has demonstrated a mild, short-lived, hypotensive effect. The root was found to inhibit stress-induced ulcers, while the leaf demonstrated an analgesic effect. Another U.S. patent has been filed on muira puama, citing that it can "reduce body fat percentage, increase lean muscle mass and lower cholesterol" in humans and animals with long-term use (and with no toxicity noted). The newest research confirms muira puama's traditional use for memory and nervous disorders. Brazilian researchers reported in 2003 that an alcohol extract of muira puama facilitated memory retrieval in both young and aged mice and noted it may be beneficial for Alzheimer's patients. Their next study published in 2004 reported that an alcohol extract of muira puama protected and increased the viability of brain cells in mice (partly through an antioxidant effect) which may be beneficial for stroke victims. Toxicity studies with mice published in 1983 indicates no toxic effects.


While so-called aphrodisiacs have come and gone in history, muira puama has retained its stature and may well provide one of the more effective natural therapeutic approaches for erectile function and libido enhancement. Before trying to self-treat, however, men should always seek the advice of a health practitioner if suffering from erectile dysfunction or impotency; this often can be an early warning sign of vascular insufficiency and/or underlying heart problems.

To achieve the libido and potency effects of this particular plant, proper preparation methods must be employed. The active constituents thought to be responsible for muira puama's potency and libido effect are not soluble in water - taking bark or root powder in capsules or tablets will not be effective because these chemical cannot be digested or absorbed. High heat for at least 20 minutes with alcohol is necessary to free the volatile and essential oils, terpenes, gums, and resins found in the bark and root which have been linked to muira puama's beneficial effects.
Main Preparation Method: tincture Main Actions (in order):
aphrodisiac, tonic (tones, balances, strengthens overall body functions), neurasthenic (reduces nerve pain), antidepressant, central nervous system tonic (tones, balances, strengthens the central nervous system)

Main Uses:

  1. for erectile dysfunction and impotency
  2. as a male aphrodisiac and libido promoter
  3. as a tonic (tones, balances, strengthens) for males
  4. for hair loss and balding.
  5. central nervous system tonic (tones, balances, strengthens) and antidepressant

Properties/Actions Documented by Research:
adaptogen, analgesic (pain-reliever), anti-fatigue, anti-oxidant, antiulcerous, aphrodisiac, central nervous system tonic (tones, balances, strengthens), hypotensive (lowers blood pressure), memory-enhancer, nervine (balances/calms nerves), neurasthenic (reduces nerve pain), neuroprotective (protects brain cells)

Other Properties/Actions Documented by Traditional Use:
antidepressant, anti-rheumatic, anti-stress, astringent, cardiotonic (tones, balances, strengthens the heart), digestive stimulant, gastrototonic (tones, balances, strengthens the gastric tract), hypocholesterolemic (lowers cholesterol), stimulant, tonic (tones, balances, strengthens overall body functions)

Cautions: none

[TD="colspan: 2"]

Traditional Preparation: Since many of the most active principals are not water soluble it is best to prepared this plant as a tincture, using 2-4 ml of a 4:1 tincture twice daily. Boiling the tincture for 20 minutes will help facilitate extraction of the non-water-soluble chemicals. For its tonic effect, one of the traditional remedies is to gently simmer 1 teaspoon of root and/or bark in one cup of water for 15 minutes and take 1/2 to 1 cup daily.

Contraindications: None reported.

Drug Interactions: None reported.

[TABLE="align: center"]
[TD]as an aphrodisiac and for baldness, beri-beri, cardiac weakness, central nervous system problems, diarrhea, flu, gastrointestinal problems, impotence, low libido, neuromuscular problems, paralysis, rheumatism, sexual debility, weakness[/TD]
[TD]as an aphrodisiac and appetite stimulant, and for ataxia, baldness, beri-beri, central nervous system disorders, debility, depression, digestive problems, dysentery, dyspepsia, frigidity, gastrointestinal disorders, heart problems, hookworm, impotence, low libido, menstrual cramps, menopause, neuralgia, nerve problems, neuromuscular problems, nervous exhaustion, ovarian function, paralysis, PMS, poliomyelitis, rheumatism, stress, trauma, weakness (muscle)[/TD]
[TD]as a central nervous system tonic, and for hookworms, menstrual disturbances, rheumatism[/TD]
[TD] Guiana [/TD]
[TD]as an aphrodisiac, stimulant and tonic, and for impotency[/TD]
[TD] Europe [/TD]
[TD]as an aphrodisiac and nerve tonic, and for dysentery, impotence, infertility, menstrual disturbances, neurasthenia [/TD]
[TD] United States [/TD]
[TD]as an aphrodisiac and tonic, and for depression, central nervous system disorders, impotence, menstrual problems, nerve pain, PMS [/TD]
[TD] Elsewhere[/TD]
[TD]as an aphrodisiac and central nervous system stimulant, and for baldness, dyspepsia, exhaustion, gastrointestinal weakness, impotency, infertility, low libido, menstrual irregularities, muscle paralysis, nerve pain, neuromuscular problems, paralysis, reproductive disorders, rheumatism, stress, trauma[/TD]

Tropical Plant Database entry for: Muira puama - Ptychopetalum olacoides

Personalmente l'avevo acquistata per curare una disfunzione sessuale (di cui faticavo a riconoscere l'origine psicologica), ma da subito ho notato la sua grande potenzialita' come tonico ed energizzante. A differenza del caffe', della noce di cola o di betel e di altri tonici naturali, non provoca ansia, tremori e tutti quegli effetti fastidiosi tipici di questa classe di sostanze. Ha una salita piu' o meno lenta, con un picco poco accentuato e una durata piuttosto prolungata (8-14 ore). Il suo effetto e' presente soltanto quando si pone un po' d'attenzione sul proprio stato psico-fisico, percio' non e' mai invadente.

A mio avviso si presta benissimo ad essere usata quando si e' scarichi e per vari motivi bisogna essere attivi e presenti per un'intera giornata/nottata. La cosa bella e' che una volta a letto ci si puo' addormentare senza troppi problemi, anche se l'effetto e' ancora presente. E il giorno dopo ci si sveglia freschi e riposati, senza sensazioni di annebbiamento o di affaticamento metabolico.

Solitamente la uso solo quando ne sento proprio il bisogno, a volte anche per piu' giorni di seguito. Ma nella quotidianita' uso il te' nero, il mate e la maca come tonici generici.

Leggevo su examine.com che in Sud America è noto una bevanda chiamata 'Catuama', come si capisce dal nome è spesso un mix di:

- Muira Puama
- Catuaba
- Guaranà
- Ginger

Catuama is a mixture of the herbs Guarana, Muira puama, Trichilia catigua, and Ginger (their relative concentrations being 40.31%, 28.23%, 28.23%,, and 3.26% respectively).[22] This herbal combination therapy has been noted to have vasorelaxing effects in isolated endothelium via Nitric Oxide[23] (which has also been noted in the corpus cavernosum[24]) and has been noted to fully revert ventricular fibrillation in isolated rabbit hearts at 200µg/mL and protected from induced arrhythmia.[22] This study noted that ginger and guarana in isolation failed to have such effects on the myocardium, but muira puama showed some efficacy although Trichilia catigua at 25µg/mL showed similar potency to Catuama, which outperformed the reference drug of lidocaine at 3&#956;g/mL.[22]

Catuama has also been associated with anti-depressive effects in rodents associated with preventing monoamine (noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin) reuptake.[25]
Ecco inoltre la composizione:

  • Ptychonal and Ptychonal Hemiacetal (exist as mixture and interconvert) in the methanolic extract of bark,[2] which may exist as a series of related structures with Ptychonal I-IV known and I-II existing as a mixture[5]
  • Kolavelool (and 7-oxo-kolavelool) and Kolavenol[5]
  • 7alpha-hydroxykolavelool and 6alpha-7alpha-hydroxykolavelool[5]
  • Hardwickiic acid and 12-oxo-hardwickiic acid[5]
  • Ptychonolide[2] (methanolic extract of bark) and ptycho-6alpha,7alpha-diol[6]
  • 20-O-methylptychonal Acetal[2] (methanolic extract of bark)
  • 6alpha,7alpha-dihydroxyannonene and 7alpha,20-dihydroxyannonene[6]
  • 7alpha-hydroxysolidagolactone I[6]
There are some reports in the past regarding "Muyrapuamin" which state the presence of alkaloids which may be due to taxonomical misclassification; some studies do not note the presence of alkaloids, which do not include the aforementioned diterpenoid structures.[7]
Some other flavonoids and methylxanthines have been reported.[7]


Credo che il 'Catuama' sia un ottimo 'nootropico-stimolante', la catuaba possiamo paragonarla alla cocaina per via di alcuni alkaloidi, ma viene supportata dalla Muira per l'azione stimolante.

Inoltre vi consiglio di dare un occhiata qua a questa risposta sull'ADHD:

Right. Acetylcholine receptor density can be up-regulated by increasing NGF. Lion's Mane increases NGF and ALCAR increases density of NGF receptors.

ADHD can be fixed by increasing signalling in the pre-frontal cortex. This is done by by activating alpha2a adrenergic receptors (activated naturally by norepinephrine) or decreasing cAMP via activating D4 dopaminergic receptors (activated naturally by dopamine). Inhibiting NET not only creates more norepinephrine which activates Alpha 2A receptors, but it also upregulates Alpha 2A and C adrenergic receptor density (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/16417582) over time. Ginkgo, DMAA (geranimine), Strattera, and Methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta) inhibit NET. Guanfacine (Intuniv) activates the alpha 2A receptor directly, as does Clonidine and Oxymetazoline.

Activating the D4 dopamine receptor will decrease cyclic AMP in the prefrontal cortex, thereby fixing ADHD. Schizandrol A, Mu Gua (Flowering Quince), Modafinil, and Methylphenidate inhibit DAT, thereby raising dopamine levels to activate enough D4 receptors. No current compounds are commonly sold that act as selective D4 agonists.

Inhibiting the MAO-B enzyme will raise levels of both norepinephrine and dopamine, thereby activating alpha 2A and D4 simultaneously. MAO-B inhibitors/substrates include deprenyl (irreversible), piperine, emodin, hordenine, and catechin. I've used all the latter, and hordenine is the better one because you can get it in almost pure form, but it is short-lived and useless by itself.

Lastly, increasing your daily intake of methyl donors (Choline, TMG, DMAE (sortof), SAMe, and L-Methionine) and B vitamins (especially B6, B9, and B12) will also aid in monoamine production. Thiamine (Vitamin B1) (tri/di)phosphates release dopamine, so a thiamine analog like benfotiamine or sulbutiamine may help as will probably increasing levels of normal Thiamine.

Hope that helps! Don't repeat it back to me. Haha you like to do that.