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morning glory


Matrice périnatale
14 Sept 2004
does anyone know a good way to escape or reduce the nausea? i'm new to morning glory and the first time i took it (i simply ate about 70 seeds) they tasted totally disgusting. after about 20 minutes i started feeling sick and this feeling only got stronger until i really couldn't keep it down anymore and i threw it all up. after an hour or so i started feeling really good but i don't know if this was from the morning glory or from the wild lettuce tea i had drunken the day before.

also i have read that that morning glory seeds sometimes get sprayed with poison (which makes you throw upà in order to prevent people from eating it. is this the case with the ******* seeds?


Glandeuse pinéale
2 Juin 2004
Although I prefer HBW's to MG's I have done them before...if you're concerned about pesticides it's probably best to wash them then let em dry before atempting to grind them up.

I've found a dramamine tab or "motion sickness" pill at least an hour before ingestion works well to cut down on the nausea. I powered 250 seeds in a coffee grinder "electric" then drank em down with vodka tonic or orange juice. I got some mild effects but nothing spectacular.

7 or 8 HBW's will produce the same effects if not more so. If you do these make sure you scrape the husk off well... there will be less nausea to deal with later.


24 Juil 2003
is this the case with the ******* seeds?

Definitely NOT, many people get sick when doing MG for the first time


Elfe Mécanique
22 Jan 2003
Go with Woodrose seeds instead of MG's.
If you scape to husk off well then there is less nausia.

There is an extraction method that give you nearly no nausia but you really need the patients for it.


10 Oct 2004
ethanol is piss pour for extraction. use water (preferably distilled, but contrary to popular belief tap water works just fine) or some sort of weak acid. u can then either neutralize the acid or if its weak enough (say dilute citric acid) it won't make a difference and u can drink it straight up (and it'll probably taste better too). Something else i have also tried and met with limited success is grinding the peeled seeds and treating them like chewing tobacco. This is somewhat weaker and more wasteful than a simple extraction but still more powerful than ethanol extraction (unless you use everclear, but you said you wanted to get rid of the bad taste so, i assume you'd like to stay under 100 proof). Take heed though, the extraction will still contain some stomach/vascular upsetting chemicals in addition to the desired alkaloids (since the bad stuff is also alkaline like).

I have been on HBW trip since august (4 seeds a day 8-12 on weekends) and i can tell you that it really fucks with your digestive system to eat these things straight up. I won't go into too much detail but i think there is a good reason why your tongue says no to these devilish seeds. extraction is worth the research and the construction (or purchase) of rudimentary lab equipment.


Glandeuse pinéale
2 Juin 2004
I have been on HBW trip since august (4 seeds a day 8-12 on weekends) and i can tell you that it really fucks with your digestive system to eat these things straight up.

:think: why :idontknow:


10 Oct 2004
interesting question... i don't know really...

i've been wondering myself. maybe to see if i could do it without losing my mind. maybe it was an effort to destroy my mind. maybe it was an extended communing with earth and heaven. whatever it was, i'm glad it happened. i definitely feel like i've gained from the experience. plus i don't think there is much to be learned from an alternate reality by visiting only when i want release. that is, when i want to "get high" or whatever the kids are calling it these days. someone who is commited to existing in more than one plane must be willing to spend more than 8 hours in that place even when times get hard i think. that goes for "real" reality as well as "LSA induced" reality. i think its pretty clear that someone who wishes to escape one reality or another (i.e. someone who uses drugs recreationally and does not see the point in a trip longer than 8 hours) is not really fit for the type of exercise that i have proposed. i have doubted my reasons for doing this as i'm guessing you have by your question. sometimes i wondered even started to believe that i was just trying to escape "real" reality. but here i am back in "real" reality (my trip ended on monday) and doin fine. i can't really comment on the psychology behind what i did, as i don't have the proper education but it would probably be deemed some sort of self-medication by a trained psychologist.

I hope this answers your question, i tried to make my reply as complete as possible and now i realize that it got kind of long for which i apologize.

oops... just realized you may have been asking "why?" about the seeds affecting digestion. to answer that question in short, they are not edible and contain all sorts of chemicals people aren't supposed to eat.


Glandeuse pinéale
2 Juin 2004
Ha ha.... no you answered appropriately, much more indepth than my simple question deserved. Anyway I'm not one to judge why anyone does anything... entities know I've done my fair share of things most wouldn't dream of doing. I've ventured to planes of existence that others (obviously not you) would concider stupid and dangerous. I know what you mean by staying there longer than the recomended time limit. I'm getting up in years now (you have to remember I grew up not trusting anyone over thirty) let's say I reached the 4 decade mark (something else I thought I'd never see concidering my past) but none the less am here. So anyway, glad you made it back and return when you feel the need... entities know I will... :cool:s


14 Juin 2004
i just had a ?crazy? mental image.. has anyone ever tried a dosage consisting of ½psilocybe mushies and ½MG or HBW? eg 17g of cubensis and 8g of MG or respectively 7 HBW seeds? would this be a waste or too dangerous, or whatever?

and then perhaps some datura seeds also...but just in case not...


Elfe Mécanique
22 Jan 2003
17G of Mushies??? Are you crazy?
3-5G should be way more then enough.
3G's cubensis + 4 HBWR Seeds should be dreamy. :sunflower:

I couldn't imagine what a HBWR + Cubinis trip would be like. Hummmm.. Funny; I have both in my dresser now. I may experiment this weekend.


14 Juin 2004
17g of wet weight,:grin: thats what i meant, i'm not that crazy yet..:grin: but respectively... my friend once tried 5g of amanita, a small amount of datura, Xtc, 10g of MG... i havent asked him about the trip yet, but i think that it was quite mind blowing do to say...


10 Oct 2004
damn... 4 decades... here i am at 2 and 1/2 thinking i'll never be able to keep dodging bullets like this as the years go on... of course the bullets i'm dodging are coming from the gun in my hand but still...

anyway, probably no more experiments until decembuary when i visit the old village. i'll be sure to post whatever happens (unless its totally lame).


10 Oct 2004
i can tell you that (long term) hbw + psilo = swimming dragons. i remember the night that i combined those two. vaguely. actually at the time my friend J and i were cutting up m. hostilis powder and s. rue for ayahuasca that weekend (irrelevent but interesting side note). he was driving and i was watching dragons swim across the road. there was terrible thunder and lightning in the sky which was tinted green. the thunder and lightning kept creeping closer and closer. it was striking like a machine gun. 3 strikes, then 2 more, then three again. my friend told me later that i was talking like yoda from star wars. interesting but it got me off shrooms for good. i think it may be different for others but there was the fact that the kid who sold me the shrooms told me that they were cubensis, but they were definitely stronger (azurescens maybe... yah, that's how strong they were). i ate about 1/8 and i was on the dream train all the way to the last stop. i jumped off though... some things are not meant to be i think. i think its important to note that this was certainly not my first mushroom experience (and most definitely NOT my first HBW trip). however, most of the mushrooms that i have encountered in the past were cubensis (or comparable potency). anyway, i probably ate too many because i was not careful and listened to someone who was not sure. i guess there's really no new information for you guys here... this was my experience with mushrooms (2.8 g) + hbw (6 seeds) but the conclusion was muddled by the fact that i made some poor decisions on my part.

is it possible to identify dried mushrooms?


10 Oct 2004
i've never tried combining datura with other psychoactives but i have taken it alone a few times. from that i would say the smaller the amount of datura you combine with other drugs the better (lim(datura->0) (datura + x) = happy). unless of course you like the dark hellish introspective sort of trip. i think that especially combining mushrooms with datura could (and most likely would depending on how much is a small amount) potentially turn a trip south. personally, i like the occasional trip south. that might be farther than i'd be willing to go at this point tho...

i'd love to hear about it tho if you care to share!


14 Juin 2004
on my part i would tell you with pleasure the onlu thing is that i dont know (havent asked for much details) and i dont remember coz i was a bit messed up then. and i'm not sure if its polite coz he went to the mental institute some time later, that incident had something to do with it... but if i'll get to know i'll ask wether or not its possible...


10 Oct 2004
youch! i guess it is a bad mix... sorry about your friend's troubles. my friend K spent some time inpatient when we were younger. he was gone for like 2 years. its bad business.


14 Juin 2004
yes, but to give a reminder is that he mixed a lot f substances then... he's quite ok now and still growing hemp..:) that one wasn't nearly as bad as some of the things he told me, some really fucked up shit... but now i've got some MG and i'm going to give it a try, 20g of MG and weEed, and a lot of it...