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More and more difficulties to swallow anything...

  • Auteur de la discussion Guest
  • Date de début


Good evening guys !

As I've started psychedelics only 14 months ago, I'm quite suprised and displeased to realize that I'm starting to have more and more difficulties to swallow anything (THAT'S NOT WHAT YOUR THINKING, YOU PERVERTS !!!), especially DXM pills (which I take every 2 months) and shrooms without having some kind of psychological block that makes me EXTREMELY nauseous if I manage to swallow them, even if really small quantities...

I know that this is psychological, because 1) I didn't felt anything like that when I started psychedelics, 2)Trying to mix the DXM powder from the pills into TONS of sugar didn't helped th and 3) I'm actually sure that I could make myself puke only by thinking of a few DXM pills, even if I'm not feeling scientific enough to try it...

Anyone here is having the same problem ? And do you think that smoking a small joint before trying to swallow those might help ?

Thanks alot ;)


Well maybe some hits of a joint might help.
A friend of mine had the same problem, only with other stuff (pills and such)
but since he smoked a few hits before he didn't get nausiated.

Maybe it's just the fact that you are already thinking about it and it's a kind of nerve thing. I don't say you get nervous, but I think it's kinda the same.
Thinking about doing it and already getting a feeling...


28 Nov 2006
i agree,
me and my friends found out that if you relax eachother, and smoke a joint the nausea goes away,
when you take somethign by yourself its a lot easier to get sick i think

your thoughts are really powerfull, its not easy to convince yourself that you wont get sick, but try to keep a positive mind, only think about enjoyment, fun, good feelings, kinda force yourself to feel fine,
you only need to do that for a short while untill its all swallowed...

but i know....hehe...you should see my face while my teeth are grinding the seeds.....UUUERUGHRGHRHGRHGR.....its a mixture of "i need to puke & a big evil grin"


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
It sounds like you're just making yourself nervous. Try taking something like dramamine; it's only a mild medication for motion sickness, but perhaps even a placebo effect would be enough to psyche you out and make you believe you wont get sick. Of course, smoking a little ganja couldn't hurt.

One of my good friends that eats cactus with us every so often, takes a couple dramamine before drinking san pedro tea. He normally pukes if you look at him the wrong way, but this is enough to help him keep down some green, cactus snot.

I don't know, maybe you just need to quit being a little sissy, girly pants. :D


Well, I always have some friends with me when I try to ingest those things (and yes, they DO call me " little sissy, girly pants ", you sure would fit quite well in our trip, Mr. My-last-friend-is-a-toad :P ), and the only thing that has allowed to swallow anything 'till now was thinking about how great the trip is going to be...

And worse, the nausea is staying for 4-6 hours after taking DXM, I even puked during one of the last trips...

But your answers are surely going to help, I'll look into this dramamine stuff, and keep a joint or two for the next trip :D

Thank you guys !


Sale drogué·e
8 Nov 2005
Don't know for DXM but for shrooms making tea is really a good solution. It also had difficulty eating them but after making tea (with secret ingredient Pickwick Sterrenmix) I even became to like the taste of it.

As for the psychological thing, perhaps it helps to just step out of the room for a moment. I know for myself that I find it even more difficult to eat something I do not like in front of some friends or a crowed. Perhaps its just a combination of being polite and not wanting to trowup in front of people. Or perhaps its just like Brew said, I just a little sissy boy, wel anyway perhaps it will help, it does for me.


Matrice périnatale
3 Fev 2014
Never tried a joint whenever i feel nauseated..i guess i have to try that too as well.


Sale drogué·e
20 Juil 2013
There is a big difference between mushrooms and DXM. DXM is not considered a true (classic) psychedelic.
When you talk about mushrooms and DXM you are talking about two totally different things.

I do not have experience with DXM and i do not know that much about it. I know that DXM can make you nauseous.
I know that DXM is not that good for your health.
Mushrooms can make you nauseous i know from experience. It,s not that common, however it can happen.
When you get nauseous from mushrooms it,s usually in the beginning of the trip.
I think that when you have a healthy lifestyle you do not tend to get nauseous on mushrooms.
So my advise would be, take care of your healthy. Take care of you body and your mind. Eat healthy, work out.
And a little bit of ganja can indeed help against nausea (this is a known fact).


Matrice périnatale
19 Jan 2014
eating shrooms always makes me nauseous tbh, i think its normal


Matrice périnatale
19 Jan 2014
Well maybe some hits of a joint might help.
A friend of mine had the same problem, only with other stuff (pills and such)
but since he smoked a few hits before he didn't get nausiated.

Maybe it's just the fact that you are already thinking about it and it's a kind of nerve thing. I don't say you get nervous, but I think it's kinda the same.
Thinking about doing it and already getting a feeling...

That will probably help