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Je m'inscris!

just a little thought of mine


Alpiniste Kundalini
22 Mai 2007
just a little thought that got into my mind lately :P thought idd share :roll: its purely theoretic and I guess its very well possible you dont agree. As maybe neither do I. Probably factual isn't even right but oh well, I just liked the thought :P XD

Lets agree that DMT could be a substance that transports you to another dimension. This should be the dimension that you travel to in your sleep, every night the DMT is created in your pinealgland and later destroyed again. When DMT is smoked its destroyed again very soon i guess. Or perhaps it isnt destroyed but used, i dunno.
- would this mean that if you take massive amounts of MAOI (or similar things) before you got to sleep this could perhaps trigger lucid dreaming :)?-
so you are launched into hyperspace, but your body takes you back every night.
When you die, you produce a huge amount of DMT, which would probably mean you are launched into hyperspace. Though your body would stop breaking down the DMT. This would mean death would be a one way ticket to hyperspace...Or perhaps not. Perhaps there is a possibility in hypserspace to travel back into this dimension and reincarnate. But well this becomes even more speculative as my thoughts before...

I hope you enjoyed my little theory :twisted:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Well basically you’re correct. This is exactly what happens in my view; DMT as the key to the doorway in and out of finite reality through death and into eternity. It’s a recycling mechanism for information and experience in and out of the physical dimensions, which too are infinite whilst being finite.

I don’t think taking lots of MAOI's would potentiate lucid dreaming as to be more poignant than a ‘normal’ dream state and this could be dangerous to do whilst unconscious anyway. Besides, if you were to go deeper into a hyperspatial perception through your own mind during REM sleep then I would think the dilated profanity of the experience would be shut out from your memory of the experience itself and so you would not be able to recall it when you awake. And I don’t think there's enough DMT released during regular sleep to propel you into the same states and release that death or smoking DMT bring to the human consciousness.

The doorway is your ego and DMT is the key. Once the ego (thus body) cesses to exist, the spirit of experience that once made you rejoins the constant of experience in the universe from which all life spawns and to which all life returns in death.

A microcosm of this process can be summed up in the death of a star: once it dies, all its physical makeup expand in a nebula and give rise to other stars, thus planets and life. The essence of matter is all still there, as is the conscious experience that accompanied the ‘life’ of that matter. Its self perpetuation of a simple 1 and 0 system that drives all things; its both one and many, lives forever yet experiences death over and over again. This process is infinite just as the scale that it operates on is infinite in all directions and dimensions.

Hyperspace is simply consciousness without the limit or bounds of matter which is the tool for which this experience of consciousness grows and expands.
It really is quite a simple yet an incredibly complex system.
Its fun to be somewhere in the middle of all of it :D



Alpiniste Kundalini
22 Mai 2007
:) this leaves the question what state other entheogenic/psychedelic substances invoke...

buffachino a dit:
I don’t think taking lots of MAOI's would potentiate lucid dreaming as to be more poignant than a ‘normal’ dream state and this could be dangerous to do whilst unconscious anyway. Besides, if you were to go deeper into a hyperspatial perception through your own mind during REM sleep then I would think the dilated profanity of the experience would be shut out from your memory of the experience itself and so you would not be able to recall it when you awake. And I don’t think there's enough DMT released during regular sleep to propel you into the same states and release that death or smoking DMT bring to the human consciousness.

actually, i've just read through some pure syrian rue reports on erowid. It looks like it does potantiate dreams (both while under influence and the nights after)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Although being so different in their actions on the body, all act in a way that produces profound change in the perception of the universe; 'time', space, dimension, expansion or contraction.
Looking infinitely at finite points or looking at infinity through finite points.

A subset or facet of the exact same state; yet subjectively more prominent or underplayed according to the substance and the individual. Some may act more heavily on ones own corporeal variables such as memory and emotion ect. But each and all are still experiences in degrees of infinite perception, through a multitude of physical parameters concerning individual traits, vices and precepts. One shouldn’t see any of the substances considered psychedelic or even any substance at all as separate apart from their categorical standing, although their actions can be so diverse and varied; these categories do not indefinably extend to all being other than human reaction, which too is subjective.

If there’s anything the tryptamine experience shows you it’s that everything is uniform apart from their facet. Red and green are different colours yet both are products of light; different whilst being the same. That’s why someone on an acid trip can relate to concepts and visual occurrences with someone on mushrooms, DMT or mescaline or any other psychedelic because of their close proximity in effect. Yet again, you get heroin and cocaine etcetera which close this perception in the opposite manner, further embellishing the finiteness of human perception rather than breaking it down to a level of uniformity, clarity and utter confusion. So they both enact on the same basic mechanism, whilst not physically of course; one subset opens this door and one closes it behind another or set of doors pertaining to pleasure and conformability in a known and unchanged perception of what seems like reality. The individuals will plays a specific role in both open and closed states of mind during an experience, thus coupled with their own physical psyche, body and the substance utilised generates a technicolour of possible effects; all spinning left or right according to their polarity to open or close perception.

So I hope you can see that the only real difference in each psychoactive substance is only a tapestry of experienced effects woven into a boundary of categorisation; as a means of attempted control. Just like there can be an entire range of personalities that one individual can express. Its simple yet its impossible to pinpoint anything.

Hope this makes sense. I feel as though I get carried away sometimes with concepts you guys barely or only partly understand from my point of view. This is really an amalgam of all that I have read and experienced and is hard to convey entirely without spawning further questions.
