
  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Illegalsmile
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Alpiniste Kundalini
i thought maybe the forum could put together stickys on all the psychoactive categories that explain the basics of the substance and give a general understanding of it with pictures.

it would be a fun research project for the people that want to help
and the users could post feedback and questions on the topic
just an idea. any thoughts?
Good idea .
Well.. I'm not sure how useful that would be, since there is already tons of information out there.. Personally, between google wikipedia and erowid, I find all the info I need, and I come here to read experiences, and ask people about their thoughts.

Maybe more appropriate would be a thread including all the resources relating to the subject (sites like erowid.. or various FAQs/Guides that you have found relating to a certain substance..example:

Or if you really wanna do it, go ahead no one's stopping you..I'm sure the mods will sticky it as long as the information is truthful and well organized.

I would like it, especially for the substances that are a bit less common than shrooms. I've read a lot about the precautions when to take shrooms, so I don't need that.
But info about how to best have a trip on ketamine for example would be appreciated. Just everything in one post, I think many people would like that and it would prevent people from opening up new threads with common questions.

I know Erowid is a great info base by the way, but it's not always easy to find the things you're looking for.
ochho a dit:
Well.. I'm not sure how useful that would be, since there is already tons of information out there.. Personally, between google wikipedia and erowid, I find all the info I need, and I come here to read experiences, and ask people about their thoughts.

Maybe more appropriate would be a thread including all the resources relating to the subject (sites like erowid.. or various FAQs/Guides that you have found relating to a certain substance..example:

Or if you really wanna do it, go ahead no one's stopping you..I'm sure the mods will sticky it as long as the information is truthful and well organized.


I fully support erowid and other resources for people who want to know more but this would be a more "personal" and helpful way

When I was new to street art and was browsing around graffiti artist forums, I found stickys that had brief explanations of the types of graffiti and made it very easy for me to pick up the culture
this could help this forum too

for example maybe a couple short paragraphs and pictures about the history of cannabis, methods of consumption, slang, myths, "tips from the wise"

all sorts of fun shit

and while i am willing to put in work to make this happen, I will also need help as I am not as experienced as most users on this forum.

so if there are people willing to type up some shit (pictures, diagrams, videos, tips, etc.) we can talk about it here.

maybe I will post templates for the info and each person that wants to can fill out one and post it.

then we could pick and sort it all out
Google , wiki and erowid should be banned . All often do more damage than they help . They are good to get a perspective but not definately facts . ( In wiki cannabis and fly agaric are good examples . The fact that pages can and do get changed within a few minutes of one looking something up is a pain in the arse ) .

This is my big thing about the net . A few years ago one could write a word into google and within a few seconds one had thousands of relevant answers . Now one gets hundreds of thousands of answers that are either adverts or sick blogs by people talking about things that they havent got a clue about . Todays generation seems to me to have been mentaly castrated and has lost the ability to think . ( This site often proves that ) . They seem to believe that whats in the internet is fact .
GOD a dit:
erowid should be banned . All often do more damage than they help .

What? You should be banned by saying this... The correct information at Erowid is so amazingly huge and helpful, that the damage it does is not even coming close.

You should write an email to Erowid saying you're sorry...
Why should i be sorry that erowid is shit ?

The idea of an archive is a good one ...... BUT.......only if its made of facts and not like erowid wich is not . The information in erowid is good . ( = the parts that are true / are facts ) . The problem is that people who are looking for facts need facts and not personal opinions presented as facts . Just because they havent got the facts means that they are not in the position to read lots of erowid and understand what is personal opinion and what is fact .

I dont understand how you can not protest about what i said about wiki and google but you can protest about the erowid bit . I see no difference .

But there is an internet thread to talk about such things .
I would love to see, that there are members who would be active and trying to improve the community, by making information more clear or improving psychonaut in other ways.
after spending more time on this idea i have concluded that a template would not work for this because these substances are too different to be mapped out in the same way.

but there are a few key things i think we should go over in every substance.

Etymology: The name and its origins.

Pictures: I also think this should go hand in hand with how to identify it.

Dosage: also safety tips i the event of too much

Methods of Consumption: the different ways to do it and the effects of them

Rumors and myths: This would dispel all the false facts about the substance.

Words of wisdom/Helpful tips: People can submit their tips and we can pick the top 5 or something.

any other ideas can be posted

regardless of how good it is at first, we can always post more additions and feedback to it after it is up, shaping it into what we want.
Maybe it would be good to start with the site wiki as a template and just fill it in . As far as i`m concerened the site wiki would be bettter as a series of stickys . The problems being the size , the quality of "information" and sticking to facts , wich would cause MAJOR arguments here , for instance about DMT , Flyagaric and saliva .

Another alternative would be to take erowid and edit it . BUT erowid is so full of SHIT it would take years and posibly cause civil wars .
i thought about the wiki template
but i want our sticky to be personal and as if you're talking to a person who has never heard of it before

wiki would not tell you about how to handle bad deals
roll a good joint, make a bong out of any bottle. etc.
I had to look and put together info from all over to learn the different ways of smoking.
so now i would like to make a friendly guide that saves the others time

wiki is long, but i did (and probably will) look at it for reference if we make these things
Do it the other way round then and maybe use things from the wiki in your project .

How do you think the actual doing of it could be organised ?
it could be composed in pm's back and forth between the people making it or on the forum (either on this one or a special topic)

this would depend on how many people want to help

and as i said before, after it is posted up and stickied, people can post feedback and their own added pieces if they wish which, if good enough, can then be edited into the post

this forum is full of helpful people. I think it will grow.
Either youll have to do it in private with whoever wants to help or youll have to have 2 threads . One to talk about things and one , a stickey where people cant post , to post the results on the forum .

Its a LOT of work . Your also going to have massive problems keeping facts and opinions in their places .

Has anyone else shown interest in doing the work ?
it will
but Im a person with time and ideas
and nothing else to do at night.
i think it would be a cool little thing

ill get started on some of it soon and i would love it if people want to help
there will be plenty of it to go around
I'd like to help...but i don't always have the time, nor the patience, nor the humbleness...and like GOD said it's really hard to keep it cold and mathematical. specially when there are overenthusiastic people who are unable to see the truth in front of their nose :roll: ... for example myself...i'm very VERY biased towards cannabis i shouldn't even get close to talking about it.
But i really like your idea :)
it's very constructive and inspiring i wish you luck and i'll try to help here and there when i have time :D