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Je m'inscris!

I don't know the title


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
I'm sorry if I sound confusing to anyone. I'm gonna try the best to express the feelings that I'm experiencing in my sober states. I'm not sure to many people feel this way, but if you do, what do you do about it? Maybe I'm just being irrational. But anyways My friend and I were going to trip on 5 grams of mushrooms together next weekend. I was excited for the trip, as I was going to do it alone, but thought he would be a good parnter to trip with. Two others wanted to join, one also agreeing to do 5 grams and the other; it was his first time tripping and I didn't feel comfortable with him consuming such a high dose on my highest dose yet. He wasn't interested in doing such a high dose, and wanted to do a dose aroudn 2-3 grams. Reasonable. But on my first high dose, which i've learned earlier in life, I don't like tripping with people who are not tripping, or are tripping for not spritual growth. And I know this kid is not into it for his own spritual growth, and he is just there to get high off something(I know this because he told it to me). I also do not like tripping with someone not on the same or realitivly same dose level, as what I will be experiencing on 5 grams will not be the same as he is experiencing on 2-3 grams. He will most likly have a eurphoric trip while I will proabably just want to lay down and be taken over by music. So then I decided to just say I want to trip by myself, as I would feel bad leaving him out and letting the others come. They then decided to trip by themselves at a different location then me. I get this feeling when I know people are going to be using this very sacred substances for not that reason. I know that his happens ALL over the world, and there is nothing I can do about it, but it seems like I still should try to stop it in some way. I knew that my father was right. He told me that it's not the psychedelic experience that would hurt me, it's all the knowledge that comes with it that is the killer. I'm now relizing that he was right. Maybe I should have listened and never got into psychedelics till I was older and could process this knowledge at a different rate/be able to handle it. Dose anyone else feel this way at all.

Sorry if this makes zero sence to no one, but I hope that someone out there can give me some advice to almost close out these feelings that I have. Or maybe they are natural and it's part of using the substances. Why must we live in such cruel world. :(


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Hey man; I think we’ve all been in this situation before and it’s natural to want to introduce elements of your social group to the world of psychedelics; at least those who aren’t disposed to such things anyway.

This comes out of some need to express the wealth of information and experience one gains from using mushrooms or any entheogen in an attempt to both clarify and enhance this enlightened state for you and those you love. Sharing and spreading the reality of life.
But this can be more destructive than bettering for the people involved, including you. The entire concept with mushrooms is that when they know that the mind in question is fertile and ready to accept this abundance of cosmic knowledge that streams into your mind whilst in the midst of a trip; this comes after the person in question proves themselves to the cosmos and open their mind within the constraints of both the ego and the material before venturing outside these perceived barriers of reality to gain a new and more infinite perspective on existence.

It seems, or as you have described, that the friends you are planing to trip with or at least supply these sacred sacraments to, are not in it for anything other than both a consciousness numbing high and or an escape or crotch for their constricted views on reality. Their objective is to simply say they have done it; for some trophy consumption or as a meaningless escape. You should be well aware of the mushrooms immense power by now and should be careful about whom you discuss them and psychedelics in general with, let alone provide them for.
Their experience will no doubt manifest in a mind shattering loop or disassociation by which your friends, even those who have some experience, are in no way ready for. It’s all how well adjusted they are to welcome the unknown and face the truth of their existence. I would be reluctant to give them any at all let alone a small dose, even to give them slight euphoria and to them, a pointless light show. Its a desecration, which I myself can sadly say at some point was responsible for; I gave a dose to someone who did not deserve the experience let alone was in a position to understand it in any way.

It’s that quote from the matrix...
Morphias: After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends; you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Know this; all I offer is the truth, nothing more.

Either attempt to discuss the entire expanse of psychedelia to them, or if they aren’t willing to acknowledge and listen; just don’t bother. If they are destined to take mushrooms and become enlightened to some extent, they will do so on their own accord without your intervention. Just delve within yourself and have a solo journey; I’m sure I will meet you there in hyperspace for I too am having a high dose mushroom trip this very weekend. All my love and good luck!



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
It seems to me that you have the "problem" not them .


10 Avr 2007
I agree with buffachio and your fathers pov.. however(not saying drugs are good in any manner or scence), the knowlege that is despenced in this manner of alternative communication is invaluable. tho it may or maynot haveany conequnce of the manner of controlof life its self, the fundimental view and conseption on how you see life is changed and true angles may not be seenby the drug/experiance itself, but by the comapison of the angles it has allowed you to see. Hence expanding you point of view.

remember ''spirtual growth'' is not always realizing a good thing, sometimes it shows you a great side to dilute the hidden truth.. such is the reality we are born and made to believe... staying away from the whole matrix consept of thinking of course. The matrix ''as a movie'' itself is a -construct- think of it.. most people who have these experinces come about saying they were in a matrix experaince.. or thier eyes are opened now.. only not thinking that they wer shut in the first place to be opened afterwards.

Tho the matrix consept is great, brilliant by most if not all aspects, thet truth in fact is that there is no movie or book that can revele such truth becaued the truth lays in areas in which human mind creates angled conclusions by construct created univeraly and the base of the construct is removed.

Maby dont do anything for a while.. if you are worried. At least you know more that what you knew before.

Remember what you see everday is part of the illusion everyday, right then right there.

and now you see things arent peachy, they are indeed cruel.. i am sure you never thought ther were great in the first place. At least now you ''see'' more.

It seems to me that you have the "problem" not them .

^Ignore this like this people like this will only get you down.

-so as in life as well (trust me).


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
It seems to me that you have the "problem" not them .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Enlighten yourself and light will guide your path; not a need to satisfy your friend desires for escapism, fear and loathing. It’s all just a rebellious, fruitless joke for those who are uninformed; which turns quite quickly into destruction and constricts the cage around the real psychonauts even further.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
As one person definately missunderstood me maybe i should clarify what i meant before . I didnt want to put you down . The inverted comas on the word problem were supposed to mean that its not realy a problem . You sound like a loving , honest , intelligent person and you have luck that you can talk to your dad and your uncle about things like that .I meant that you got yourself into the situation and only you can get yourself out of it or do it , one way or the other , if thats what you decide to do . Maybe it`s a lesson to show you to be carefull in what situation you get yourself into ?

You didnt say what mushrooms you were going to take 5 grams of ?

What do you mean by spiritual growth ? and how do you distinguish that from getting high ? and what is not so good in getting high ? Getting high leads people to look at their lives in a different way and change themselves , to become more spiritual .

I dont think it makes any or much difference weather one takes more than the other as long as you all take it together .

It`s good to hear that you are thinking about what you do but it seems to me that you might be projecting things on him / them . What is a kid ? And why should he / they have any more to deal with than you did on your first trip ? I think that they will probably see you as an experienced person , their guide and take your example and probably lie down to . If they respect you enough to trust you and do it with you because you have more experience you should trust yourself to be able to help them if its a bit to much for anyone . They dont know the difference , if you dont tell them . Together is good for them especialy if you have more experience . You will all grow spiritualy , everyone starts by testing things , you cant expect them to have the same knowledge as you if they have no experience . If you look here on this site you will see that the most people are doing it for recreational reasons . Why dont you show them how to do it "properly" , teach them a ritual . Explain to them the seriousness of what they are doing without frightening them . Tell them that it`s a ritual that people have done for hundreds of thousands of years , a privalidge . I am 51 and have had lots of trips and led lots of rituals . I am aprehensive every time , i dont know the people sometimes and dont know how they will react , its a good sign and perfectly normal to be concerned . I have never seen anyone realy have a negative experience when they see me as being their "guide" , together we look after each other , we show that we care and it works . Dont try to control them just let it flow and try to lead it in a loving direction . If you get concerned about what is happening change the set and setting , maybe take them for a walk , that always works for me .

Here is an example :- A friend of mine took some friends deep see fishing for their first time, in a small rowing boat !!!) near the lafoten in the north see off norway . In germany they say "Nord see , Mord see" ( Mord means murder ) . Suddenly a BIG storm came up and he started to row back in the direction he thought land was in . He realised that he was beeing driven in the wrong direction and as one of the others asked him if everything was ok , he realised that they saw him as their experienced leader , that he was responsible for them and that they trusted him , so he smiled and said that there was no problem . He started to sing and they joined in and had fun . Eventualy they reached land and everything was ok . They didnt realise what was happening . He told me afterwards that he nearly shit his trousers with fear .

I`m not sure what your father and uncle mean , what experience they have and what they are trying to achieve by saying what you say they said . Knowledge is not a killer and i think your father could have chosen a better word . Maybe you should show them this and if you or they want to talk to me i`d be happy if you / they replied in this thread or with a personal message . If i can help you i will .

It definatly does make sense what you say and those feelings are normal and natural , we all see the good and bad sides of everything , don`t worry about it , its part of being an adult . Thats how life is , accept it and learn from it .


Alpiniste Kundalini
22 Mai 2007
Idd like to give your story a little twist, if i may ;)?

I agree taking mushrooms "just to get high" really isnt the good way to take them. But however, and especially when your friend takes a high dosage, it will give him insight in the "why" to take them...so the reason would be wrong but the results would teach him what his reason should be. ;)

Dunno if my little twist got truth, but if it does, you could just help someone to come to think of it the same way you do ;)

Dunno if you agree, dunno if i agree with my point, but its nice to see another perspective too, right ;), may it be wrong or right, or neither of those...

It’s that quote from the matrix...
Morphias: After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends; you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Know this; all I offer is the truth, nothing more. "

Together with "Have you ever had a dream Neo that you where so sure it was real. What if you where unable to wake from that dream. How would you know the differance between the dream world, and the real world?"

While hearing this text in the song "1200 mics- DMT" a few days after my last trip, I really understood the meaning of this.
I had a moment in my trip that i understood All. just for a single moment. After this moment i become obsessed by the matrix (not in the movie way tough) and rambled about it for about 3 hours straight. And let me say, I'm normally not so obsessed with these things....(though i am interested in some theories)

Anyway, the friends I trip with are not really into the thing for spiritual growth either (or they just dont show it, nor say it) tough some of them did really have spiritual moments, and i guess they DID learn form that ;) so i guess i agree to some extent with my above statement that the reson is not always anywhere near the outcome...

greetz :)


21 Août 2007
There are several ways one could go about this.
One way would be to pursue a solo path & try to find people who know how you feel. But you will have to be able to learn how to recognise them.
Might take a long time that way & you could get lost or bogged down. Maybe it'll be fast & it'll happen like in a book ? Maybe if you challenged yourself to witness the experience of others & to not feel uncomfortable with it, just accepting things as they are, relaxing enough to let these tiny blocks dissolve, then you'd advance far more swiftly along your path. These 'others' whilst not following the same path are part of the same world you are exploring. To not wish to perhaps intersect slightly during a trip could rob you of valuable experience. The pathway has many people along it, some may be able to help you, some may need your help, it may be enough for someone to just wander along with you for a bit & you with them. The fact is that the pathway you have taken is to free all the bindings & trappings that stop one floundering around do nothing of any interest to anyone, including oneself.
This is only a suggestion, a hint at possibilities.
You really shouldn't become dogmatic with your quest for spiritual balance.


21 Août 2007
Of course you don't need to listen to my advice, but I permitted to give it as I've been in a similar state. Had friends who'd drop acid for having fun, enjoying hallucinations & the feeling of going somewhere together. I sat apart feeling that I was on some deeper quest to understand the nature of existence. It didn't stop me tripping with them, because regardless of the reasons, these were my friends & who was I to claim what I was doing had more value or relevance than their trips ? So we'd trip together yet apart. I actually realised that the 'spiritual' trip was overdone & saturated with flakes telling the world they were weird, unique, powerful, magical, & beyond & above ordinary people. Some claimed to love the ordinary people & they did love them in a funny sort of way, but the love was based on conditions, they would treat the 'ordinary people' as children, babies, sometimes cute & funny, but sometimes annoying & a disturbance to their peace. So they loved them from afar like an absent parent who has more important things to do. Made me realise that to enter into their world I needed to be like them & cut myself off from the world around me & become a sort of philanthropic misanthropist. 'I understand we are all one, but we are all unique so leave me to pursue my path in peace'. It's a very very very lonely path to tread down. It's long & tiresome & you sometimes wish to cease to exist just to make something happen. You move away from all that is natural to your being & become a shadow of yourself. If you are truly prepared to take this longer road then be prepared for a long long long slow walk as half the world is in there following the same path, each with an added crutch of course. As it's so crowded there is always a lot of tension & people are colder & more agressive. Unfortunataly there's nothing you can do to change it, that's part & parcel of the world. Either you plough forward & hope that you are strong enough to build yourself the right sort of shielding to protect yourself & become a collecter of curiosities which you only show to a few 'choice' people, or you let go of all the bullshit & realise that the open road is the one that always leads home.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
Thank you for all your advise and tips. Everything seemed to work out perfect. Me and my friend T both took 5 grams of potent mushrooms around 6 pm. My friend T learned the power of the mushrooms, and I was completely blown away. The others did not take mushrooms because they simply were not interested. This trip has changed my life and my friend T's life forever. It seemed that we became much closer in our friendship after this trip. T told me in the morning that he understands all the stuff that I was trying to tell him before he had such a high dose. ( i guess i finally truly understand what my dad and uncles were trying to say, i dont just forward it to my friends with out experience backing it up)

thanks again,peace