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How to work up to taking DMT?


Matrice périnatale
27 Mai 2013
So originally, I posted this inquiry on the forums of grasscity. Obviously enough, it was taken down due to the speak of drugs other than cannabis, so I have been searching far and wide as to where I can finally get a personalized answer to my questions about hallucinogens, and ultimately, DMT. This is currently under the DMT thread because that is the overall view of this post, but other drugs will be discussed as well. If this needs to be moved, then so be it. Anyways, back to the question:

I have been smoking cannabis for some time now. I am extremely happy, and almost in love with the herb. It's medicinal and recreational purposes are of great value to me, and using it has been life-changing and one of the most important decisions of my life, as it has launched me into a whole world of mind-altering and exploring what can be achievable by myself, a human being. I know most of you don't think cannabis is a very intense drug, probably a mild hallucinogen, if even that. To me, it's the 'hardest' drug i've done, and like to do research before moving onto other things which has led me here.

For about a month now I have been researching hallucinogens and the effects they can have on people. I have seen almost nothing but positive feedback from people who were ready to explore their mind when they took the drug [note; almost all the negative accounts have come from people who were not ready, or didn't seem so]. These things used to scare me, but I have embraced them now and want to experience them for myself. I know not where to start, however.

I don't know how I could compare salvia to psilocybin to DMT to LSD other than they are all hallucinogens. The accounts I have seen and heard from people seem to indicate to me that using salvia as a stepping-stone to the more intense experiences of DMT, LSD, or psilocybin would be a good idea, but at the same time I am not so sure. Should I try salvia to see how I can handle hallucinogens? Or should I simply go straight into DMT? I am more interested in DMT than the latter two due to the spritiual/dream-like state you go in, and the communication with yourself on a level you cannot fathom until it is experienced. I have many problems under my belt from depression to suicide attempts due to a poor connection with my family. I want to be freed of these chains that bind me to my past, I want to be free to think differently and live a better life, but I need guidance.

Thanks in advance, if not for answering, then for reading my issues.


8 Avr 2013
I myself have been healed of creative illness from psychedelics and now am a therapist but I would say that was in a ceremonial context. Working with shamans drinking ayahuasca in the Amazon Basin. Do you like rollercoasters? If not DMT could terrify you but then terror is ok. I am more inclined to sacred use of plants, San Pedro (mescaline), Psilocybin, ayahuasca LSA etc but I have taken recreationally but even now when I smoke DMT I shamanic journey with my sleep mask on to learn from the spirits.
I would suggest starting easy with a low dose of LSA, not LSD AND make sure you have an experienced psychonaut or shaman/therapist (language is so tentative) hard to describe. Basically someone to help encourage you to let go of control during the experience.
I always set an intention b4 any experience, even into my cups of Kratom tea or canniis joint as I beleive in spirit and I ask the plant spirit to teach me/show me something to progress and help others. Of cause we all have different opinions and reasons for consuming psychedelics :-)
If you wanna chat properly add me and I'll try to help. Simply I feel that if your intention is good hearted as It sounds like it is, to progress conciously and be a kinder more loving person aND NOT JUST TO TRIP BALLS THEN your experiences will be beneficial. Just remember it's not all unicorns and rainbows as my shaman would always tell me. Lol :-)



Matrice périnatale
27 Mai 2013
do you have any other suggestions to LSA? Maybe Salvia? I don't know if salvia is a similar trip but LSA seems a pain to get plus I don't want to throw up from crushing morning glory seeds...

piou piou

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Fev 2012
1 309

Salvia may look like an easy way to access psychedelics. Yes it is, because this is legal. And if you chew it, it will go easy. But, smoked, it can get pretty scary. And the trip induced is not really explainable, or usable to change your way of thinking of life etc. It could be a litteraly LOL trip, or a fucking scary trip, or just a mild visual trouble with a thousand spines piercing thru your body. Or something else. Oh, salvia scares me :D
You could say Salvia looks like DMT because it is short and it kicks your ass. LSD, LSA, Shrooms experiences lasts much more much. Chimically, Salvia doesnt look like DMT at all. And the experience is totally different.

I do not think there is a way to access psychedelics but to begin with low dosages if you don't want to get your ass kicked. Some begun with a fat blotter of LSD and ended in their bathroom looking at their reflect on the water tap for 2 hours. Some had the best experience of their life. It is random. Well, not really imo, but we are not qualified enough to judge if you are able or not to trip the fuck out with half a milligram of LSD., which represent 5 times the usual dose on a blotter nowadays.

I would like to explain you how psychedelics are dangerous and maybe not what you need. (Maybe it is, but maybe it is not.) But the subject is so large I can't manage to explain you, sorry.

In my opinion, do not have too much hope in psychedelics.

And be FUCKING careful if you EVER do it with a shaman. Do NTO forget a shman is someone you do nto know who will be near you while you wil be in a totally altered state of mind. Do not forget shamanism is a "science" or "art" or "job",- I don't really know - developped in tribes taht you, occidental, do NTO understand. they do NOT see life as we do, do NOT have the same marks as we do.

Take care, and, more importantly, have fun. Have Fun, really :)

(I assumed you would smoke DMT and I am not a "pro" or something)


8 Avr 2013
LSA won't make you throw up dude, well if you swallowed them whole maybe! :-) I grind mine up, 5gms for a mild visual trip, 10gms for a reality splitting nightmare :-)

Salvia is an awesome trip if you like being lost in space and can let go of control pretty well, some people cannot. I for one never could and I still get terrified now but it passes pretty quick.

I love Psilocybin (shrooms) as a low dose is joyful and giggly but a high dose can be very enlightening and healing.

Ayahuasca, mescaline (peyote, San Pedro) and oral DMT I find to be the strongest but also most connected to the one divine and most most healing. Also visually and emotionally. This can work both ways though, extreme terror which I believe to be the dissolving of the ego so it's all good :-)

Have fun.