maybe one question could be what the mind has got the do with itches... it's interesting to think about... for example the idea of a body-mind and how the "real mind" lol is connected or is it in some sense... mind you, i am only speculating a little bit here...
so this could mean your body wants you to really focus on your mind or vice versa or something similar?? anyway... another thought that i got was that a problem with relaxing is often probably the constraint/compulsion to relax. i found myself often thinking about how i should relax instead of really trying to relax or actually relaxing... if you tell yourself "i must to this or that" or "i must relax" too much wouldn't it be logical that because of that it wouldn't work in all cases or so? it's also a common wisdom that trying too hard ( or maybe not enough???) can lead to failing...
so yeah i guess it's a bit like "just do it" or so... maybe ask your heart a little bit more "how it feels"...
i had moments of restlessness too... in my experience it often was more uncomfortable than comfortable...
this tells me, that our culture and society didn't always cope and/or understood really well with stress...
it's probably the balance aspect. i mean like it can be good to relax, but it can also be good to do something.
got to ask yourself what exactly and/or what approximately you would want to do or the other way round, what you don't want to do and find your way from there. and then of course maybe the idea of relaxing while doing something... however not totally sure what all that would mean or so...
a vedic astrologer who has some videos on youtube said that "some people don't even synchronize their body moment with their breath"... i think this is very interesting... how the heart frequency connects it all... from an esoteric perspective the heart is what connects the upper and lower body..
and i would say as far as i understand it, at least in some sense the breath can be seen as the "spirit" or so... hope that helps!!!! 8)