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8 Juin 2010
would anyone every want to be homeless by chioce? ive been thinking about it for a few years and the idea of it is becoming more and more attractive. Just leaving everything behind and devoting your life to find food and shelter. To me it seems more exciting than the shackles and trivialness of modern society. Maybe im just mad :rolleyes: who knows? Any one else ever feel this way?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Sept 2011
16 405
I'm planning on leaving my job for a year and go with a friend on a truck to work on small jobs during our tour through Europe. I don't know if it's the same kind of trip you're looking for.


8 Juin 2010
its simular. its still in the direction of living a simpler life which is what I am after so i can devote thought and time to what really matters to me. I dont want to graduate college and be part of the rat race, working towards a meaningless end. Europe sounds like an awsome place, have fun.


No, definitely not. I get the appeal of a wilder lifestyle à la Kerouac/Thoreau and that kind of crowd, but I don't think I'd have the guts for it.

I dont want to graduate college and be part of the rat race

Maybe it's an American thing (although I clearly feel it coming in Europe too) but can't you go to college because you want to get a good education? Being able to get a job from it is important, but there's more to it than just that.

(of course nothing prevents you from learning on your own, but if you can afford it - and in the US, many people can't, right? - don't dismiss college mate!)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Sept 2011
16 405
Yes I would advise too to get a proper education. Without that, your mental horizons could be limited. Even if it's difficult to get along the others, you will learn many things.

And you could (or not) get a diploma. Even if it's just a "spare wheel". If the lifestyle you're talking about don't suit you or get you too tired, you will have what it takes to get back on "tracks".


21 Juil 2007
5 922
i think what you're talking about is like really connecting more with people basically and/or to try it on your own kinda thing to find your path etc etc... because the modern society issue that i see is that they pretend to work/live together or whatever but in reality are just alone rather paradoxically, or at least that's how it appeared to me, it seems weird and the reasons for that mostly seem rather obscure.
it's like an ego kind of thing...it's like they are so gridlocked or so in their perspective/paradigm of reality that the mental imprisonment that follows defines the lack of ability to really experience life or so... know what i mean??

also i would suggest that the kind of leap of faith you are talking about may include very much to find out about who really are etc etc... like investigating your relationship to god... because it does seem like a quest for self realization and therefore a quest for wisdom and knowledge... there are so many levels to it and life is indeed much much deeper than how a lot of "modern society and civilisation etc etc" seem to make it appear like. but you better take a closer look at yourself and within yourself instead, because that's where the truth lies (pun not intented lol).

the tunnel vision that a lot of people have is just so negative that it isn't worth to buy into that shit. maybe you have friends where you can sleep or know of the project couchsurfing (http://www.couchsurfing.com)... :wink: very recommended i don't know a lot of people from there but those that i met were all without exception really very nice and good people...

but i also kind of agree with what someone before said... like you could possibly use some of the shit for your own benefit without buying too much into it or so... weigh it up / ponder and do what REALLY makes sense to YOU...

we're here to learn.... 8) :P



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Its very fun. I kind of pseudo did it. I went to the west coast and slept in a national park a few times illegally, beautiful. I went to portland oregon and slept under a bridge one night with a homeless crowd (all by choice). It was fun except they were all very stupid. They were smart, but stupid, you know? Like they hated money and everything but didn't know why so they abused their bodies, were always trying to get "fucked up", etc. I hated portland but I loved what I learned from it.

I then slept on the side of a high way the next night, woke up to a girl collecting cans (god she was gorgeous though, very weird).

Its very fun. Don't commit to it - have goals, have aspirations, have some kind of meaning to your life other than drifting and getting free shit off of other people, but the knowledge and experience you gain is incredible. Not to mention you come to terms with the value of objects and stuff to a much greater extent.

(also always carry a knife or a weapon - while I was in portland many of the people told me they had gotten their asses either beaten or beaten someone else for a small amount of money or liquor.)

PS: It is a very interesting ability to say "Yes I was chose to be homeless for a while" the stories you gain will last you a life time.


8 Juin 2010
yes, education is a good thing to have, but at the same time its not the right path for everyone. Im in college now and the stress i recieve from my classes is really dimininshing myquality of life. I guess what I was really trying to get at was what "brain eater" was refering to and that is finding out what reality or god really is and to see through my own ignorance. Kind of like an ancient ascetic or wandereing monk, truth seeker ectera. living in a society as mine clouds out what is really trancendental; Thus my desire for some kind of escape. That sounds like an experience IJC im all the way on the east coast but i would very much like to see all the national parks of the west especially, yosemite. I look to wilderness as a refuge, so even giong by myself for a few days in the woods, like how the native americans had thier vision quest might be sufficient enough as an escape from the modern world.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
jaywabz a dit:
yes, education is a good thing to have, but at the same time its not the right path for everyone. Im in college now and the stress i recieve from my classes is really dimininshing myquality of life. I guess what I was really trying to get at was what "brain eater" was refering to and that is finding out what reality or god really is and to see through my own ignorance. Kind of like an ancient ascetic or wandereing monk, truth seeker ectera. living in a society as mine clouds out what is really trancendental; Thus my desire for some kind of escape. That sounds like an experience IJC im all the way on the east coast but i would very much like to see all the national parks of the west especially, yosemite. I look to wilderness as a refuge, so even giong by myself for a few days in the woods, like how the native americans had thier vision quest might be sufficient enough as an escape from the modern world.

I would say to truly get away you need to leave for at least 3 weeks, but the more the better. It also depends where you go. If you are completely barred from all other human life (remote areas) then 1 simple week will really hit you. 2 weeks in isolation in the woods will probably change you. 3 weeks and when you come back stuff won't make sense. Especially if you take some mind alterations. I don't speak out of experience here, but having spent 5 days in the woods without seeing a soul is very... powerful. I started to respect everything, every rock, every plant. I also ran around naked giggling my ass off, cause running around naked really high or intoxicated is just hilarious.


Matrice périnatale
25 Déc 2011
You may go for a try if you are all alone. But if you are attached to a family life, soon you will miss the attachment. Moreover, where will you find all the amenities and facilities of modern world. Yes, it's something which is very nice temporarily but not for a long time i think.


18 Jan 2012
Ive already givin away most of my possessions. I feel that something like this is just the next step.

I have a bit of experience in the entertainment business, and a pretty outgoing personality. Along with some survial knowledge, i aggree that it could be a very benifical experience. But as also mentioned, not forever.

Me personally. I want to find something or somewhere cool to go and camp out for a week or 2 somewhere very far. I wana take a long trip on foot to get there and back.

I might actually have afew friends who want to do it too. But im unsure of how i feel about draging along other suburban kids.

When i did my little backpacking adventure for 5 days, it was amazing.
Almost like taking a car somewhere is cheating. You miss all of the little things along the way.

Even if a one day trip takes weeks, i think its totally still worth it.

Part of me wants to make up a really informative flyer(on the subjects we always rant about), along with possibly a website tied to it to pass out to people i meet along the way.
Change the world one town at a time? :lol:

Who knows. but im over due for my next adventure. >:)
And i give my full respect to anyone who shares these interests, as its not for the faint hearted, or the modernized for that matter. :P
I would miss the internet though! I would absolutly have to take a journal to record my adventures and thoughts like the last time i was far from technology. Even if someone dosnt actually do the deed, whats to say they cant learn the same lesson by hearing the story? :?:

Where are some cool places to tramp? :)