Higher Balance: The In-Between


New member
Hey space-people!

I came across this through a banner over at Reality Sandwich, audio courses for going into a mind-state that has been coined the In-Between. Reading on the website and listening to the free audio courses (actually, I recommend it since it was enjoyable and there were a lot of grunts and nods of agreement and "ah, I know that" when I listened to it, HOWEVER, you will be spammed with some cult-like "Hi, friend" emails if you do sign up for it. You can unsubscribe from them, though) this guy Eric Robinson says that it's basically a systematic, conscious invocation of natural DMT, something that mystics across many spectras do through meditation, yoga, breathing practices, so forth and so on.

Listening to Mr. Robinson, I get a feeling of "well, I'm already doing this to a certain degree and he sounds sincere (like they always do) about the implications of it and the techniques; there is a 4-part video/audio tape, 2 hours all in all, for free, and then they want 20 USD for a 6 CD box set with, presumably, more techniques (he mentions navigation in mystical realms, non-verbal communication between person-and-person, person-and-animal, and other "things" that many--including myself--people have experienced on and off psychedelics. He mentions them, too.) meditative music and other things hodge-podge without religious attachments (an ideology itself with attachments of self, I'm sure).

I got to say, I'm interested. The price isn't so high (around here, it's 1/3 the price of less than 4g of good grass, which I sadly consume too much of, so I can't really complain about it), but the mystical-critic that I am, I'm not sure before I have the product in hand. The pirate that I am, I tried finding the material on-line, but to no avail.

So, I come on here to ask my fellow intrepid travelers: Has anyone here or beyond had anything to do with Robinson's/Higher Balance's In-Between? Any comments? If it seems like an interesting thing, do partake in the free audio tape just to wet your finger a bit.

I'll see if I order it or not.
Nope, not anyone?

Been checking around a bit more; seems like this H.igher B.alance is a nü psychedelic scientology stripped of some ideology and fluff; looking online there's mostly "HUZZAH"-gnomes around about it, and some speculation whether the managed/founder (Eric P.epin?) is a sexual predator or not. Apparently, dude enjoys male on male on male threesomes in order to unlock sacred chakras, something that has been heard of (although the all male thing was new, for me) within the idea of maharajahishkrish cults since the beginning of the love/freedom thing of the sixties (and I'm sure, looooooooooong before that, too).

Anyone who's had ANYTHING to do with it?
i watched the 3 free videos on the website, personally, that was all i needed. that is not to say i did not find it entertaining, he does speak with emotion. :)

PS good bump, i would've missed this thread... :oops:
I bumped into this on reality sandwich. Will be looking further into it when the time is right. To be fair, I'm directing all of my time and thoughts to the guitar at the moment, will further connect with the rest of the universe sometime later. All in due time :wink:

PS: Is it worth your time and money? Well, I think that its a good investement, I'd probably go for it myself.
- Alex
Yay, responses!

While I find that the guitar (in my case, my bass...) should (really? should it? It's just a huge, wonderful distraction...) should get a lot of time, so should spiritual practice, if that's your thing.

Like I mentioned before, the things he speaks of are things that, I at least, already am doing, but he's just got the technique down. Listening more to the tapes and looking over the web, and the rest of their product catalogue, it really does seem sect-ic. Could still be worth the time and money, though, but I kind of like my sort-of-dependency on thc to get me there, to that particular realm. Already being a person walking on the border, I'm not sure the ability to get "there" by sheer will would be such a great thing (or it would be the greatest thing).

Hmm. I found some of their stuff on the web, too, but not this particular one.

If anyone does get into it, or still yet, if anyone has had anything to do with 'em, please let us know! Cheers.
why can't playing guitar be a spiritual practice? drum circles certainly can be. in my opinion, anything can be. it's about the mindset. :D

Oh, no, don't get me wrong .. once you're in a trance, there's, afaik, no better way to transmit other dimensional energies than through an instrument ;)

...but when it comes to spiritual enlightenment or whatever, I've had it bashed into my brains by Buddhists that music is just a big distraction (compared to, say, meditation, meditation and further meditation). When it comes to distractions, though, creativity is King, and amongst them, I really find music to be the grandest.

A friend of mine, 50 years of age, did acid in the 70s, in the Punk-era. He just finished his first studio album (doing all the work, all the instruments, singing, producing, himself) and it's ... honestly, some of the best music ever done. Skill-wise, he's one of the best guitarists since Hendrix. I'm looking forwards to the day he's got his stuff patented and I can share it with you. Until then, rawk on!
"A friend of mine"

nice, let us know if he has any material you can share with us.

...but when it comes to spiritual enlightenment or whatever, I've had it bashed into my brains by Buddhists that music is just a big distraction (compared to, say, meditation, meditation and further meditation).

once again i would have to say i believe it's about the mindset. i do realize that they are of course acting as purists and it wouldn't feel right for them to tell someone that all they need to do to meditate is play an instrument. :wink: an un-initiated would never grasp what it truely means to meditate. but once one gets their head around the concept, i see no reason why physical rhythms couldn't accompany the mental ones. this is after all what mantras and mudras are precisely :D

once you're in a trance, there's, afaik, no better way to transmit other dimensional energies than through an instrument ;)

afterthought: are our bodies not instruments? :wink:
Well sure it is :D

My friend, he calls himself Vlad-Drakul, will have some of his music out on youtube in the matter of weeks, as soon as the copyrighting has been completed.

Interestingly, he's the one who said this time, just after a jam where I've been watching him going nuts on his guitar:

"After a while, you know, it's like I'm not longer playing anymore. I'm being played. I don't even know by what, dude, it's just there and it's bigger than me, so it plays me. And it's fucking great, maaan!"

I'll have to agree with you, though, opiuchus; once you've paved up the path once, you can wrap the gravel around any motion, and it can be done trance-like, meditatively. Music, though, has to be one of the most primal form of sharing the experience in its raw fullness.
to be honest i would stay away from sectish and cultish movements like that. there are so many charlatans out there...
i would suggest you simply listen to your own heart and if you are willing to listen it will tell you the truth.
i also would try to carefully analyze my own intuition and the feelings that i get from it and whether the feelings are your own
feelings or so... i dunno lol.. hard to explain... i can say that personally i would prefer to go my own way for sure.
god is within...

Sure, God is within. What is my own way? it's already been put out, all you can do is grasp onto something that is presented, even if it's presented inside of you ...

Or outside of you, like the Higher Balance thing. I still keep getting spam mail from them, on a usually daily basis. I seldom read it, but when I do, it is very understanding. Almost uncomfortably so, which is why I haven't taken any action to it.

That, and I've recently moved to Prague (there'll be a ... "trip report" on the city, soon, once I get more settled. As settled as you can get in a pirate boat, that is!)

Oh and, should only be a month or so more until the tunes are out on the 'web. ;)

i have been using following the higher balance system for about 2 years. it is amazing! i have done many psychedelics before and have experienced deeper realities through these trips. yet all of them pointed me in one direction. that being i needed to find a way to reach these states with out the drugs. it seemed like a reasonable thing to try to do yogis and mystics have been doing this for years! so needless to say i did alot of searching on the interwebs and found lots of interesting stuff from how to enhance psychic ability's to deep meditation techniques to how to astral project. and all of my searching and practicing got me far but it seemed like i had all these components and needed a way to put them all together. higher balance offered me a way to put this puzzle together the puzzle of how to reach higher states of consciousness it opened so many doors for me that i knew were there but maybe needed a little push to get there. yeah the emails do get annoying i think they could lay off the frequency of them a little bit but i think the information is genuine and really for me its one place i can get an extremely large amount of information condensed into the good stuff that you want in order to move forward. i hope this helps and i would be glad to answer any other questions you have about higher balance from my personal experience of coarse