Hi/Salut all :)

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Hi psychonauts, my name is Yohann and i'm 19 years old, i'm french but my main language here will be english (my TR will be in french though, because of a lack in english language which is not my native language, so if you are english and need some information about one of my future TR, just PM me) so everyone here will understand me. I was born and lived all my life in France, today I study economy in university after a Scientifical BAC (which gave me some basics in chemicals). I like a lot music (dubstep, chillstep, hardstyle etc...), video games, movies, books and of course psychoactive substances :p I tested many of those in my life (even if i'm young) and would like to try much more, so I'm here to share my experiences and get informed of other's experience (I like to get high but i prefer to do it safely :p), atm i'm just getting back from a trip of DXM so forgive me for my short introduction :) Well, time to say goodbye, for now, see you later in forum ;D
Hello everybody

I am glad to join this forum.i believe it is going to be a good experience to know about what music other people like and to share what i like.it is gonna be fun to discuss about our experiences here..

Have a great time...

Bib a dit:
Hi psychonauts, my name is Yohann and i'm 19 years old, i'm french but my main language here will be english (my TR will be in french though, because of a lack in english language which is not my native language, so if you are english and need some information about one of my future TR, just PM me) so everyone here will understand me. I was born and lived all my life in France, today I study economy in university after a Scientifical BAC (which gave me some basics in chemicals). I like a lot music (dubstep, chillstep, hardstyle etc...), video games, movies, books and of course psychoactive substances :p I tested many of those in my life (even if i'm young) and would like to try much more, so I'm here to share my experiences and get informed of other's experience (I like to get high but i prefer to do it safely :p), atm i'm just getting back from a trip of DXM so forgive me for my short introduction :) Well, time to say goodbye, for now, see you later in forum ;D

Hello "Yohann" !
Welcome to the forum. Your English is really good considering that you were born and brought up in France. Don't mind this but it is a fact of my life that I have rarely come across a French person whose English is as good as yours.
And well this was not a very short piece of introduction which tells that you can do quite good despite having a trip of DXM. lol......;)
Novakovic a dit:
Hello everybody

I am glad to join this forum.i believe it is going to be a good experience to know about what music other people like and to share what i like.it is gonna be fun to discuss about our experiences here..

Have a great time...

Welcome to the forum and hope you have great time here. Well, you could have made a separate thread in order to introduce yourself but no worries. :P