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19 Juin 2002

I have never tryed a drug that gives hallusinations but id like to try one out. Do any one have a suggestion on what type i should use the first time? I want a mild drug...and since its my first time i dont want it to last so long.




29 Avr 2002
Hi there!

U want a mild drug that produces hallucinations?


well, hallucinations are caused by several drugs, but none
of them can reassure that there will be no chance of a
bad-trip. That means that no mild drugs exist http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif LOL LOL

my opinion is to READ FIRST and then try some low dosage
of acid. A good quality blotter can be at 99% a good trip
because the dosage isnt too high. take care though that
you should be at home and have a nice book handy with
photos and... experiment yourself with it!!!


athens, greece


19 Juin 2002
Whats N2O????

Im a new user...sorry for all stupid questions=P


29 Avr 2002
Hi there.

N2O is one more of the laaaarge list of Mr. MeneerCactus
inventions LOL LOL i am kidding LOL http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

seriously now:

N2O is Nitrous Oxide [not Nitric Oxide]
and it is in gas form. I am not quite sure, but i think
there was a writer back to the 60s that was using
N2O for inspiration purposes in his dentist's lab.

You inhale the gas amigoz and then seconds later
you feel the effects: it is an anaesthetic gas used for surgery
operations on teeth, for it produces euphoria, a lot of laughter
as far as i have personally seen and if taken enough, it can
produce hallucinations.
In general it is safe, as long as u dont overdo it. I mean that
thing cant possibly be of any kindness to human bodies: it
is a gas that lasts too short for the experience it offers [my
humble opinion].

Personally i continue insisting on acid for real hallucinations,
for a lot of reasons. It has to do with the quality of the trip u
plan to do. N2O is blowing your head off for seconds and
most of the people i know, with the exception of Mr. Meneercactus
who have tried it - me among them - say that it is nothing to
really try it for a second time.

Aha. Now I remembered that it was also used as an anaesthetic
for sexual scenes that maybe painful, such as anal sex.

Sorry for my raw words, i think we r all adults in here, right? :P

So that was my opinion. Please dont follow my advice.
Read, decide and give birth to your opinion. http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

Peace on trips,

athens, greece


Glandeuse pinéale
20 Mai 2002
Yes N2O or lachgas (laughing gas) in Dutch is nice to try, it gives a short but very special psychoactive experience.
By the way I like short trips Kykeon, maybe because I don't have time and energy for long acid trips http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif what is wrong with the little trips ?

If you use this rarely it is not dangerous, but it is an anaesthetic so you can pass away sometimes, so be careful you don't fall. And there are some rumours about braindamage with long term use, I don't know what is true of this.

A couple of years ago you could buy this stuff in a lot of foodstores gaspaterns for creamdispensers (patronen voor slagroomspuiten) does someone know if they still have them ?



29 Avr 2002


Alpiniste Kundalini
24 Jan 2002

What can I say?

Well N2O is a short working compound thats true.
Here is my way.....

Fill a number of ballon's (the one you use on a birthday, big once) lets say about 15.
So my trip takes as long as 15 ballons or more.

N2O is a disiocative drug, that means that you loose your body (die). This is opposite of lsd, so the experience is different.

I always tripp as hell on N2O, leaving my body and travel through the cosmos. While on lsd I seemed to be in a cartoon of knowledge.

As I used lsd maybe 100 times I do not use it any more, like New ID I seem to have a favo in shorter trips like mushrooms or smoking dmt.

Greating from the only nation: HALLUNATION http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif

It is nice when somebody helps you and takes care of you while working with N2O. You can fomit, fade or walk around. Al situations were a sitter is needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would say N2O is a perfect way to enter the world of hallucinations............... but who am I????

http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif I know I am dutch http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif


19 Juin 2002
Ok...thanks for all your help man:) I think il try Salvia Divinorum...btw, how long does that trip lasts?


29 Avr 2002
Wow... your question about duration of Salvia's trip is something that forces me to write here a long post. I know its gonna be a long post because i had written it a few minutes ago when i lost everything because we had a blackout [electricity failure of the whole neighborhood]... and the reason is because Salvinorin is my favourite substance, for it is the only one which produces the effect of Existentia, which loosely means that SalviaD transforms itself into a real alive being... i know it soundz akward, but its true.

My only one trip with Her was enough so as to say now that I dont feel its again time to meet Her. It was an experience of a lifetime, a shocking comprehensive discovery inside me. I realized what I do really feel for specific other people that i know. I smoked the 10x extract that ******* sells and I can say that the quality was very high. Be prepared though, that She is somehow alive. Salvinorin is the only diterpene psychoactive substance, while ALL others, and i insist on ALL, are alkaloids. Noone knows what is the difference apart from that salvinorin cannot be traced inside the brain [acid and psilocybin and mdma for example have been found], but yet it produces the strongest trips you can hardly imagine. But it can also produce nothing. Absolutely nothing. Why? I dunno for sure, why did i have that wonderful trip while my girlfriend hadnt? I am not sure, but i can make an assumption. Salvia D is a truly magical plant in every aspect you can imagine. Even the plant itself, that was found to be used by Mazatecs, has a lot of mystery around it. It hardly creates spores as it propagates itself by bending over and finding soil again. And most of all, Mazatecs say that this plant is not theirs; that was brought from somewhere. So my theory is that it is so different from anything else and therefore the wanna-be Salvianaut have to prepare very well his contact with Her.

In other words, READ READ READ BEFORE USING IT http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif Its worth the try, believe me.

My trip in brief [so as to return to your question] began with hallucinations, threedimensional geometric patterns that emerged from my carpet. The carpet was alive and the patterns had meanings, mainly separating myself from my girlfriend who was my sitter for the trip, my sober sitter [she hadnt taken anything]. Then the big boom! I asked my sitter if we were alone, for I was sure that we werent. And then She showed up. She was speaking the voice of my heart. We kept talking for a long time, i was asking what was that place and things like that. She said a lot to me. She said a lot about MY way of seeing MY life. It was a beautiful experience, for She was like a Shamaness. Note that i never did see her with my open eyes, but every cell of my body was understanding Her words. Its crazy, but its so f**** beautiful that I am almost in love with Her. http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif The trip seemed to last more than 20 minutes of discussion.

Wanna listen to the story from my sober sitter's point of view? Yeah, right. http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif lol

No. 1: The trip lasted less than 3 minutes. I cant believe it but i know its true. It was a full 20 minutes for me. Time is only another dimension... http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
No. 2: My sitter says that at first, i was saying weird things to her about some patterns that i was trying to show them to her. DURING MY WHOLE TRIP, I HAD NO CONSCIENCE THAT I HAD TAKEN SALVIA DIVINORUM.
No. 3: After i asked her if we were alone, i laughed and then started talking, with open eyes as if i was sober, to someone invisible somewhere on my right [she was on my left]. the person i was talking seemed as if she was high in the air. I was asking questions and my reactions seemed like i was taking answers, which is so true.

My whole trip was written and sent on SalviaDivinorum's mailing list, and is a document of more than 3000 words http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

So, first of all read the USER'S GUIDE. It was written by Daniel Siebert, the founder of SageWisdom and also the first human to trip with Salvinorin. In fact, Mazatecs didnt know the plant's potency and they preferred shrooms. The result: the western society learned about shrooms and the shrooms became illegal. SalviaD is legal, because its a "new" discovery. You can read user's guide and more more more at http://www.sagewisdom.org You can also read there trip reports that are interesting, like that man who was transformed into a neighborhood in Paris...!! http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

Then when u feel its about time, order some 10x extract and some leaves from *******. They do have excellent quality. A few tips: a) smoke them with a bong - b) have a sober sitter to take care of you in case u trip hard and decide to walk around or leave the house [big mistake, u can hurt yourself accidentally] - c) plan your trip - dont leave the room - be with your sitter only, no parties or anything, you need a quiet room with some gentle music playing, if u try it somewhere that anyone can distract you, you will see nothing at all, i promise.

Sorry 4 the long post, but i think i wrote some things that are important to someone who have never tried it.

If u have any questions, i will be around that forum for a while http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif


athens, greece


19 Juin 2002
First of all, thank you for taking the time to write that long post=) I realy appriciated it!!! Well based on your story i think i should try it...but im going to wait untill i can find a sitter for me:-) Im gonna check that link out and see what else i can learn about it before i try it. Are you experienced with many of these legal drugs?
Im a bit confused about it all, in a way i want to be in control over myself when im taking my drugs...like with E...still be very relaxed but at the same time have controll over what i might say and do. Thats what im a bit scarred of if i would try drugs that produces hallusinations...what if i say things about me that i dont want anybody to know about:( Well...anyway, i have orded some salvia now from a reseller in sweden so if my curiusety overcomy my fear of not being in controll, il be prepared:)

Whitch other legal drugs have you tried?

Have a worm and nice day in Greece my friend, cuz up here in sweden im freezing my butt of*LOL*

Take care!


29 Avr 2002

I had just returned from bath on a beach, near Athens. Well, yeah, summer in Greece can be nice if u have spare time. Everyday's anxiety and rush in such hot climate is a real pain in my b***, my friend!!! http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif lol

Other legal drugs? Dont know any, at all.. lol I dont treat them like that, for its bloody awful to even think that drugs should be illegal...

I have had great experiences with nicotine and alcohol, u can take that as my answer http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif lol but that was long long ago... no alcohol for me anymore, not a single drop of it!!

Reading that post of yours, i have to come back to my initial reply, about acid. I know its not so easy to obtain, and if u ask me questions about legal status of drugs, i think u are not in mood to go hunting for some blotter http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif lol anyway, a single fair-potent blotter and a good book of great pictures is what i suggest for u. I had that wonderful trip with alive walking people in a photo of a harley-davidson show in a magazine... with a single blotter and good preparation of the trip u can climb up to almost everywhere and for me is totally controllable. I remember once i had a bad trip [my fault for sure] and once i realized of having a bad trip, i convinced myself to overcome the fact... a quarter later, i was in a peaceful trip... dunno, acid goes well with me http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

Thats all 4 now,

Stranger's voice:
We are spiritual beings in physical bodies...


athens, greece