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God's Gift: Cannabis in the Bible


Sale drogué·e
11 Nov 2006
I was thinking of sharing one thing with you that I really thought it is interesting.

I hope you find time to watch this discussion of a famous rastafarian called mutabaraka about rastafari and religion that really see things from a different angle(of course there are thousand theories, like genostic) but i hear a lot of statements in what I can agree

this is part 1/11 in total is about an hour.

http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=IdAXGmYRS ... re=related

I really like to hear your opinion after watching it all carefully.


Elfe Mécanique
26 Mar 2008
By the way, if you think the bible is all fantasy you are really a moron, maybe some things are parabels(if you could understand such a word) and not be taking literally.

Did i mention i studied the bible for 12 years oh im sorry and you would gain just as much wisdom and philosophy by watching Star Wars as much as you would gain from the work of Christ

saying that theirs good in religion is a little to sad to be a good joke religion like a bad drug and most people abuse so badly they actually damage everyone around them, and what your saying is that if you take religion with a grain of salt as a non religous person you can get a good learning expriance from it well i say No to that, since by doing that you legitimize something that is no more than a massive cult like any religion.

you want philosophy get it out side of the bible i dont go to a rock expecting a cool drink of water neither should a rational intelligent person try and seek knowledge from the bible.

I hate religion with such a passion its indescribably passion, why you ask because it was crammed down my throat in very religious schools. now i have studied the Tora in every way imaginable and we also studied other religions heavily so forgive me if i dont think that the evils of this world exist because of religion i mean its the easiest most social excepted high you can find
it erases from you worries of death and morality is written for you and millions of people feel the same as you how great! how easy.

now my opinions are about mainstream religion and BS such as Scientology
(and btw if you ask me the bible makes as much sense as Dianetics)

to sum my self up here for a moment is we have to stop making religious people feel comfortable and making them think their actions are ok because if you ask me a man like a rabbi that dedicates his life to studying Tora is a wasted non existing human just like a Nerd watching Star Trek in his room say in day out for his entire life.

now if you think im extreme or closed minded well just come on down and live in Israel or any other Extremely religious place and you tell me how great and dandy religion

Religion is worse Than cancer and aids put together :twisted:


Elfe Mécanique
26 Mar 2008
In my opinion the intention from the new testament is not necissarily the same as the teachings of the jewisch prophets and christ.

Does a person who was forced to study 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, teached by religious freaks who were brainwashed since childhood a monopoly on the truth.

I come from a atheistic family, and always thought that God and All was stupid, but this was because of all the bullshit the so called 'christians' made of it. When I started listining to reggae and using drugs, I became interested in the bible and read without any brainwashed doctrine i got frome childhood except that it was bullshit. But when trying to read it with an open mind and trying to fit with the knowlegde I had I became to see a book that enriched my thinking. But people can't see that and are only discussing details over what was ment 4000 years ago.

Wow how old are you again for a second i thought i had a good debating contender.

and what did you learn while being and high and listening to reggae how evil the white man is and how all gays should be kills because if its authentic reggae thats what you would hear. second like i stated allready you have plenty of places to seek enrichment of you mind and self like anything made in the last i dont know 10 to 100 to even 1000 years i dont think you have to travel back 4000 years just to get some philosophy and while its all fun and games for you other believe it like a heavy delusion and for the most part the heavily delusional ones will kill other for their truth and will force it on other and stop good and real progress because of theirs fear that it will shatter their believes so tell me again how great it was reading the bible high!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
I think a lot of people agree with you, that religion is the cause of a lot of problems in the world. You don't have to study that for 12 years, it's just a fact. But that does not make the bible less interesting, for me it makes it even more interesting ;) So please do not feel offended(I had the feeling you are), where just trying to be as open minded as possible.



Elfe Mécanique
26 Mar 2008
i can see that and trust me i dont think that one day religion will go away and the world will be saved, in fact religious is only around because obviously a lot of us want it around if we didn't it wouldn't exist now would it. that to me means that for the most part of the religious populace they need this safety net to reality.

why do i personal hate it so much today because walking around in Israel can drive a man crazy this country is religious first and that means that the cities are religious conforming to religious law. considering they are the ones with special need they should try and accommodate them self they dont have to force an entire country to do the same.
Religious people tend to group up and send a strong signal of the feeling of superiority. To top it all of the reason this country in so badly in the shitter(i mean mainly economically) is because of our population of hasidic jews. They are the worst because they bread like bunnies making families of 12! from the age 18 where they get married by some one their father picked for them and they dont work they dont need to go to the army where other must or its prison for you and all they do collect donations and YES they dont work at all im not exaggerating.

that will spark hate in a man

so yes you can studie religion so better understand the crazies but id rather not stoop to their level


Sale drogué·e
11 Nov 2006
I am 24.

That white peple and gays are evil is just a thought of some people and yes also from bobo ashanti sect, they are also just like a lot christians, jews and muslims trying to force there doctrines on us. Another sect called twelve tribes of israel includes all man and people, and most don't even belong to a 'group' so it's not one thinking. If you think that you don't know nothing about about rasta cause it's about a way of life, love and unity. maybe you should watch that whole documenatary.

I never said I was High when reading the bible but said I came to a differnt philosophy of it. Besides the old testament you studied so hard I also read the new testament, a lot of eastern philosophy from china and india which is far older, and greek philosophy that also used reasoning.

I think that debating with someone who is brainwashed for 12 years and finally came to realise it's all lying doctrines is a bit useless.

Maybe you understand me wrong, i don't see the bible as a direct word of God but think people should use common sense and can use to bible to avoid some problems in life. I think people should just respect each other and love. But you claim it's the bible that kills but i think it's people doing that.

If you claim it's wars and hate is the work of jezus christ then give me one sentence from him that justifies that so behaviour of that so called 'religious people. Everyone that has read about jezus would no that all the shit people do is in no way any of his teachings.


Elfe Mécanique
26 Mar 2008
for the last time think of bible like some kind of evil drug that most people on the planet are killing for and you say its all nice and good because you can take it moderately and learn from it so what! go read more updated philosophy and help abolish this madness called religion treat it like madness

when someone next to me does a crazy Jewish ritual like for example on yom kipur safardic jews will twist a dead chicken over their head while chanting i say to them they look like CRAZY PEOPLE!

so what can i do im a hater not because i was in total believe for 12 years and then it shattered one day no i was always a doubter and i saw religious behavior from very very up close and i can tell you nothing but harm and danger exist in practicing such things

do drugs not religion!

i see no difference between a Crazy person talking about nonsense and a religious person talking religion

i love it when people start playing up rasta as a way of life (im not saying its not im saying you are not living it) you will be laughing at your self for saying that in 10 or 20 years (:

stop trying to belong to some movement get a personality!

and to top it all off why for science sake would i bother my self with Jesuses writings and work if i dont think hes the son of god then hes just another profit of that time and like him their where countless others with the same message. not to mention he was just some guy he has just as much credibility with me on these subject as the guy who lives next door or a Bum


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
"i see no difference between a Crazy person talking about nonsense and a religious person talking religion"

im with you on that point. im religious myself though, im Taoist lol


Elfe Mécanique
26 Mar 2008
druglessdouglas im talking about the 3 major mainstream religious believes and only those. ok and Scientology but only because its so annoying


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
i dont envy you Razor29. you do indeed live in a biblical hell. the middle east seems to be one big self fulfilling prophesy. Jesus must be turning in his grave


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
drugie, have you got a teacher?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
restin a dit:
drugie, have you got a teacher?
a Sifu? Taoist teacher? i had one but hes now working in the oil industry and based in the Netherlands. so.. if thats what you mean, no. he was my quanshu instructor


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
ah hm. I was, I admit, only passively searching for a teacher that could help me understand the ways of Zen and/or Tao and basically the art of meditation. I have a phobia of group- courses, I cannot take them seriously...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
restin a dit:
ah hm. I was, I admit, only passively searching for a teacher that could help me understand the ways of Zen and/or Tao and basically the art of meditation. I have a phobia of group- courses, I cannot take them seriously...

the only way to learn about zen is to practice zen meditation IMO. in the words of the great zen master Nike "just do it". try standing zen meditation on your own. it will teach you as much if not more than any ethenogen. the importaint thing is to be physically relaxed. do this:

hehe, its not as easy as it looks but if you can physically relax, and start doing, say, 10 minutes at first you will learn about zen. zen has little to do with words. the same is true of Tao. words get in the way. a Sifu will help though. i was lucky in having 1 to 1 teaching as my Sifu was a friend first

meditation on zen coens can help

first there is a mountain
then there is no mountain
then there is


Sale drogué·e
11 Nov 2006
I made a mistake by becoming somewhat personal. Actually Razor we agree more then you think.

I think I am a little dissapointed in this forum because I thought that because of the drugs people create a different mindset to see things from another philosphy and to be in harmony with themselves and their surrounding but actually I see a lot of people with depression and a messed up life and then blaming other people. So a lot of persons here are of no better then the people they get frustrated off.

Maybe i explained myself wrong for playing a rasta cause i actually think that groups or organizations are the cause of this narrowminded visions and start to believe or am scared that we create just another group making the same mistakes. The only thing with rasta is when i listened to the messeges about justice, love, equality and so on I came to realise that reading about religion that you can learn some things when combining it with science, common sence and reasoning. I don't believe that people are reasonble beings because we all let us lead by emotions from ourself and environment so maybe it's important to set ourselves certain rules to have a little self control.

The same thing with the jewish rituals, already In the old testament the prophets tells that god is sick of sacrificing and only finds joy in people living consious or rightious. Actually I assume you didn't watch the discussion because it is said the the bible isn't such a great book because people can make of it like they want it. I think that if we look in all the world religious the most important ideas are the same but people forget that and then fighting for each other to their doctrines as the truth.


Sale drogué·e
11 Nov 2006
People and Razor really when you have an hour free time watch that discussion i mentioned on youtube. I think you all like it. Some things are about black consiouness and history but I think there a lot of statments about religion, christianity and the bible you agree and start to see that you can see religion from a totally new concept. Actually it's more an attack on it but still.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
I think I am a little dissapointed in this forum because I thought that because of the drugs people create a different mindset to see things from another philosphy and to be in harmony with themselves and their surrounding but actually I see a lot of people with depression and a messed up life and then blaming other people. So a lot of persons here are of no better then the people they get frustrated off.
Drugs don't change people. Drugs don't make people better. Drug's are not the ultimate healing of everything. Drugs are not God. A Drug won't make your problems disappear. Drugs don't create happiness.

Drugs don't add anything to your mind, they alter your consciousness and perception but what truly is is in you. A lot of non-drug people simply ignore their inner self and their true problems. They don't see them. A lot of people you call messed up learn to see their problems and try to heal them with e.g. help of drugs or meditation. A drug is not creative (creare=create) they are a function, a means.

@ Drugie: Thank's a lot. You help a lot.

As for the bible discussion, I have mentioned it at least 3 times:

Sheep, apple, tribe, Adam. The bible is interesting but basically has one message: Follow God. He is your shepherd. Is that good? Is that bad? It is not up to me to decide. But there is often, too often a bad use of a shepherdish system: Church, Inquisition, Israel etc. etc.


Sale drogué·e
11 Nov 2006
I agree drugs don't change people but in my believe it should act as a tool to overcome the normal concepts of thinking that we where teached. So we can have better self control and harmony.

That is excact the same discussion about God. I can say I believe in God but my concept of what God is totally different then we thought by different religions. That's why people reject it now because when they think of God they think of the crazy lies religion made of God that can't in no way combined with science and common sence while there are a lot of more things of how you view the conecpt of God. For intestance, Heraclitus philosophy was that the world was in balance by the logos, which can be translated as reason or word or thought and this logos was later changed to god by christians which already gives it a total different meaning.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
there are people on the forum who are a little messed up/ depressed or whatever. thats the nature of being human. if you believe you will never be depressed or get messed up you are fooling yourself. personal growth is a process. its a journey with no end apart from death

realising you are one day going do die, rot and end up as little more than a funny smell can be a bit depressing. if believing that somehow "you" will carry on in some form is comforting, then believe what you like. it wont change a thing. personally i prefer to see things for what they really are.

the people on this forum who do suffer from depression or whatever are learning a great deal about what it is to be human. if they learn enough they will pass through their personal darkness and emerge with an empathy and understanding that will help them understand the rest of the hairless chimps that wander the planet.

psychedelics only teach you about who and what YOU are. if you want to avoid thinking about what you are by all means think about elves, 2012, ufo's and god. its better than watching tv i guess but its not much more usefull


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
druglessdouglas a dit:
the importaint thing is to be physically relaxed. do this:

hehe, its not as easy as it looks but if you can physically relax, and start doing, say, 10 minutes at first you will learn about zen.

Yes. And don't worry, you only have to do this exercise for the first five years.