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Global Hyperspace summit 06, and a hello


Matrice périnatale
3 Jan 2006
Global Hyperspace Summit

Well howdy psychnauts, im crystal visiting from the E-DOT forums, thought id check out whad's goin on over in this neck of psyberspace, never been here before.
My main interest is in Tryptamines and psychedelic shamanism, been at it for many years now.
Ive had internet steady for only a few months now,( i used to live in a cabin with no electricity) so im checkin out the knowledge bein passed around.
So the other thing is that QB came up with a idea which is a very evolutionary idea. We are going to have a hyperspace meeting on the full moon in January which is the 14th.
What this means is that everyone is invited to participate. The idea is that we are all going to smoke spice at the same time.
As some of you know already, DMT has been in human usage for a good long while in shamanic cultures, yet to my knowledge has NEVER before been attempted Globally. And thanks to the internet we can do this.
So sharpen your brains, order your MHRB and get TEKin!

i hope to see you in there!
Now im goin check out yer forums....happy new year!

crystal in the storm. :D


Well Hello Xtal,QB here. An to the rest of you psychonauts out there,it's basically what Crystalinthestorm just said.On Jan 14th at 00:00 Psychonauts from all around the world will enter hyperspace in an attempt to make a collective conciousness where all who participate wiil try to meet at the dome and unite as one supermind.You don't think it can be done? why don't you come and see for yourselves.I have so far conjured 250 willing psychonauts and the goal is to be at least 1000.The more we are ,the stronger this supermind will be and who knows what we can all do as one .This is gonna be a first crack at it,but the plan is to do this as a regular monthly event.come see the Entheogen.com social forums or the Nook trip report forums for more details.This is an event that should not be missed .Why just sit in front of your computers and read and write about it when you can live the moment together with all of us and then really have something to write about.This has been done on much smaller scales before it works and now it's time to do it on a world wide scale thamks to the internet.The only ones who will have any regrets are those who knew about it and didn't join in the hyperdimention mind meld.


Glandeuse pinéale
4 Juil 2005
That's seems interesting, man.
At that time, I'll probably have mushrooms (I'm leaving for Amsterdam tomorrow), so I think I'll join in.

MP me if you have some information to give me.


Elfe Mécanique
6 Juil 2005
Sounds interesting. I may not be able to join in with DMT but I could try my best to contribute with psilocybin. Is there going to be any realtime online discussion (a dedicated IRC-channel for example)?


Matrice périnatale
3 Jan 2006
Well, the next day or even an hour after the event, im sure there will be a discussion.
The idea of a live discussion afterward is excellent.
I was thinking that the next morning or evening at a specific time would be better allowing people to intergrate their journey's better.
We encourage you to use ONLY tryptamines for this experiment. So your choices are Nn,-DMT and Mushrooms.
Although 5-meo is a tryptamine i know from many trips that it will not take you where you want to go that night.
5-meo is a complimentary alkloid to the Nn, but it is the Nn, that has the magic were looking for.

Both are found in nature together, but, the MEO is trance inducing and very much orgasmic, this basically pins you down and focuses your attention on the Nn.

Anyways, all you need know is that it will be at MIDNIGHT, eastern time Standard.

Because this idea was first put forth on E-DOT this is where the insights will be shared.
And of course it is encouraged to share your experience with your own forum community in order to stoke others out for th next full moon, and ti use trypts.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.


Crystal in the storm


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I'll see if I can join. Am I right that it's going to be Saturday, 14th, 6p.m. Middle European (Berlin) time?
I can't get hold of any N,N-DMT though - but I still have a big bunch of shrooms and some Syrian Rue... 8)

Oh man, I just found out it wasn't 6 p.m. but 6 a.m. - pretty unpleasant time :(
I'll still try to participate - I knew there were special things going to happen in the next future and this one sounds promising!


Sorry for the time inconvenience Tryptonaut,but 6AM for you is midnight for me.this won't be the last time we do this.we plan on doing it every full moon.We can change time zone every time so that others can do it at night.How many time zones are there? Looks like we'll be busy for at least a year.


Matrice périnatale
3 Jan 2006
Come on your space cowboys, tonight at midnight were blastin off.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
It's now 2.30 a.m. here and it's gonna be really hard to stay awake and then take shrooms... but I couldn't go to sleep because I'll never ever wake up at 5 a.m.
From what I can say now you can still count me in :), though I doubt I can go to the same place with shrooms as you can go with smoked dmt. Whatever, it's worth a try!


Elfe Mécanique
6 Juil 2005
Unfortunately me and Scinet were not able to participate for we had to get a good night's sleep after work to prepare for our Ayahuasca-session. But there will be other full moons, I hope to be part of the experience then.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
Sorry guys, I missed it too - I fell asleep...


11 Jan 2006
Well it seems a lot of folks couldn't make it,but that's OK ther will be another full moon Feb 13th,and to give the folks in europe a chance it will be at midnight GMT si that means Midnight in London and 1:00 AM in Madrid.check your time zones for the correct time in your country