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First time shroom trip advice wanted

El Manolo

9 Oct 2011

So recently I bought a growkit. If everything goes well I should be the proud owner of some potent shrooms in a couple weeks.

Now I'm planning to use the shrooms at a friends house. But I have lots and lots of questions.

1) Is it better to use fresh or dried shrooms.
2) How many grams should I use wet and dry, to have a good experience.
3) One of us stays sober. What should he do in case one of the trippers have a bad trip.
4) Time, how long does a trip last? In other words at what time it's the best time to start a trip to have the longest effect. And not sleeping half of your trip.
5) Foods, are there foods you shouldn't eat while tripping. I'm thinking alcohol or food with lots of sugar. What if you get hungry. What foods can you eat without disturbing the trip.
6) Does anybody know from experience good things to do while tripping. I know that every trip is different for everybody. But some things can trigger good stuff. Like maybe queen bohemian rapsody or watching something. The main goal is to have fun and have a good first social experience. Using it solo and going deeper can be for later.
7) If anybody has some other suggestion, don't hold back. First timers need every advice they can get.

For the ones reading it I also speak Dutch, so both languages may be used. Just pick the one you like to :D

Tx in advance El Manolo


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
1) Doesn't matter - effects are basically the same, although wet seems to be slightly more intense.
2) I don't know on wet or dry. People go by ounce scales here, so 1/16th ounce dry is good for a first time, often though, this can prove to be very weak with some strains. Ask people who have gotten the same type.
3) This person needs to be confident in their ability to stay calm and pass that calm on to the person having a trip. Terms that helped me in my bad trip were
"People have taken way more than you and been fine"
"Just try to relax, breathe in through your nose and out your mouth, slowly."
"If bad "waves" come, try to just accept them, don't block them - this makes it worse"
and overall always remain calm. Never panic that the person is having some adverse effect, don't panic and think they are poisoned, don't panic that they might have something wrong - nothing is wrong and make them know that.
4) I am especially susceptible to getting tired. I would eat them as early as possible. Some people like them at night to see the stars and stuff - not me. I like the sun, I like the day, I like the life of noon time. A typical trip will last 6-8 hours. If it is a weak strain, perhaps 4.
5) Eat vegetables and fruits, there is no diet that interferes with the trip - but eating healthy things will make you appreciate them much more. You become more aware what you are putting in your body (if you are aware at all) and the outcome of eating healthy is important in a trip.
6) Do what you like to do when you're not tripping. I like hiking I like nature, I like drawing and music... I like experiencing new things while tripping, but I seem to be fairly rare in that regard. I absolutely love learning while tripping - it is my favorite feeling.
7) The biggest thing is that you don't really know what is going to happen - nobody can really prepare for a trip without actually doing it, so throw all your notions of what it is like away. Don't focus on the future in the trip, i.e. "Whats going to happen in the next hour" or "Will I be ok in an hour" or "What am I going to do for the next 3 hours?" this will make you worry. Just relax, don't make plans, feel the freedom of an entire day of nothing. Chill out for 6-8 hours, its great if you are tripping or not. If someone starts to get very quiet and introspective, don't worry about them, but assure them you are there and are able to talk to them. The bad scenario is that they get into a bad trip and don't say anything and nobody says anything to them - you all have to respect and be there for each other kindheartedly.

Have fun!

El Manolo

9 Oct 2011
Thanks Jesus my son. (My real name Manuel actually means God among men)

Good information. But since i'm from Belgium I don't know what an ounce is.
The strain I have is psilocybe cubensis.

I think for the first time we will try do use it during the day.

Tx for the advice on what the sober person should do. He is the strongest of all us and a real calm person.
He's calm by nature and always thinks before he acts.

But because he's always so calm, I'm very curious what the effect of shrooms would be on him.

El Manolo

9 Oct 2011
Yes after 10 days I finally see something more then just white fuzz on the top. I see a couple of pins on various places. 4 in total. I guess there will be more after a while. How long does it generally take to go from pins to picking ready shrooms?

El Manolo

9 Oct 2011
Yesterday I saw my first pin. And when I looked closer I saw several more. But most of them are barely visible with the naked eye. So I took a pic of the biggest one so far.

I'm planning to update it daily to show more growth. The picture is not of a good quality since it is taken with my webcam. My brother's daughter dropped my good 400 € camera and it's totally ruined. Have to buy another one but it's not on the top of my todo list.

If you double click on the picture you can see it better. Without the slide bars.

Feel free to respond. :lol: Voir la pièce jointe 5295

El Manolo

9 Oct 2011
Today I counted in total more then 30 pins. I have not counted the ones on the sides. Although I covered the sides I still have pins on the side. If they all grow nicely I should get a really good harvest.

Wish me good luck. And a good trip. :lol: :rolleyes:

El Manolo

9 Oct 2011
Today was harvest time. I harvested a little over 200 grams of shrooms. A good harvest :rolleyes: I believe.
Now I'm going to dry them.

I already prepared my growbox for the 2nd flush.

El Manolo

9 Oct 2011
I also took a spore print of 2 of my shrooms. Just in case. I may need it some time. :D


Glandeuse pinéale
20 Juin 2011
El Manolo a dit:
2) How many grams should I use wet and dry, to have a good experience.
3) One of us stays sober. What should he do in case one of the trippers have a bad trip.
4) Time, how long does a trip last? In other words at what time it's the best time to start a trip to have the longest effect. And not sleeping half of your trip.
5) Foods, are there foods you shouldn't eat while tripping. I'm thinking alcohol or food with lots of sugar. What if you get hungry. What foods can you eat without disturbing the trip.
6) Does anybody know from experience good things to do while tripping. I know that every trip is different for everybody. But some things can trigger good stuff. Like maybe queen bohemian rapsody or watching something. The main goal is to have fun and have a good first social experience. Using it solo and going deeper can be for later.
7) If anybody has some other suggestion, don't hold back. First timers need every advice they can get

IJC's advice is good advice. Some notes from my experience:

2) Wet 25 to 35 grams is considered a normal dose. Dry (= they can break) this is 2.5 to 3.5 grams.

3) He should do as less as possibe. He should be able to calmly informing the bad tripper that there is no danger, that he is physically safe, that he is among friends.

4) You will probably not be able to sleep. The time of ingestion could be anytime, depending on your preferences. The entire experience lasts about 5-6 hours.

5) Eat what you like. It's a matter of personal choice.

6) Don't plan. When it's been a while or when you've never tripped before it can be hard to imagine you can do nothing at all and not be bored. All activities will come spontaneously. Observe, create,... The activities IJC mentioned...
Have some stuff in the house. Card games, paint, a chess board,...

El Manolo

9 Oct 2011
Owkay I just took some shrooms half an hour ago. I'm starting to feel their effect. This will be interesting. Lucky for me I can type blind :p.

If after an hour nothing happened, I'm going to take a bit extra each 15 min. But I do not think that that will be the case :rolleyes: I hope.

El Manolo

9 Oct 2011
Simply wow. To much to talk about. But very interesting :lol: My brain and senses went in overdrive. Visuals, hallucinations thoughts. Etc etc.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
El Manolo a dit:
Simply wow. To much to talk about. But very interesting :lol: My brain and senses went in overdrive. Visuals, hallucinations thoughts. Etc etc.

way to put it mildly.

El Manolo

9 Oct 2011
Owkay in a couple weeks I'm going camping with some friends. And ofcourse I will take the above shrooms with me. Tripping in a forest for the first time :p.

I've already prepared the grow box for the 3rd flush and with some luck I have another harvest and more then enough for our outing.

I also pulverised and dried some shrooms. Is it normal that the powder looks green?
In total I have 6 grams of shroompowder. I would like to make some tea with it. What flavours would go well with this? Are there any psychonauts out there who made tea. I was thinking Camille tea.

Greetz M

El Manolo

9 Oct 2011
The first pin of the third flush showed it's head. But there's only one. :cry: I do hope there will come more pins. Else this will be a very small flush. :?


22 Août 2012
Citizen’s Answers:

1) Is it better to use fresh or dried shrooms? The Sacrament is considered slightly more potent when fresh—however by storing the fresh mushrooms in the fridge for a week or two they become much more blue and thus more potent. Fresh to dried the weight is about 10 to 1, so 10 grams of fresh mushroom is about 1 gram dried.
2) How many grams should I use wet and dry, to have a good experience? This depends but if it is a first trip, most of us started with a single gram to as much as 3.5 grams. Almost always this is done in some wilderness setting as nature feels much better than manmade reality (pavement, electrical wires, harsh right angles). Later—much later for some the doses of 5 grams (Heroic) and 7 grams (Baptismal) can be approached for initiation into the Mysteries of God. Doses beyond this are extra-ordinary yet we must grasp that Daniel went into the Lions Den with not but a few grams in him to be able to take control of such a ‘daisy chain’ truth.
3) One of us stays sober. What should he do in case one of the trippers have a bad trip? If you do it like this than the advice give is sufficient. It is much nicer to journey with someone who is also traveling however. In this case it is nice to have either party being equally experienced—remembering that no one has died or will die from the Sacrament and people have gone up to 20 grams for special healings.
4) Time, how long does a trip last? In other words at what time it's the best time to start a trip to have the longest effect. And not sleeping half of your trip?
Most of the heavy weight journeys are conducted at night just after the sun sets. This is because they are “marvelous in our eyes” as the Bible states it. That means that your pupils (student) get very large and don’t really like harsh light. Hence candle light is commonly used. Also the visionary nature lends itself very well to the darkness. Just as a projector works better with the lights off so our bye-cameral mind is better equipt to project visions onto a movie theater like setting. Often a colorful alter is setup with flowers and a picture of Jesus who died to make us aware takes central stage.
5) Foods, are there foods you shouldn't eat while tripping. I'm thinking alcohol or food with lots of sugar. What if you get hungry. What foods can you eat without disturbing the trip. Good question, Steve Peele of the Florida Mycology Research Center has repeatedly stated that a good portioned meal about an hour before is helpful. This seems like solid advice and has been employed successfully. You won’t get hungry during the journey, Psilocybin was called “long lasting food” in the Vedic texts because eating a little of this “Honey” not only brightened your eyes but causes us to go 6+ hours without any hunger. As for what foods, most are good—but something more or less healthy will sit better with your conscience later. For some reason Blue Berries diminish the effect of Psilocybin. Studies show that Blue Berries given to rats cause them to get through the mazes faster and that this has been related to a certain increased uptake of Serotonin. So some of the mystery of the experience is lost when Blue Berries are eaten—perhaps useful if someone wants to come down. As for how to prepare your stomach for the irritation that Psilocybin in larger doses causes the stomach lining—Yogurt is really really important for settling the stomach so that a journey can be fully partaken in.
6) Does anybody know from experience good things to do while tripping. I know that every trip is different for everybody. But some things can trigger good stuff.
Learning new things is what Psilocybin is all about in the higher doses. That is exactly why Jesus said ‘the Holy Spirit will come over you and teach you all manner of things and remind you of everything I have said.’ A great way to get sure results of a positive nature is to select “Sacred Music” and make a series of CDs or an MP3 disc. Select entry music that is light or complicated but without many words as your consciousness will be shifting and now is not the time to process (learn). Then maybe 30 minutes to an hour into your journey start the really inspired music—for couples this would be something like Van Morrison's “The Garden” but pick it out based on your life needs—areas where you want to grow stronger or were you feel weak. An example would be something like Ladder to the Sun if your going through a breakup or Dezarie’s music if your trying to understand the Saint’s position in this time period.
7) If anybody has some other suggestion, don't hold back. First timers need every advice they can get.
A study of the Scriptures shows us some of the gifts of the Holy Spirit—Prophecy being the chief that is mentioned. Some of us find the techniques of ’God Craft’ to be especially worth learning and practicing while bemushroomed. This is also called weather control and it is very ancient, we saw that Elijah under God’s instruction shut the sky over Israel for 3 years only opening it after he made an example of Baal’s worshipers. The Mayan’s too used this Sacrament to bring rain. When the Two Witnesses spoken of in Revelation and in the song All Along the Watch Tower come they will uses weather control to administer judgment on the nations which ignore truth and hate to let God’s People be (see Blowing in the Wind). As for Alcohol - the Scriptures teach that if you become sick from drinking only "water" take a little wine. Maria Sabina also practiced this. Mostly it is advised after hour 2-4 of the journey. A glass of wine, while tasting really bad in that state will calm the nerves which are bound to be like a yard full of barking dogs if your vision quest if fruitful.. So it calms down the overly excited nerves - and returns the joy back into the experience. Sometime folks feel that alcohol is a lesser spirit and thus snob it - that's understandable but it does help make the second half or finishing hours really more relaxing and joyful. As for the Arch Angel Michael :weed: I am of the oppinion that he is best not "called" by the newbies - if your an old soldier in Psybin then you will have your own relationship with St. Michael - for myself he is part of the finishing team. Hour six will often see me calling him at around 2AM to get some sleep.


22 Août 2012
Sure it is fairly regular to have green or blue grey powder. Green is less common but not uncommon.
Besides Psilocybin and Psilocin there is Baycisten (sp?) in many shrooms - that may account for the green coloring.