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First time Salvia questions....


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Août 2006
Hi! :D
I've never smoked Salvia before, but in a small month I'm going to smoke it for the very first time in my life, I'll have a 15X extract and a 20X extract, but I don't have a clue how much I should use and what's the best way to do it, I thought a bong would be just fine, maybe there are better ways?

I've read a lot of trip reports on Erowid and a bit here and I know I can expect one hell of a ride if I would start with a pretty high extract of 15X so I don't know, how much should I use, should I use a bong and put only a pinch in it, or should I take like a gram or something, I dunno? :?

I know I will probably have a weird experience so if it'll be weird anyway I'd like to do it hard right away, it'll be weird anyway, so maybe it'll be better to have a full heavy experience right at once, instead of only a semi-weird and confusing experience, so, I hope some of you experienced Salvia trippers can give me some good advice here, and can recommend me a good strong dose for first time users, I will start with the 15X extract and I'll probably use a bong, unless there's a better method ofcoarse, I will most probably be stoned before I'll do it, I dunno if that makes much of a difference?

Also if you'd be so kind to inform me about the taste and harshness of the smoke, as I understood it'll be a pretty harsh and hot hit.Maybe there's something I need to know before I do this, I know for a fact that DMT smoke is fairly hard for me to hold in, so I dunno if smoking Salvia is much harder to hold in or not, but I would be happy to know before I do it, so I can be a little more prepared for it, for the smoke at least. :P

If anyone would want to inform me a bit, I'd be very grateful! :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
It is hard to pinpoint a dose. I broke through of 1/8th of a gram of 5x the first time I did it. Some of my friends didn't experience the effects at all, even on high doses. If you take too much you will blank out and forget everything, even move around while you don't know it, so don't be stupid (=have a sober person there).

The smoke is very hot. Once it is behind the throat, it isn't especially hard to keep in, though. I tried a bong once, but didn't have as good an effect as a simple pipe.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Août 2006
Oh, yea, that's right, I heard this before, that people tend to move around unknowingly, and if you can't recall anything from the trip isn't fun either, that would be a totally pointless experience, maybe I should experiment with some range of doses myself, to learn on a personal level how much will be good for me.Thanks for the advice, I'll have a sober person with me when I do it.

Thanks! :D


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
DaZeD a dit:
Hi! :D
I've never smoked Salvia before, but in a small month I'm going to smoke it for the very first time in my life, I'll have a 15X extract and a 20X extract, but I don't have a clue how much I should use and what's the best way to do it, I thought a bong would be just fine, maybe there are better ways?

I've read a lot of trip reports on Erowid and a bit here and I know I can expect one hell of a ride if I would start with a pretty high extract of 15X so I don't know, how much should I use, should I use a bong and put only a pinch in it, or should I take like a gram or something, I dunno? :?

I know I will probably have a weird experience so if it'll be weird anyway I'd like to do it hard right away, it'll be weird anyway, so maybe it'll be better to have a full heavy experience right at once, instead of only a semi-weird and confusing experience, so, I hope some of you experienced Salvia trippers can give me some good advice here, and can recommend me a good strong dose for first time users, I will start with the 15X extract and I'll probably use a bong, unless there's a better method ofcoarse, I will most probably be stoned before I'll do it, I dunno if that makes much of a difference?

Also if you'd be so kind to inform me about the taste and harshness of the smoke, as I understood it'll be a pretty harsh and hot hit.Maybe there's something I need to know before I do this, I know for a fact that DMT smoke is fairly hard for me to hold in, so I dunno if smoking Salvia is much harder to hold in or not, but I would be happy to know before I do it, so I can be a little more prepared for it, for the smoke at least. :P

If anyone would want to inform me a bit, I'd be very grateful! :D

Be sure you really want to try Salvia first. It's not something to play with, or do for fun. Basically, it's for meditation.

15x should be fine for a first trip. I would smoke 5x to understand how the overall drug makes your body feel, then move up for the hallucinogenic-ness of it.

Salvia is unlike any hallucinogen. It's not like mushrooms, LSA/LSD or DMT (though DMT is very similar to Salvia, but not exact.)

As for the taste of the smoke-- bitter. You must light it with a butane torch lighter. One bowl is fine. You actually do not want to smoke more than one bowl. It's strong enough, unlike Cannabis, where you have to take multiple hits off of one bowl. With Salvia-- it's one hit. One Bowl. The smoke is very hot, but not unbearable. If you hold it in your mouth for a few moments before you inhale, it becomes less hot and more easy to hold it in. Hold it in for 15-30 seconds. Once you let the smoke go, you'll start feeling its effects.
Use a pipe. Full the bowl with the leaves and pack it in. Fill it until the bowl is at least half, or a little less than half full, or fill it all.

Setting: dark room. No lights, no fans, no music, no people talking. Keep the room absolutely quiet. Any noise at all, or air on your body will feel very 'annoying' and will ruin the trip.

If you're stoned off of Cannabis before you smoke Salvia-- don't. Smoke Cannabis about an hour an a half to two hours after the Salvia trip ends, or don't smoke Cannabis at all after. It's up to you. I do warn you though-- Cannabis makes the 'feeling' of Salvia last longer. It does not make the trip last longer, but it's not a good idea to combine drugs.

Also take a look here: http://sagewisdom.org/usersguide.html

If you have any further questions or whatever, please feel free to PM me. I'd be more than glad to answer any question you may have.


Matrice périnatale
1 Juin 2009
Thank for that Synith, I found it quite helpful too. I've just bought my first salvia which I intend to try soon, I thought I'd start with a 5g bag and see how I get on.


Glandeuse pinéale
27 Mai 2009
I would DEFIANTLY say Salvia is one drug you want to step up gradually to higher doses on. A tiny sprinkling in a bowl is all you will need most times. Even if you load a whole bowl, you'll find it's exceedingly difficult to finish the whole thing because the drug reacts so fast. Remember, what ever you load will be consumed the moment you flame hits the material.

The less distracting and cluttered your environment is the better the trip will be and you'll feel much less stressed/annoyed (trust me on this one). Nature works well too, but might be overstimulating the first few times.

Also, waterpipes and butane lighters aren't necessary for extraction, but they help get the most out of what your smoking.

I've even vaporized Salvia before, but I wouldn't recommend that until you very comfortable with it, as i've never been so awe-struck by the drug from any other method then that.


28 Jan 2009
1 700
sit on the floor when you smoke it. its more difficult to thrash about and hurt yoursel or trash the room if you are on the floor


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Août 2006
Jezus, trash the room?
I hope I can stay just calm when I'm trippin', I definatly don't want to trash anything, or feel annoyed, I hope it works out fine for me.

Hey Assfly (funny name) can you make a small trip-report or something when you tried it please?

Thanks for the info people, it's much appreciated! :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Août 2007
1 976
1--break your extract into 10 approx. equal parts
2--hit that bong (with one of your ten equal parts, bongs are def best)...
3--make sure you keep in the smoke as long ass you can +30seconds...
4--be sitting down (salvia often causes loss of balance)+maybe have a trip sitter
5--try closing your eyes it may intensify the psychadelic trip/journey
6--ENJOY :lol: :lol: :lol:

and for a first time try not to mix it with anything else... (even booze, or weed.. ciggs are ohk or if you're on a substitution or anti depressant or medications like that allthough if you're on anti-psychotics i wouldn't recommend salvia)


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Août 2006
Heheh, if I'd be on anti-psychotics I wouldn't touch psychedelics in the first place! :P


Make sure you have a friend or two to watch you.
Lock the doors and windows. Try it on a full stomach.

Keep glass and breakables and sharp objects away from you.
Tell your friends to hold back their laughter, completely.
Explain to them that laughter can give you a horrible trip.
(Just for safety measures, it wont necessarily give you one)

Play some calming music.
Maybe light some incense, don't use candles.
Try to just, relax, pray or meditate if thats your thing.
Do it in familiar surroundings, the usual for psychedelics.

Clear your plans. When I did it, you may trip for only 10 min or less...
But you will feel strange for up to an hour.
And those 10 minutes can feel like 15 days.
All other advice I've read is good also, your in good hands here.