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First time LSD disappointed


Elfe Mécanique
4 Jan 2007
Ok well yesterday i took lsd for the first time with a good friend of mine. Ive taken mushrooms before, alot of semi-tripping lsa doses (like i tend to call em (= between 100-200seeds mg, just giving me a nice high for the night)), tried salvia 3 times which hasn't gotten any further than stage 1 and one good lsa trip of between 800-1000 seeds (which unlike with others, as i've read, had a remarkable effect on me ^^).

We both took 3/4 of a blotter after we first took 1/4 which had barely any effect on me and my friend imo. Now, the 3/4 did have an effect on me but compared to lsa i'd say it was about 400seeds on lsa standards, which is just an inbetween feeling for me.

I just wanted to know if you can kind of agree to this or am i just talking weird shit now and did i just get some bad lsd from my friend? :/ Coz, i'm quite disappointed with yesterday's trip :(... currently im thinking of my next time lsd is going to be more like 2blotters if this is all i'll be expecting as i'm looking for a more like 800seeds of mg trip ^^ or stronger ofcourse :]


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
I'm pretty sensitive to psychedelics; 2 grams of dried shrooms is enough for me, but I would never take less than ONE whole hit/tab of L. It's just a waste. I understand wanting to take it slow the first time, but I'm not surprised that you were disappointed from only eating 3/4. Take 2 next time.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Yeah agree with Brew althoug there are blotters that hold a decent dose but then I still would take 2 but I'm not entirely sane so...

But yea if LSD is disappointing, you didnt do enough :)


Elfe Mécanique
4 Jan 2007
ok :D thx for the quick replies xD will do 2hits next time then. I just hate the in between feeling when it's not what i'm looking for :]


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Déc 2006
ya i defiantly think you took wayy to small of an amount, considering that these days the amount of lsd on blotters have been greatly reduced. So ya try with 2 hits or a 1 and a half hits if u want to play it safe.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
The blotters can be so weak nowadays compared to the 60's. I had once two blotters, and taking one of them was just a slight effect of smoking a joint.

1,5 blotter and a microdot from another source brought an overwhelming experience though.

Believe me, a huge amount of LSD will be anything but dissapointing. :D

A low dose Acid provides me a less enjoyable trip than a big dose, hanging in between just sucks.

Unfortunately liquid Acid is hard to obtain, one drop is 100 mcg, but take 3 and you'll be satisfied. :P


Sale drogué·e
8 Nov 2005
I have to agree that a low dose of LSD is not something very nice. I prefer a low dose of shrooms to a low dose of LSD. I had 100 mc once liquid acid and it gave a nice effect but it was only after I took more than 200 mc that I really understood the effect of LSD.

I have to admit that I overestimated the effect of LSD compaired to Shrooms and other stuff. It was just the name that was veyr intimidating but I found it was not so different from shooms doses I took. I do not have experience with very high doses but I am curious for it. A pity that for some reason its just never find the time to take it , I still have some in my fridge though !


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Déc 2006
i'm about the same way as you, except i have no experience of shrooms and have tons with lsd. i used to take high doses of lsd all the time but when i got the chance for shrooms i was hesitant but i regret that and plan to cultivate my own mushy and just gorge on it lol.


Elfe Mécanique
4 Jan 2007
You got a point about using liquid acid, didn't think of that :x lol.. and as the friend from the friend i get it from makes it himself i guess i could ask for some liquid lsd. Whether he makes the lsd himself or if he only puts it on the blotters, I have no idea, but that doesn't really matter, he has liquid :D
Hope he can do that for me.


Alpiniste Kundalini
11 Mai 2006
I found liquid lsd to be less strong than acids but not so strong as microdots , maybe i get bad liquid and good acids , but i took several times both and i found always liquid to be less intense , but ofcourse depends in the concentration of the drop, also drops are less expensive than acids . I had once a bad trip on acid(blotter) with 1/4 acid and i get severe paranoia and respiratory problems , it was my first trip with psychedelics and i was too young . this never happen again with me , at least on lsd , but i never like to take a full acid if i don't know it , but if you think your lsd is not so strong is better take more.


Matrice périnatale
18 Nov 2006
I've tooken 1 hit and fallen asleep. The dosage on a tab can vary greatly so never take a hit for granted because it can creep on you.


Matrice périnatale
18 Nov 2006
I've tooken 1 hit and fallen asleep. The dosage on a tab can vary greatly so never take a hit for granted because it can creep on you.


I never did any less then 2 drops so I wouldn't know how that's like.
Also I've done papers 1 time, that's the only time I got tangled up with myself because my muscles we're turning inside out, but that was also in combination with liquid. The rest I only did liquid.

Some say after 50 to 100 mics you get "the ear", but no hallucinations and no half in between feeling.

Except the ionised liquid, man that stuff is strong!
The strange thing is, it's not any stronger, still 100 mics a drop, but it works stronger (so it seems)

Cause I've had that half in between feeling a lot with shrooms and that was 1 smartshop amount, but that's too little for me.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
Maybe your blotter were licked before you bought it. Many times I have see that. Especially if that blotter is sold from someone who doesn't have a lot of acid. Second reason is that it was good acid before three months(LSD papers comes on market in series-meaning once in six months 6months or 3 for better visualising-describing) And result is old blotter.
Third is degradation of LSD by UV light-Sun, oxygen, or the worst shit what can happen is contact of acid blotter with water from pipes, why? chloride destroys LSD in second leaving some degraded amides! :roll: I know that cause when cops bust into labs only one thing is enough to get yourself from shit, or when they find blotter(they will find) just soak blotter with water that you are carry in something, I always have pipe water with me when acid is in my pockets. 8) :yawinkle:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
Goran- I know you arent in the US but your 'strategy' would not help you here.

They have no problem coming up with any number of other charges such as

' attempted posession'

' intent to distribute'

' conspiracy to manufacture'

all these are just novel ways ( they think ) of saying ,

' these things are illegal to think about ' ...

so, you're lucky...


well i can't relate, I've never had less that 4 hits of acid. Paper, gel tabs, yeah it was nice, beautiful colors, things melting, all that good stuff.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112
chloride destroys LSD in second leaving some degraded amides! I know that cause when cops bust into labs only one thing is enough to get yourself from shit, or when they find blotter(they will find) just soak blotter with water that you are carry in something, I always have pipe water with me when acid is in my pockets.

This does not make sense to me, in the stomach there is both chloride and acid (I don't mean lsd :) ). Does this mean that lsd is only absorbed though the mucus membrane in the mouth ?

One way to test this is to take a encapsulated blotter/liquid/microtab without chewing on it.

And sure, degradation is to be expected by UV radiation and oxygen: there just aren't that many molecules to destroy. But I am not sure what the rate of decay is really, a good friend of mine took a blotter that I kept in a droor for more than a year and found it to be just fine.

If I had to destroy a stash of lsd that was on me in a hurry, my best bet would be a hypochlorite solution.. just normal bleach.

hehe, the yellow stains in my pants would make me look like a fool I guess ... :oops:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
Yeah, you can certainly use tap water to ruin some blotter but you're not going to destroy the lsd; only wash some of it out. And if you're doing this in your pockets, be prepared to trip balls as all that diluted lsd is running down your leg.

I once spent a night in a jail cell, tripping. Not something I'd like to do agin.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
Brewmaster a dit:
And if you're doing this in your pockets, be prepared to trip balls as all that diluted lsd is running down your leg.

Lol :paranoid:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
Paper trips can vary greatly in strength - sometimes 1/4 of a really good one can be stronger than one whole other. On a paper trip you can get anything from 50mics (you'll just feel something but not much) up to 250mics (which would be a very rare and very good paper trip, but they happen to be around if you're lucky).