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finding a good lifestyle


21 Juil 2007
5 922
i dunno loll... for some people it seems as if their lifestyle has become too much like a program in a bad way... i mean lol it could even be good or bad that people are becoming like robots.
but sometimes it's simply really sad to see. because it may seem as if people don't even have their own life, as if they have become so enslaved by the system and maybe even without knowing it.

i want to strongly emphasise one concept that i think it could have benefits to become more aware of it in the world and in your own life. it's the concept of loose change.
because often it seems we humans are creatures of habit and herd.
and maybe if we cling too much to that probably sub- and/or unconsciously then we can have the risk to get too stuck in a certain structural way or so. don't get me wrong tho.. i think it can be good to have a structure in your life, but it can also be bad, probably mostly when you are too dependant of the structure
in a mind-conditioning way or so. i can't explain it very well...
i just think a lot of people seem to need something to cling to, because they are afraid. it's like a ego-compensation mechanism in a way. one example is maybe how in a psychological way etc etc people can cling to things like religion because of fear and be addicted to food etc etc...

the question is then how can we live truly free or so... i think the answer is a bit related to buddhist philosophy. because it has got to do with ego and this is what causes so much if not most unrest in the world and the peoples' lives.
well maybe to be able to really care about others we first need to be able to recognize what it means to be cared about or what it feels like and we learn this from the parents, family and society etc etc.... however how we care about and treat ourselves also is a very strong influence.
well for one part it's said that we supposedly need an ego to live and the other part is that what causes all the trouble is simply the false sense of ego.
so maybe it's also about finding out the truth about our true nature etc etc.
the idea is to be able to disregard the ego, because it causes so much pain and suffering. another saying goes like "kill your ego before it kills you"..

so if you ask me, to live in peace and have inner peace possibly means much more than we may have thought. the deception that is going on with that is to confuse something with what it not really is or so... and this seems to be a theme of society.
to pretend how it's all right when it's not.
i think this means that we should be able to question ourselves and others more or better and not take things for granted too much etc etc...
for example western civilisation i would often prefer to call "a so called civilsation" instead. because it's probably at least not as civilised as it claims.
one thing that i don't understand, but i must admit that unfortunetely i also have patterns or similar patterns like that, is that some people think if their lives are good that because of that other peoples' lives have to be bad. well i can't really describe or explain it very well, but maybe you know which type of people and attitude i mean. perhaps it simply means that the wealth standard is not very balanced on a broader scale and/or the possible narrow-mindedness of peoples' paradigms.

well personally i want to live a peaceful lifestyle and as cheesy or so as it maybe sounds i think real peace comes from within. and this doesn't mean to believe all the lies or to be totally passive or anything like that...
another important factor is to really be yourself and to do what makes sense to you.
have you noticed how it's possible to fool yourself rather easily in that aspect?? can you listen to yourself or do you first listen to others?? do you think you know yourself??? hmm... what you think?? :-p
