ecstasy/MDMA research participants needed

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion missbetty
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New member
I am carrying out some research on Past Clubbing experiences and ecstasy use. I will explain more if I am to post my research question here, I am just unsure if I am allowed to post here to look for research participants?

Maybe someone can advise me please?

Cheers in advance

Sorry that you haven't received a reply for this thread yet.
I don't see the harm asking for past mdma experiences. After all, a large portion of this forum is dedicated to trip reports.
I've had a handful of MDMA experiences, and am more than happy to discuss if it's not too late?
I'm 27, from Essex and took my first pill when I was 21 (after watching the film 'The Girl Next Door')..
In the hopes of keeping this thread experiences with ecstasy and MDMA have been very different. Not entirely, but different. I remember when I used to take ecstasy tabs back in the day and it was awesome. Full of body love and peaceful notions. But Then later on in life I took MDMA thinking it would be the same but it wasn't. It felt good, but lacked some of the characteristics that I remember of ecstasy. Like it wasn't as round or rounded off the way ecstasy was. If that makes sense. I didn't feel the overwhelming sense of loving everyone and everything that I used to on ecstasy.

I did some research and found out that they are in fact not the same thing. Ecstasy in earnest is a mash up of different drugs with MDMA being the most prevalent. Among the drugs that went into the ecstasy tabs I used to take were heroin and speed. MDMA is the isolated molecule itself without the other stuff included in what is known as ecstasy. To make it even more confusing and blurry lined, today people are starting to call MDMA ecstasy, which it is not. But whatever, tomorrow it'll prob be called something else...
Veritus a dit:
In the hopes of keeping this thread experiences with ecstasy and MDMA have been very different. Not entirely, but different. I remember when I used to take ecstasy tabs back in the day and it was awesome. Full of body love and peaceful notions. But Then later on in life I took MDMA thinking it would be the same but it wasn't. It felt good, but lacked some of the characteristics that I remember of ecstasy. Like it wasn't as round or rounded off the way ecstasy was. If that makes sense. I didn't feel the overwhelming sense of loving everyone and everything that I used to on ecstasy.

I did some research and found out that they are in fact not the same thing. Ecstasy in earnest is a mash up of different drugs with MDMA being the most prevalent. Among the drugs that went into the ecstasy tabs I used to take were heroin and speed. MDMA is the isolated molecule itself without the other stuff included in what is known as ecstasy. To make it even more confusing and blurry lined, today people are starting to call MDMA ecstasy, which it is not. But whatever, tomorrow it'll prob be called something else...

OMFG that is very interesting. So, for real, they would mix heroin and speed in with tab?? That is so dangerous on many levels. So you mean it is not authentic MDMA?

I have never taken it. I was offered it many moons back in the Rave scene but then it was £15 and I was SO not gonna pay that. there was also the propaganda about it too.

Also a very interesting thing I found out yesterday though I hadn't been searching for it. I found out that Israeli drug cartels were pushing ecstasy. I have reasons to believe that Israel was behind 9/11 false flag, so it made me think of reason why they would want lots of people on ecstasy tabs

let me ask you something: you say they made you love everyone right? Now if say I had discussion with you in that time and I spoke about the Illuminati, or the powers that be and how evil they are, how would you have responded?
There used to be ecstacy pills which were 120mg of MDEA or MDA, 1mg to 5mg of 2C-I and 10mg of baclofen. The baclofen would act as a body temperature regulator to prevent overheating from the ecstasy(MDxx) and the low dose of 2C-I would act as a safe stimulant, mood lifter, and potentiates the MDxx. Later formulations of ecstasy contained about 110mg MDA/MDMA mixture, 0.5mg of diclazapam, and 20mg to 30mg of DMAA. There was also skyblue E crystals that was MDA/MDMA mix.
Docta X was cool, but Docta X disappeared though. :(
I have nowhere to set up my own lab now because I currently live in the stupid city. Stupid cockheaded gang infested city with dumb landlords! :angry:
Maybe I need to buy commercial space or something and do something there. :question: