Obviously you are suffering from an Oedipus complex. The friends and animals in your dreams are subconscious representations of your father, and in reality your pissed off at him for being with your mother
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Nah, j/k
No, seriously now, I think dreams have as much meaning as one makes them have, just like any other experience, including waking life. I do not believe there is any absolute, or objective, meaning to anything.. at all. All meaning is subjective. All of life, including sleeping, dreaming, visions.. any experience at all, is
essentially meaningless. Might sound a bit pessimistic, but I actually think it's great! If there is no meaning to anything at all, and any "supposed meaning" is only subjective meaning... This means you yourself are in charge of how you experience the meaning behind anything - you create your own meaning.
To take your dreams as an example: you might have had a fight (verbal) with some random person, maybe a friend, maybe a relative, maybe you were just annoyed by someone lately. You might decide to attach meaning to your dream and say it is a some subconscious expression of your irritation. Maybe you having these dreams because you are irritated by not being able to sleep well? Could all very well be the case, although I wouldn't know of course, and it doesn't really matter in my opinion. It could also be the case that you are not irritated by anything at all, and you simply decide to say, 'ah wth, weird dream, what was that all about, must have been my wild imagination'. So, in other words, you might decide that the "meaning" is wild imagination. Whatever meaning you decide to give it, it was given to the dream(s) by you, it's merely subjective. But actually there is no real meaning to the dreams.. just subjective meaning, so give it the meaning you want it to have