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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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My last 5 or so dreams have had me either murdering another person or killing an animal.

Last night I killed a leopard or something that was attacking me.
I beat the shit out of my room mate in one.
I killed a prostitute in another.
Killed a good friend of mine with a sawed off shot-gun in another.

Obviously you are suffering from an Oedipus complex. The friends and animals in your dreams are subconscious representations of your father, and in reality your pissed off at him for being with your mother :D

..... .....

Nah, j/k ;)

No, seriously now, I think dreams have as much meaning as one makes them have, just like any other experience, including waking life. I do not believe there is any absolute, or objective, meaning to anything.. at all. All meaning is subjective. All of life, including sleeping, dreaming, visions.. any experience at all, is essentially meaningless. Might sound a bit pessimistic, but I actually think it's great! If there is no meaning to anything at all, and any "supposed meaning" is only subjective meaning... This means you yourself are in charge of how you experience the meaning behind anything - you create your own meaning.
To take your dreams as an example: you might have had a fight (verbal) with some random person, maybe a friend, maybe a relative, maybe you were just annoyed by someone lately. You might decide to attach meaning to your dream and say it is a some subconscious expression of your irritation. Maybe you having these dreams because you are irritated by not being able to sleep well? Could all very well be the case, although I wouldn't know of course, and it doesn't really matter in my opinion. It could also be the case that you are not irritated by anything at all, and you simply decide to say, 'ah wth, weird dream, what was that all about, must have been my wild imagination'. So, in other words, you might decide that the "meaning" is wild imagination. Whatever meaning you decide to give it, it was given to the dream(s) by you, it's merely subjective. But actually there is no real meaning to the dreams.. just subjective meaning, so give it the meaning you want it to have
feels to me like you are being revved up mentally/emotionally/physically, but may not have had enough free time lately to disperse all of the energy you have been taking on. this can have a draining effect while awake, and a restlessness while sleeping/trying to sleep. dreams will reflect that restlessness.

time could help to dissipate these things but more activities centered around grounding yourself may be beneficial too. if you have the energy, go for a walk/hike/run, if you feel to tired, maybe yoga, meditation, or brief naps. be careful of how much you eat as well because this can also have an effect on ones energy level. i know most people (myself included) have tendencies to eat more when it's cold out. i remedy this by running or doing something active before or between meals, so that the extra food is warranted.

the food thing is really understated. i've made leaps and bounds in tapping into more energy lately with portion control and smaller but more frequent meals.
All meaning is subjective

I agree with this to an extent, I do think that we control our own definitions of dreams and reality. But i also think that the sequence of things can define a broader idea.For example: dreams with fighting could be interpreted as conquering something and thus we feel like we have accomplished something, but then if your dreams evolve to fighting something you love then you are conquering something you may not want to. So, when interuprting things, i say, one must keep definitions broad and subject to change.
IJesusChrist did you recently stopped with smoking Marijuana? Or have you smoked a lot in a short time and then stopped?

I remember we had discussion on the dutch site of the forum, many people did agree that whenever they quit after a intense period of smoking MJ, they had very intense and vivid dreams.

A couple of years ago, i had couple of dreams where i got the death penalty. But everytime when it was my time, i'll decided somehow to wake up.

This are the kind of dreams which i get when i quit with MJ.

I am not sure if dreams are just there to give them your own meaning while there infact meaningless, that would sound to me as a bit useless.
well, in my experience, the meaning that one associates with them tends to turn out to be the actual meaning. not in a "well what if i change my mind?" kind of way, but in a "this feels right" kind of way. :)
The dreams are You talking to yourself,

Or you exploring other worlds.

Who knows ?

The meaning is what you decide. If you decide to forget about them, then there is no meaning at all.
If you decide to look for what they mean, then you're asking yourself questions, and thus you're finding some meaning in some kind of way. Your way.
HermesTrismegistus a dit:
IJesusChrist did you recently stopped with smoking Marijuana? Or have you smoked a lot in a short time and then stopped?

I remember we had discussion on the dutch site of the forum, many people did agree that whenever they quit after a intense period of smoking MJ, they had very intense and vivid dreams.

A couple of years ago, i had couple of dreams where i got the death penalty. But everytime when it was my time, i'll decided somehow to wake up.

This are the kind of dreams which i get when i quit with MJ.

I am not sure if dreams are just there to give them your own meaning while there infact meaningless, that would sound to me as a bit useless.

I think I had smoked recently after ~ 2-3 months of sobriety.
I know nightmares prepair us for the wakeing moments that scare us. Much of what we worry about is needless mind games to help you just in case. But these things are our seat belts and life is the car.
my interpretation is i think you are maybe suffering from repressing your feelings or true feelings or at least in some sense or way or so. like being in some sort too controlled by thoughts and identifying too much with thoughts or the plain of thoughts. not saying that exclusively identifying with your feelings would be the right way, but more like observing yourself more or better and acting accordingly. do you think your motivation for action is too often rooted in fear? can you distinguish between fear and other emotions very well??

the crucial question here would probably be: why and how do did some feelings or thoughts of yours evolve to violence in your dreams?? and what does it mean?? do you honestly think violence is a real solution or something like that???
stupid question but what does violence mean to you? do you feel you are too domesticated or too feral??
do you have pain?? do you feel your pain?? i suggest to simply try to feel your pain and not suppress it. well for me it was like i had not felt my pain and hence blocked my own energy or so somehow... hope that helps lol... ;)

Having dreams like that is perfectly normal sometimes. As people have mentioned, interpreting the dreams can be very subjective. And objective observation of the dreams often isn't very objective either.

However, I'm sure most in the field of psychiatry would say that your feelings of attacking something or someone would lead to believe that you have some deep seated anger/anxiety issues.

The fact that you dreamed about a leopard and you killed it, suggests an issue was troubling you, and it was you trying to figure it out. Weird I know, but supposedly that's how the brain deals with crap. You know what I say? If dreams are supposed to give us messages and help us work through shit, they should damned well be more clear about it!

If I have to google "The meaning of X in dreams" then to me, the dream failed to get it's message across.

Just saying...

However, the fight with your room mate could be something you are pissed off at them about.. No real mystery there... If you have repressed feelings of frustration or anger, they are bound to come out in dreams...

Just saying :)
are u still takeing the green one? They antiviraled it out months ago- Bourne legacy
Hark a dit:
are u still takeing the green one? They antiviraled it out months ago- Bourne legacy

Haven't seen that movie yet... some people say it was good, but the fact that they swapped out Matt Damon really messed with the image.. Worth seeing?