Dead bear covered with Obama signs found at school

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Just sick, must me the work of Republicans.
CULLOWHEE, N.C. – Police at Western Carolina University and wildlife officials were investigating the discovery early Monday of a dead bear cub draped with a pair of Barack Obama campaign signs.

Leila Tvedt, associate vice chancellor for public relations, said Monday night that maintenance workers found the 75-pound bear cub shot to death in front of the school's administration building at the entrance to campus. The Obama yard signs were stapled together and placed over the bear's head, Tvedt said.

The bear had been shot in the head, Tvedt said.

"Western Carolina University deplores the inappropriate behavior that has led to this troubling incident," Tvedt said. "We cannot speculate on the motives of the people involved nor who those people might be. Campus police are cooperating fully with authorities to investigate this matter."

University police called in state Wildlife Resources officials to remove the body and help in the investigation.

Bear season is under way in western North Carolina.
WTF? theres a bear season? do they eat the bears? i never understood hunting for sport. anything ive ever shot ive eaten
* I * can speculate;

Dumb-ass, redneck males, app. age 18-24....probably driving a Ford pickup, around 8-10 years old, with a rifle hanging in the window.

They're too stupid to realize that if they get their wish and another Republican gets in, THEY'LL be the bear, shot in the head in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Africa,
or where-ever else the conservative war machine decides to go.

Fucking idiots. :twisted: :evil:

In America, it is part of our IDIOT culture to shoot animals for 'sport' maybe it is easier to see why they don't have to re-instate the draft, too many idiots with a head full of wrong ideas, and NO RESPECT for life. NONE.

I hate the way it is.....but I can only be what I would like to see.
It would be one thing to subsist off of the land, but there is no point in the way most 'Americans' hunt animals in this day and age.....especially in the area where I live, the 'deep' south ( aptly named, 'deep' as in 'deep shit')

these people are really primitive, and not an original thinker in the whole area.

they should be covered in gravy and staked out in the woods. i dont envy people like you Spice having to live in that environment. i can see why people go postal .
spice a dit:
* I * can speculate;

Dumb-ass, redneck males, app. age 18-24....probably driving a Ford pickup, around 8-10 years old, with a rifle hanging in the window.

They're too stupid to realize that if they get their wish and another Republican gets in, THEY'LL be the bear, shot in the head in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Africa,
or where-ever else the conservative war machine decides to go.

Fucking idiots. :twisted: :evil:

don't fucking prejudge!
Believe me, I'm correct on this subject.....there is too much of this type of behaivour in this area, and it isn't coming from teenage girls.....

If it's not the young men I talked about, then it's their fathers; exact same description + 20 years.

spice, were you serious when you said "around 8-10 years old" ? Or is it just to emphasize the situation ?
^ yes, the truck is 8-10 years old, and the inhabitants are probably 18-24 years old.....

I live in this region of the country, and I am not 'pre-judiced'

more like-

'post-judiced'....if you get me..
i didnt grow up in the deep south, but I'm from Canada's equivalent... it isn't as bad but still a racist homophobic boot-stompin' environmental catastrophe of a good time. yeehaw!
just as bad if not worse.. alberta :P

well i'm saying worse because we now have the wonderful reputation of bringing environmental Armageddon to Canada.

and 80% of the population votes for the cons. (the ones who actually show up at elections.. lowest turnout rate in the country)
It sucks for us all.......apparently, it's going to take a real meltdown-disaster to wake everyone up.....unfortunately for those of us already awake, the conservatives will for sure be leading them to one eventually.

I was in BC 8 years ago, in Nelson, and i thought if I'd had the means ($) I would have liked nothing better than to have bought a house there and just vanished from here.

I was amazed at how cool it was there......but I did hear stories about rednecks in Saskatchawan, etc.....

I'm really surprised at the turn to conservatives that Canada has seemingly made in the last few years.

I don't really understand it, it has to be a case of follow the USA on the road to hell.....
yes, it's fucking scary. but there's several reasons.

we had the lowest voter turnout in the history of canada in the last vote. it was under 60%.

our multi-party system: a few years ago the right-wing parties joined into one party. the very right-wing reform party along with the more centrist conservative party.

the "left" and centre now has its votes split up over the liberals, ndp and greens. combine that with the bloc taking up 50 seats in our 308-seat parliament, and you can see the problem. it is just difficult to compete with a single right-wing party.

our system of representation:

in our last election the cons only had 1% more of the popular vote apparently, but it was enough to push them up and get them 20 more seats in parliament.

the greens got 7% of the popular vote. the bloc got 10% of the popular vote. the bloc has 50 seats. the greens have zero.

also smear campaigns, much like in the states. the conservatives are very good at outright lying about the opposition. they claimed the liberals were going to raise taxes when in fact the liberal plan was to cut taxes for the average person and raise taxes for the biggest polluters. the leader of the liberals had an interview aired a few days before the election where he stuttered and the station, instead of cutting out the stutter like they said they would, in fact aired it and the cons jumped on it as a sign of weakness.

i think canada is in for a succession of minority conservative governments for some time. at least until either the liberals get their act together or they join up with the ndp (which is also scary, i don't want a partisan system in canada, but what can you do, eh?). at least it will probably be a minority, meaning the cons can't outright push their crazy agenda through.

anyway, i love southern BC. haven't been there for a long time. i'm now out east.. certainly have no plans to go back to alberta even though that is where the easy money is =)
Yeah, Nelson is a nice place. I loved it there, although I just visited for a couple of days. yes, the old 'divide and conquer scenario'......believe me, from the sounds of it, Canada is on a collision course with heavy-duty partisan politics, which is going to really make it hard to like the government.

The answer seems to be what we all really know that it is, but none of us really want to do;

Return to a simpler life, surrender much of the 'comforts' of 'civilization', and de-centralize our population; a less industrial-based lifestyle.....more self-sufficiency, and less reliance on automated existence.


re: The Kootenays, Nelson, etc....

I really loved it there....the first weekend I was there, the summer of 2000, these three local kids approached me walking down Baker street, and sold me three bags of local hydro.....I walked up to this park that overlooked the town, (Gyro patk) and got retardedly stoned, fell asleep in a flower bed, woke up at night, still had my reefer and my wallet.
