Boards of Canada

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Hello everybody!

I discovered Boards of Canada long ago when I watched the Salad Fingers series ( At this moment I didn't really like the music and didn't pay much attention to it. But I recently decided to listen a bit to it again, and kind of like the style. It puts me in a strange mindstate. I am curious how it would influence a trip. But I'm not sure if it's a good idea as it often sounds kind of creepy and dark.

What do you think?
Psychoid a dit:
Hello everybody!

I discovered Boards of Canada long ago when I watched the Salad Fingers series ( At this moment I didn't really like the music and didn't pay much attention to it. But I recently decided to listen a bit to it again, and kind of like the style. It puts me in a strange mindstate. I am curious how it would influence a trip. But I'm not sure if it's a good idea as it often sounds kind of creepy and dark.

What do you think?

There's better one's out there ( look up the author and look at his other videos - much more bizarre)

Also you should look up "Somebody" as an author on newgrounds, he does some very weird stuff.

"TV Mount" , "Bear Hello" are some of my favorites by him...
I'm not talking about the animation but the music. And not just the song in the animation (which is not really good), but other songs by Boards of Canada.

You can listen to some songs on youtube, here's one:

I'm not sure if it's a good idea as it often sounds kind of creepy and dark

Like all music and tripping, there are no set rules.. it's a matter of taste, familiarity (the unfamiliar is often creepy at first glance).. perspective.. mindset.. how the person reacts to it.. ... for me I find boards of canada to be incredibly chill, honestly. "beautiful place in the country" is quite nice to listen to during comedown. "geogaddi" is pretty good also, took longer to grow on me (the background track is a short ambient track from geogaddi they just looped, most of the album has beats)
Yeah I downladed 5 of their albums today listened to some and I like the style. I guess if I like it when sober I'm gonna like it when tripping?
likewise i like em a lot too, i like a lot of other artists on the labels they are on (warp/skam) as well :D

generally any music that I really like, not just as background entertainment but that deeply appeals to me while i'm sober, will hold up when I'm tripping. especially if i really like the sounds or the rhythms in it... sometimes you discover new or previously underappreciated music while tripping too, which can be fun

it helps to have other music you know you are cool with standing by, so if it gets too intense, switch it up. you never know, you might really like it as well, or find yourself in an uncontrollable fit of laughter :D
I also have like 1.5 go of ambient music I haven't listened yet because I want to hear it for the first time while high. I only listened to a few songs after downloading it to see if I like the style. I was sober and it brought tears to my eyes ^^ (here's the torrent if anyone's interested:

It's mainly Steve Roach, but there is also Tangerine Dreams, Cipher, Cros Currents and others. When I listened to it I decided I didn't want to be used to it when I'd listen to it while tripping and that's why I haven't listened to it yet. My best ecstasy trip was 3 years ago when I loaded my MP3 with Infected Mushrooms complete discography that I had just loaded and heard it all for the first time while tripping balls. a dit:
you might really like it as well, or find yourself in an uncontrollable fit of laughter :D

Yeah that happenned with Entheogenic. I appreciated it but didn't really like it much before a shroom trip where it made me laugh very hard, have very intense pleasure, I'd call it a kind of orgasm from my whole being! Since then I love all of their song ^^ They kind of bring back those feeling, though extremely weak ^^ Sadly I posted the TR of this experience only in the french section...
Hey i love the boards of cananda.
I remember listening to Geogaddi and the In A Beautiful Place Out In The Country EP, while on mushrooms. Great tripping music, not dark or creepy at all.

steve roach on the otherhand can be very dark at some times.
I got into Boards of Canada about two years ago. I listened to them a lot, maybe a bit too much as I got tired of it after a while. The first song I heard was "Everything you do is a Balloon" and I was sold immediatly!

I've listened to Balloon and An Eagle in your Mind during one trip and it was very relaxing and deep. I wanted to put some more BoC on at that moment but I was unable to move ^^
It's not dark music but it has some kind of melancholic touch to it in my opinion, a bit the the same kind as an icy landscape or something.
Mara a dit:
I got into Boards of Canada about two years ago. I listened to them a lot, maybe a bit too much as I got tired of it after a while.

that's why i am always on the look out for new sounds.
*Moved to: Videos, Music and Links

Psychoid a dit:
I'm not talking about the animation but the music. And not just the song in the animation (which is not really good)

I :heart: Beware of the Friendly Stranger :roll:
Although it's a bit too short.

Love Boards all together, even Twoism (wich is their "hardest" work)
magickmumu a dit:
Hey i love the boards of cananda.
I remember listening to Geogaddi and the In A Beautiful Place Out In The Country EP, while on mushrooms. Great tripping music, not dark or creepy at all.

Me too. Geogaddi is awesome, especially track four.
Boards of Canada is one of my favourite band (in this kind of music)

you really should check this out : Dayvan Cowboy

very very good band. I swear i could give my left hand to see them in gig.

same kind of band :

God is an Astronaut ( see them in gig - > unbelievable but deaf the day after...)
Mud Flow (darker...)
Sigur Ros
Well, Archive sounds like ordinary Rock, Mud Flow sounds like Pop-Rock and the rest of the bands you name are Post-rock bands (well, Sigur Ros makes all kinds of different stuff, but the album Takk is definitely Post-rock)
and Boards of Canada isn't.
They only work with electronic synths, tapeloopers etc

NIK0P0L a dit:
I swear i could give my left hand to see them in gig.
Well, they're kinda people shy and have only performed live 3 times
didn't say the were using the same instrumentals... but it sounds the same spirit of music for me. and it was a way to share. 8)

for the gig i just would like to smoke and fly.
Boards Of Canada are great, and I've had good experiences tripping to their music. They do have this melancholic/dark touch in some of their songs, but they have very warm and gentle songs as well. I love the album Music Has The Right To Children, which is probably the most obvious and accessible album choice.

This album, by-the-way, has some very very nice "intermezzo" songs, very short in duration, but loaded melodically. Listen to: Kaini Industries, Bocuma, Triangles and Rhombuses. These are absolutely great tracks to trip on.

NIK0P0L a dit:
didn't say the were using the same instrumentals... but it sounds the same spirit of music for me.
Ah well that's what I interpreted by
same kind of band
Because it is a very different style.
I'm sorry for being such an autistic music junky with way too much labels :roll:

NIK0P0L a dit:
for the gig i just would like to smoke and fly.
Agreed! :weedman:

If you like God is an Astronaut and Mogwai you may also like The American Dollar, Explosions in the Sky, Godspeed You! Black Emperor (maybe even Silver Mount Zion Orchestral, Memorial & Tra-la-la-band), 65 Days of Static (although a lot harder with chaotic beats), Mono and Under Byen ;)
Ohw and Mogwai also did a Soundtrack with composer Clint Mansell and the Kronos Quartet (both involved in the Requiem for a Dream soundtrack) for the movie The Fountain, so if you're into a bit of Modern Classical/Soundtrack (meets a bit of Post-Rock) then I definitely recommend you checking out The Fountain OST

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