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bad ketamine trip/hole?


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Avr 2009
hi swim had this bad time on ket for the first time last night in his career of a couple ounces over the last few years has anyone experienced bad egocentric paranoid panic attacks while holing? or may this be just caused by over usage of this intriguely addictive substance?
wondering if anyone has any answers/commentary to/on this as it is kind of disturbing and interesting at the same time.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
No. Panic is very unlikely since it's a powerful anaestetic which does not suppress breath or heart pulse at the dose of a K-hole. The dreamy staring sedation half way through is often experienced as pleasant by many if the circumstances are appropriate. Serene and domestic. It's hard to move or to be active at a higher dose, K-hole = an unconsciousness happening, like DMT. But it might be that due to a extended tolerance, users are more capable of moving and keeping consciousness at their increased amounts over periods of months.

It's the result of chronic/repeated use, panic and psychotic episodes are common among Ket abusers. As well as an egocentric personality somewhat similar as with cocaine. They own the place.


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Avr 2009
thanks, cause panic attacks+k hole do not equal fun though it may also be due to some personal environmental conditions around as of late in conjunction with chronic use this is my theory but talked to others and theyve never heard of this happening.. k is always a good mindfuck in every way.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
I wouldn't say it's a mindfuck personally, which to me are the wild phases of mushrooms or losing it on Salvia. Ket is placid and partly a tranquilizer. Hence it's potential for abuse as an "opiate", free from disturbance and agitation.

But it has extended "unpredictable" episodes, and acting conscious seems not always present even though you're doing your things normally and safe with just a bit of a stiff motor control. You can walk up to take a drink and once you're back in your seat, you still see yourself doing the whole act, as your memory and conscious perception runs behind time.


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Avr 2009
i dunno i can mold whats happening to me quite often negating the existence of time and space, gaining greater control over things i do not controlsuch as time which is a mindfuck to me


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Transform to a Lord or an Emperor, but don't overdo it. :P The tendency is that some fanatics lose some awareness of being limited as the time gets by, the lucidity of being sober and K'ing seems to fuse in a worst case scenario, and that's when the whole attitude changes into an egocentric form of self-absorption with megalomania.


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Avr 2009
yeah its a tough line to walk, because at some points that feeling of omnipotence can help one have better control over one's life as it makes apparent the fact that you CAN change whats happening to you and improve your situation which helps me immensely but as soon as it turns from a helpful prod into delusional fantasies i know ive been sending too much up my snozzz.
thanks for the discussion, i could keep going into infinity bout k hcl


Matrice périnatale
14 Mar 2009
I experienced something of this over the weekend. i think its probably the weirdest headspace you can put yourself into...

It was simply a very very strange experience though, and coupled with lots of deja vu. I don't do ket a lot but it my trips often have a dark or creepy feel - I remember thinking of the fact that I would be alive tomorrow, but found it so hard to relate to that idea that it was completely unnerving etc

I'm interested to know other peoples views on how much it can actually be used in a psychonautic sense. It can do some fascinating things the way it can seem to separate your mind from your body somewhat...but its nothing on the ego-loss of LSD or pslocybin: I think going into the session with expectations more of the latter was one of my mistakes. The whole things really been a lesson in how you won't find what you're looking for with these experiences, if you don't do away with that very notion and surrender to total openness; henceforth drugs can often be just as much of an illusion as anything else.

I've had lots of amazing ket trips though, and the experience wasn't even entirely bad. Its come at a time of spiritual realisation for me, and I'm now aware of the fact that drugs aren't even needed at all to be fulfilled and happy (not that I won't go on to have other beneficial experiences with them). This is something I seemed to have moved away from since my very first psychedelic experience with LSA - which really confirmed the bliss of synchronicity to me in all its glory, the gut intuitive of finding truth and whatnot. Since then I've experimented with LSD a few times and had equally if not more incredible trips, however I find a much more psychological effect generally perpetuates, that could be said to detract from the purely mystical and awe inspiring un-veilings such as I've been given with LSA, Mescaline, Shrooms and Salvia etc (all be that on Salvia I wasn't ready for her at all hehe). So, a difference between natural and man-made substances perhaps?

Of course its only if you *let* your psychology affect you in this way, which I've simply realised I have been doing lately. If anything this is a good example of how bad trips are always down to the person themselves rather than the substance, and that self-doubt and negativity is ultimately useless and irrelevant to the cause of love. I guess its also an example of how you can learn a lot from bad experiences heh. Just been permanently fooked for too long and need to sort my head out basically, which is the usual conclusion with these things :mrgreen:

*back to lurking*