Back strecthing?

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So I've had back pain for a long time. It's due from sitting way too much and bad posture, but the sitting is inescapable, school and then computer time take up the majority of a weekday...

I'm wondering if anyone knows good technique in stretching the back out. I've been doing what I thought was helping, but it may be dangerous, and I don't want to continue if that is the case;

I sit on my back, and slowly raise my feet to the ceiling, getting blood from the feet to the head and upper body. I stay in a position almost like a backward handstand where my body is balancing on my elbows arms and my head, then I slowly bring my legs and feet up over my head, try to touch the ground with my feet, to maximize my back's curvature. It feels odd at first, but then it feels good, it seems like I'm stretching it, however I fear that this may end up doing some kind of nerve damage, because as I go back into lying flat on my back it is a very very strong sensation, not quite pain, but somewhat discomfort.

Until I read up on a proper back stretching technique I'll hold off from this and continue with sit-ups. they seem to work slightly, but its nearly 60 a day before I feel much of anything related to th eback.
the exercise you describe is a somewhat popular yoga asana, and if you go to the first lessons, they show you this one as well. so I guess it isn't that dangerous if you have no problems with your spine otherwise. a strange sensation is common, but if it doesn't hurt a lot you should be fine. you notice it quite easily what is too much and what is not. the strange sensation probably comes because you didn't warm up first and just went directly into it.

look if you can get someone to show you how to do the surya namaskar. anybody who does a little yoga knows how it works. or just stand and bend down, grab your ankles, knees straight and pull yourself down. you will feel a lot in your legs, but also in your back.
you can do the same sitting on the floor, knees and spine straight (somewhat hard to do) and bend forward with your head to your knees.

another one always does a lot for me, but I don't think I can it explain well enough. I'll look up its name and maybe you can find a good guide on the internet.
edit: found it, it's called "Ardha Matsyendrasana", I'm having troubles finding a good one in english, but the images are more important anyway:

what works most wonders for me however, is rolling up, hugging your knees and shins and rocking back and forth exactly on your spine, so that you feel every segment touching the floor and getting up again. do this on a carpet or something like that.
I think stretching the way you are wont help your posture as much as stretching the back in the opposite direction carefully and also straightening the back to an upright position.

Sit in a chair with your face straight looking forward and take a deep breath in not completely filling the lungs and sitting tall, Place your hands on your thighs just below your groin and continue to stretch the spine up right using your hands to aid the stretch as you continue to fill your lungs as you breath in. Take it slowly and hold each stretch for roughly 15 seconds, Maybe some warm up exercises will help with not harming yourself and don't over do the stretch's as you may hurt yourself :)

Also when you stand, breath deep, push out your chest slightly and hold your shoulders back slightly making sure the spine is correct and straight. Again stretching up right standing to your tallest with your head held high, It will probably feel very uncomfortable and somewhat weird for a while but once you adjust to it you will see the key benefits :D

You could always practice the old technique of balancing the book on the head while walking :lol:
oh boy! off to stretch!
if your back hurts, then stretching your back will only make it worse (without excercise). think about this. while sitting in a chair, your hip bones and tailbone naturally curve forward, right? so, to counteract this, you shouldn't (only) do stretches that curve your tailbone forward (even more), that just doesn't make much sense. it's not that the stretch is bad, BUT, if your going to stretch one way, you must stretch the other way as well.

stretches for abdominals (which are what will help straighten your back again) are upward facing dog, or cobra position. check out videos for them on youtube to learn the proper form. you basically enter pushup position with hands at shoulder/armpits(all the way to the ground), then as you push up your hips do not come up AT ALL, and, while keeping your elbows tucked tight by your side, you inhale and try to look directly up/backwards so far, that you are trying to view your own feet. keep in mind that that is a goal, you'll probably only be able to look straight up at first.

whatever you do, DO NOT just stretch your back only, unless you fancy walkers with tennis balls on the feet of em
I'm trying to do alot of stretching. I CANNOT for the life of me touch my toes. I have been trying for the past 6 months. Getting literally no where.

stretching my arms and shoulders has been very good though. I tend to meditate and soon my body just starts to move, and I get into very flexible positions... do about 30 minutes of that and I feel like a puddle of jello
@getting nowhere. it's probably mainly because your muscles aren't heated. when you workout, you naturally become more flexible. stretching done during then increases your potential (hot or cold) stretching distance.

try cobra yet? fantastic after an ab workout

I also experienced back (and neck) problems due to bad posture and computer work. Above video really helped me getting rid of most of it. I can really recommend it. Just listen to the limits of your body and practice :).

A yoga mat is pretty essential tho, but well worth it!

(I find cannabis helps my yoga practice. With it I find it easier to relax and breath deep in each posture. Vaporizer recommended)
thanks for the routine. ive bookmarked it and plan on using the whole thing after my next high intensity workout. it gave me ideas for simple exercises to do while at the computer without doing the full routine for an hour... i like.
streching your back can be very dangerous if there are tensions to begin with. so keep in mind to have relaxed body. k

i find it very suiting in the morning to stand straight up and relax my upper body slowly reaching for the floor in a circlear way, then when it naturally stops i think of my spine to be linear by reaching the lowest back into the sky and the top of the spine deep within the earth. just like you stretch a rubber band. standing like this for a few minutes before i break the loosness in my lower body by bending my knees sligtly and slowly roling, from the lower back and up to the top of my spine so it points to the sky. standing in this for a few minutes before repeating 2-3 times. And during this whole seansee you should really relax your shoulders. he he.. theyre really tweeking when dangling in the up side down possition. This is good couse' you relasing your minds tension from your pain.

And another thing to the ones who has back problems, when you walk (if you can) do it like the tribes of the massai. it's really good for your back. Now, you can buy specal designed shoes for this purpose, but there's a cheaper and more orignale way to do this. simply walk with your feet from back of you heel to the front of your toes in a rolling maner and you will find it will strenghten your back and give you no load when walking. roll the walk bro.

please take care of youre back

peace and love
Mate thank you for sharing your stuff a lot of people suffer from back pain you have shared a good thing that can help a lot of people in getting rid of problems like that.
Keep sharing stuff like that it can help a lot of people ahead.