I made myself an ayahuasca brew 2 weeks ago or so.
I bolied 10 g of M. hostilis with 3 g of P. harmala mixed it with some yogi tea and honey and drank about 2 third of it slowly.
It was a totally intense experience.
But it was not confusing or deliriant at all. On the one hand it was an extremly sensual and extatic experience. I jumped arround danced and shamanized like a madman. But on the other hand it was so friendly soft and smoothe and so warm and it felt right!
I had sex with a fictive woman and it was very sensual and raging.
I had the impression that I would be reborn in Austria in the future and become a talented actor who falls in love with that fictive woman who is an actress in Austria at the same time in first sights.
Ayahauca is a strong aphrodisiac, an extatogene, enlightenogene and all in all a shamanistic medicine that can boost your spiritual developement into the highest spheres. Those indian shamans are smart guys.
If you'e ready to do it, do it!
At the moment I'm preparing the next experience.
I'm now crushing an 18 g piece of B. caapi to mix it with 2 g P. harmala and 10 g M. hostilis. I'll add some catuaba and lotus blossoms and of course yogi tea and honey and boil the stuff over three days switching off the heat from time to time and overnight.
If you make yourself an ayahuasca brew do it with much love and respect and take all the time you need. Don't seek the experience, let it come to you.
For the experience candlelight is better than electric light. If it is warm outside, a calm outdoor setting is a fine thing too. Some incence and GOOD music!
And dont eat anything 24 hours before and after. And of course no alcohol. Inform!
Afterwards you will feel a lot of strenght and no hangover at all.
yours sincerely,
burning orange buffalo
btw: if you speak german you can check my homepage: