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Applying for jobless benefits? Here, pee in a cup. (CNN)


Glandeuse pinéale
11 Jan 2008
(CNN) -- If Craig Blair gets his way, anyone filing for unemployment or food stamps must show that they are drug-free. He's a state lawmaker in West Virginia who has introduced a bill to require random drug testing for benefits and lays out his case on a Web site called notwithmytaxdollars.com.
Craig Blair says unemployment, designed to get people back to work, is impossible if the recipient uses drugs.

Craig Blair says unemployment, designed to get people back to work, is impossible if the recipient uses drugs.

Blair and his supporters say drug use is rampant and taxpayers are growing alarmed with how the government is spending their money.

"The message that we're trying to send is, first of all, we need to respect taxpayers and how their monies are spent," the Republican said. "And drug addiction is in epidemic proportions, and not only in West Virginia but throughout the United States."

His bill would require random drug testing for any government assistance: welfare, jobless benefits or food stamps.

Someone who failed the drug test would get the benefits and 60 days to clean up. If he failed the next test, he would lose benefits for two years.

"It seems ironic that welfare and unemployment are both designed to get you back to work and everything, but how is that possible if you're on drugs?" Blair asked.

Lawmakers in 10 states are considering some type of legislation to tie the expansion of safety-net spending to random drug testing. Similar measures in Michigan and Arizona have failed, either struck down by the courts or found to be too expensive.

amFIX: Should people be drug tested before getting benefits?

Graham Boyd, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Drug Law Reform Project, calls it "typical political theater."

He says the measures will be challenged in court and struck down. Random drug testing is costly, and he called such measures "cruel" during a recession.

"If anything, [you'd think] people would be more compassionate now that people have lost jobs," Boyd said.
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But as the recession tightens its grip, momentum is growing in a handful of states to put strings on the vast expansion of safety-net spending.

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 10 states (Florida, Arizona, Hawaii, California, Illinois, Iowa, Arkansas, West Virginia, Virginia and New York) are considering some form of legislation requiring random drug testing for food stamps, jobless checks and other state entitlements.

It could affect millions of Americans who are turning to expanded benefits signed into law as part of the economic stimulus package.

According to the Labor Department, a record 5.6 million people from all walks of life collect jobless checks, and the government says that almost 32 million now use food stamps.

Ron Haskins of the centrist Brookings Institution takes issue with lumping jobless benefits with other state benefits.

"Unemployment insurance really is not a welfare program. It's an insurance program, which means that they've paid into the program each month they've had earnings," Haskins said. "Unless we want to cancel insurance policies because someone doesn't pass a drug test, I think that's really quite a mistake."
Video Watch lawmakers who want government assistance recipients to take random drug tests »

Critics also say that these measures don't address drug treatment, the costs of administering the tests or privacy concerns, and that they could prevent drug users from seeking benefits.

But lawmaker Blair said he has been inundated with support for his bill and says epidemic drug use and a worsening economy means it's time for some "tough love."

It's the intersection of several issues -- drug abuse, the recession and bailout overload -- and has generated passionate debate among CNN viewers.
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Angie: "If we're going to drug test American citizens who receive taxpayer-funded services, then I'm assuming these drug tests will be administered to the CEOs of AIG, Citi, Wells Fargo and Bank of America as well. Shouldn't the CEO, who receives trillions of taxpayer dollars, be held to the same standard of accountability as the unemployed?"

Ron: "Monies would be better spent on cutting out the sources. The concerns over Mexico's drug cartels would be better invested than random screening of welfare recipients. ... Address the problems, not the symptoms."

Bob: "I get more than a little disturbed when I read that unemployment benefits are considered by some right-wingers to be 'taxpayer-funded handouts.' Handouts? Really? Hmmmm. Seems to me that most people pay, oh, I don't know, unemployment taxes when they are working so they have a safety net if they lose their jobs."

Albert: "Not unless they intend to offer rehab/recovery/counseling if applicants test positive. Will they be screening for alcoholism or gambling addiction? What about nicotine addiction?"

Tami: "I'm in favor. I've also been drug tested for my job. A stipulation for receiving unemployment benefits is that you are actively seeking employment. A person can't be too serious about their job search if they are high."

But Blair said, "You've got to keep in mind to that there is only a limited supply of money out here, and this is not going to hurt anybody that's not doing illicit or illegal drugs. And the fact is that if we can get this people off of the drugs and make it so they're work-ready, that will help us in West Virginia."

read full story here, also, there is a stupid little CNN video on the page too.

by the gods, what have they done now....



31 Mar 2009
I can't stress enough how much this does annoy me, possibly make me angry period.

It seems that every time it looks like we are advancing somehow to legalize marijuana, thats the approach I see with this, its like we are knocked back 2 steps or something some how. If the government is led by its people, why is it that we are not advancing?


Glandeuse pinéale
11 Jan 2008
simply put, the government is not run by the people. its run by a few people with a lot of money who want more money, and are willing to pay more people to make them that money.


31 Mar 2009
True, I can agree with that, but never saw it like that before. I really hate this government.


30 Mar 2009
It just looks like a horrible waste of money in an economy that doesn't have money to waste. If they want to implement new ways to fight the losing battle against drugs. . . at least wait until the country is financially back on its feet.


25 Fev 2009
This is descrimination if you ask me. This is like saying that everyone on unemployment is a no good meth addict and are just getting unemployment to fule their addictions.


Sale drogué·e
11 Nov 2006
Well, I hate to work my ass of to make a living, paying 60% taxes, and some other guy who can work but just don't want it is spending my money on anything.

I didn't build this system but I worked hard and adjust myself so my wife and kids have a little future perspective. Then we have a social security for people who actually can't work and then some lazy fuckers are ruining it for everyone because the social security cost become too expensive, think about that.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
Personally I love the idea. If someone has to get welfare or unemployment than that money should obviously go to essentials such as Food opposed to drugs.
I've seen first hand how people abuse the welfare/unemployment system. What happens is people get there money (if it's food stamps they just sell it for 1/2 price) and than they go and buy drugs with it.
Not to mention if I have to submit to random drug testing at my job to pay for people unemployment/welfare than they should have to be subject to the same scrutiny.

What it comes down to though is, if you are to the point where you need Government assisting you shouldn't be going out with it to get your next fix.


30 Mar 2009
I agree that people shouldn't be wasting money they don't have on drugs. However, drug testing is not free. I don't think implementing this new method is the best use for the money it will use.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
If there is going to be testing they should start with the police , the armed forces and all people who work for and are part of the government .

Justin if you think that benefits are to high do something about it . If people exchange their benefits for drugs that means that they are going without the things that the government thinks they need so it isnt costing you anything at all . In the end it brings money into the economy and spreads it around . Then what about the people who grow drugs or make their suply by selling drugs ? They dont cost you anything . Then start to think about where your money realy goes = to the army to murder moslems , to the police to watch you , control you and to bust medical marijuana people , to the prison system to lock inocent black people up and other crap . If you look at the amount of your taxes that go for benefits and compare it to the other places it goes you wouldnt say what you say .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
i dont think that the government has any right in knowing whether or not any given person is a stoner, or any kind of user for that matter. especially if they are just in between jobs.

maybe as an alternative, IF THEY MUST, would be to test after a set amount of time as a sort of "ok, well this person doesn't appear to be doing much, lets call them in and see why they still have no job".

but something like that shouldn't be limited to drug testing alone, there should be an evaluation of all of their factors, but i can't imagine we will ever spend this much money on this kind of thing, so we'll just keep chasing our tail eliminating symptoms :?


2 Mar 2009
Jahvisions a dit:
Well, I hate to work my ass of to make a living, paying 60% taxes, and some other guy who can work but just don't want it is spending my money on anything.

Not a single citizen of the United States pays out 60% of their salary in taxes....not even Bill Gates. This is going to hurt people who don't use drugs. It's going to hurt every taxpayer who has to waste their money paying for the drug tests. You have to actively seek employment to qualify for jobless benefits? HA! Don't make me laugh. In most states, you can "prove you are actively seeking employment" by clicking two buttons on the website, never once talking to a real person.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
people here are forgetting that piss tests are USELESS. you are out of a job, maybe you don't buy weed. you're over at your friend's place and smoke a joint. two weeks later you still might fail the piss test.

it proves nothing.

as for the "not MY taxes" argument, well, people who are out of a job on unemployment have been paying their taxes just like everyone else. now they are using a service that they paid for with their taxes.


7 Oct 2008
Drugs have nothing to do with people not being able to get jobs right now. It's completely irrelevant! It's because not a single damn company is hiring in this current economy. They're just firing & laying off. Do they really think unemployment is at an all time high currently because of drug use? Please... I don't think so!

If anything, drug users want to work, they need to work. That unemployment $$$ is not enough to even buy drugs & survive routinely.

The companies have to supply money to the unemployer through unemployment too. It's not just coming from our taxes & government. So... maybe the companies should hire people & get the help they need to help their business function properly. But I guess it comes around full circle, with the 'economic crisis'. So the blame should not be directed towards users. They need to focus on correcting the economy.

Some one always has to point the finger at someone or something. People seek an explanation & it doesn't have to even be based on fact.

Ever watch Zeigtgeist? Your tax dollars don't go to our government to improve our cities, that comes from your local state taxes & shit. Your government tax dollars go towards the governments debt from the Federal Reserve loan. Your income tax return is just for an illusion of how they're stealing from you. To shut you up.

In my humble opinion. The ecomomic stimulus should come from the Federal Reserve to the government. But they want the government to stay in debt. The Federal Reserve is making their highest profits while the economy suffers. The Federal Reserve owns the government & they give us - the economy - the citizens - to the government to control as an illusion for them, just as the Income tax return is an illusion for the citizens.

The Federal Reserve has the power to create money out of thin air. So why can't they create some for our government to use without having to repay it back. That my friends, is the solution to the economic crisis. The other option that'd help is to tax cannabis & sell it legally OTC in every state, like tobacco. That'd give them another 100 billion dollars a year. But the Federal Reserve wants the government to be in debt, & citizens likewise. So cannabis legalization is not what the Federal Reserve wants.

Fuck Henry Rothchild! Fuck George Bush! Fuck Osamo Bin Laden! Fuck the govenrment! ------- They're all connected! They all have a master plan that is greater than you!

Blame, Blame, Blame! Point, Point, Point! Fire, Fire, Fire!