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Apetite Supressant


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
Any recommendations on appetite supressants?

Love to smoke one <GRIN> :D but you know the usual pill/tea is good too. :D

Preferably not something also with a downer/sedative effect because I tend to react badly to those but I am willing to try it once or twice anyway if nothing else better comes along first.

(And for medical background I am grossly over weight due to a variety of conditions I've been fighting for years, mostly psychological, some historical, some medical. I've been gaining ground in that regard in the last few months but hope I can urge it a long with a supplement addition as well. Better living through chemistry and all that hehe. :D)



17 Jan 2011
It depends on where you live and what's legal in your country, but if you really are overweight just get a recipe from your doctor. :D


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
Well for one thing my doctor isnt going to be up on herbal solutions. Very of the human legal chemistry industry solves everything mind sadly enough. And for the other I have already talked to him about this and he said he didnt seem to have anything really.

I think I am more looking for recommendations of stuff that modern medicine would frown upon but that the more knowledgeable people on here in that area might know about. Like I see all these apetite things on the internet that look like punk-hippy hacks but kinda scare me cuz they never say whats in them lol. For all you know your taking some chemists mdma synthesis by product that he was tryin to unload lol.

Just hoped someone might know something 'counter culture' if you will. Even if I have to research the legality myself, something is better then nothing. :)


17 Jan 2011
Honestly if something works ( as apetite suppressant or metabolism increaser) is either illegal or needs a prescription... that's as far as I know.
Ephedrine/ephedra sinica products are widely popular since they are still avaliable in some countries (Canada for exemple), unlike phendimetrazine and other anphetamine-like drugs.
Anyway if it's a psychological problem you're dealing with, there is no pill/tea/herb that can help you, feeling no hunger doesn't stop you from eating....


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
Well its a mix. I notice that when I am not actually hungry I have more control over the impulse. I actually found three days of salvia about 2.5medium puffs from a bowl a night made me lack hunger and at the same time analyze the psychological stimuli causing me to eat for the wrong reasons.

Its just I noticed three days of salvia started to do strange stuff to me other wise.

In a way im lookin for the magic bullet but I also know there is a lot to be explored in the psychedelic systems for solving both chemical and psychological problems and so wondered if maybe someone had something.

I may try and find a regiment of doing salvia once a day for a 3 days every other week or so to just see if I can access more parts of that part of my psyche directly and let the product of the exploration lead to better success in a normal mental situation.

Thanks for your help though. Ill keep searching in the off chance something was missed and just figure I might have to resort to lucky/God Ideas. :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
there is no magic bullet when it comes to your health/weight. if you are overweight, im going to assume that you dont excercise much, am i right? i don't mean to sound like an asshole, but do some pushups, some squats and MOSt importantly, some kind of ab excercise. this will stimulate your body's natural chemistry, not only to burn off some of that weight, but also, you won't be hungry while you're working out. your brain turns it's attention/shuts off the thoughts associated with eating once the physical systems(lean muscle as opposed to smoothe muscle, aka organs) engage and blood flow and nervous system activity takes over in those regions. it's a natural appetite suppressant.

another point to consider. your body is mainly water. anywhere from 75%-50%(50 being not so healthy). as such, chemical reactions in your body CANNOT occur, unless there is enough medium(water) for them to take up. when you don't have enough water in your system, EVERY chemical reaction slows significantly. this includes a wide range of anything from digestion(nears a halt) to brain function (the brain contains the highest % of fluid in the body per square inch). in other words, when one doesn't drink enough water, the food one takes in just sits and rots, and digests, and sits some more and keeps digesting. that is why they always tell you to take in lots of fiber. you're not supposed to take in every last calorie of every piece of food you take in. it's just too much, especially if one eats processed foods... and if you've ever read the back of a fiber pill box(not that im recommending you take fiber pills, ever, because there are perfectly natural ways to get it ala fruit & vegetable) it says to take with LOTS of water. when you do the math it seems obvious, but this is something that MANY people neglect when they think of the word "diet".

i hope i dont offend anyone with this because i dont mean to assume anything about anybody without knowing their story, but water intake and excercise just jumps out at me as americas biggest problem right now (concerning the overweight). and ill go ahead and assume you are american 1 because it's got the most fluent english speaking people in the world, and 2, cause i've seen the bumper stickers on your car :P


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
Well I knew both of these and the weight is an issue now with other medical problems mostly my knees being damaged from being overweight. I'll be seeking medical help on that at some point but got so much going on at the moment its all starting to get chaoticly painful to organize.

Knew about the water too. I actually drink about a gallon or more water a day easy. I have a 20 ounce glass that I drink 3 to 4 of a day plus a large I think 2 quart caraf that I've started to have 2 to 4 of a day with lemon.

I actually read somewhere that lemon is realy good for your system so I've been putting lemon in water in this caraf no with aproxamiately 4 lemons a day on average filing it and shaking it over and over again till the lemon water tastes like mostly water. Love it so much I am acctually loosing the taste for the diet soda and cutting that down to a 1/3rd or less and mainly only drinking it occasionally to use it up and my energy drinks which I just enjoy cuz they are part of what stabalizes my energy and sleep paterns. Though if I could figure out what the magic coctail is in a monster lo-carb I would just do it through pills.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
just do situps. They are easy, and if you can do 40 a day you'll burn shit like a mother.

I remember once in 8th grade I got self-conscious about my belly. I did 40 pushups a day for 2 weeks and I haven't been able to gain a pound since.

Now I just lay in olive oil and feta cheese all day, absorbing the fat through my skin. MMMMMMMMmmm


21 Fev 2011
I don't know if it qualifies as an appetite suppressant but I do a 10 day cleanse of fresh water, pure lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and natural maple syrup every few months to semi-purify my system. For the the key is to slowly integrate food back in on the 11th day and work my way up to a point of eating what I deem to be the amount I'd like to daily.

I also in a slightly sadistic way, enjoy hunger. It makes me feel more alert and alive.


Matrice périnatale
7 Mar 2011
I would love it if California health insurance covered appetite supressants. They're expensive in any form, but necessary for those of us that don't have a shut-off valve!


Matrice périnatale
7 Mar 2011
Schwanke668 a dit:
Well I knew both of these and the weight is an issue now with other medical problems mostly my knees being damaged from being overweight. I'll be seeking medical help on that at some point but got so much going on at the moment its all starting to get chaoticly painful to organize.

Knew about the water too. I actually drink about a gallon or more water a day easy. I have a 20 ounce glass that I drink 3 to 4 of a day plus a large I think 2 quart caraf that I've started to have 2 to 4 of a day with lemon.

I actually read somewhere that lemon is realy good for your system so I've been putting in water in this caraf no with aproxamiately 4 lemons a day on average filing it and shaking it over and over again till the lemon water tastes like mostly water. Love it so much I am acctually loosing the taste for the diet soda and cutting that down to a 1/3rd or less and mainly only drinking it occasionally to use it up and my energy drinks which I just enjoy cuz they are part of what stabalizes my energy and sleep paterns. Though if I could figure out what the magic coctail is in a monster lo-carb I would just do it through pills.

I use lemon water too...a dash of Cayenne pepper is also a good addition.

True stone

A diet high in fiber and control your blood glucose, insulin will increase hunger so try to prevent high spikes from occurring by eating low glycemic and utilizing glucose disposal agents such as chromium polyniconate, alpha lipoid acid, ect