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Anticipating first shroom trip


24 Juin 2010
2 friends (maybe a few more) and I may be doing shrooms on Sunday, 4th of July. We're buying them for $40 per 1/8 oz, which according to erowid is average-high. We're all first time users, so I have several questions if you don't mind answering them:

-How much should we purchase? (3 petite girls, first potential shroom experience. They have no experience with psychedelics and I have dropped acid just twice.) Will 1/8 oz. be enough for the 3 of us?
-What potential complications can tripping with other people cause? Do you prefer to trip alone or with a few others on mushrooms?
-Do you have any warnings or advice you think I should heed?
Any other information you'd like to add is also appreciated.

We're probably going to have at least one sitter.
I'll search the trip reports and do some more research on erowid so I'm well-educated on this psychedelic before I take part in it.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Hard to say, I've had insane trips on 1/16th oz before - that is very unusual though. 1/8 should be a "normal" trip for the average mushroom. I've also eaten 1/16th and felt absolutely nothing. Ask the person you're getting them from how strong they are. They won't lie and say they are super strong (unless they are) - they want you to buy more (capitalism! yay).
[so you should be good with 1/8th] especially since its your friends first time.

3 girls:
I'm not going to play a sexist card but be careful, girls can be more emotional than guys, but I don't think thats a problem. If these girls are long friends of yours or best friends you won't have a problem. LSD and shrooms are similar, but people say mushrooms are more emotionally packed than lsd (I haven't taken LSD). They definitely aren't identicle.

It's never a bad idea, but the thing is you usually want the sitter to be the closest person you know, the better you know them, the exponentially greater time you may have. Talking to the sitter about what you are feeling and them being able to have interest, agree with you, and comfort you if you go through a rough wave [can be] so immensly important. However, with 2 good friends you may not have this problem.

I'd prefer all my trips alone in the woods safe with food and water, however, I have done them alone at my house - horrible trip. I have done them with 2 of my good guy friends - I became very edgey towards them, and wasn't on the same 'wavelength' as the the whole trip (I wanted to go somewhere warm, they wanted to stay out in the 0°F weather). Although I also tripped with them while camping, and had no problem with them, I was just still having an internal conflict that over powered the trip.

All in all, if the shrooms aren't 'azurescens' - wiki that shit, you will be good to go. Make sure you remember these two have never done it before, guide them, comfort them, be a friend, but also let them know you will be tripping the same as them.

IT should be fun, I never try to scare someone away from a good trip, but there are things to know. Haveing said all that have a blast, feel the bliss, see the connections,. :D


24 Juin 2010
Thank you for your info. It seems that it's hard to be objective about this stuff and really the risks just need to be known. How the trip will go depends a lot on subjectivity. Thank you for giving me the balances and sort of contradictions and paradoxes of your experiences.
And did you mean that 1/8 oz. will be fine per person or to share among the three of us?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Well yeah it depends. 1/8 per person is a "regular" shroom trip, meaning if they are not very potent, you will still experience all aspects of a shroom trip. Where as if you had some azurescens, you could maybe split 1/8 between three people (Most people don't grow/sell azurescens).

My opinion would be to tell your friends to eat half of their 8th, and in 45minutes to one hour if they dislike the feeling, don't take anymore. If they like it (and they should) they can eat the rest. An hour of testing the waters is common with mushrooms. Most shrooms are about the same in potentcy, (err, kind of :) ) so really, I don't think taking an 8th is going to sky rocket you into oblivion. :wink:

The most important thing in all trips is: Set & setting. If these two things are great - then the trip will be great.

Edit: by the way where do you plan on taking them, as in what type of area - public/private? Indoors/outdoors?

I see your in long island so... not much for wilderness out there. :rolleyes:


24 Juin 2010
I think we're going to buy 1/4 oz. and split it three ways so we're paying $27/person instead of $40. Hopefully that'll be alright.
I honestly have no idea where we're going to be taking them. Haha, yeah, unfortunately little means of wilderness here, but there is a very lovely, large park nearby. That may be a nice place to trip.


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Nov 2008

A girl?

On psychonaut?


I've worked selling thousands of the things people use to grow these and eaten around a half oz of them dry, in one go.

1/8th oz dry is normal (about 3.5g). But it does vary a huge amount from person to person, mushroom to mushroom, mood to mood. Splitting a 1/4oz three ways is enough that you should feel and see the effects, without being entirely overpowered by them. The dosing is fairly stable, eating twice as much won't necessarily make you trip twice as hard. And the effects last about the same length of time. Neither is there anyway you'll overdose on them. They're in no way addictive, most people don't want to take them again for months, to give them time to think about all the things they experienced.

I prefer to trip alone. Or when everyone else around me is as well. If there's someone sober sitting there they usually make things bad. There are two kinds of sitter. The ones who don't take drugs themselves, likely because they're scared of doing so, who'll constantly ask questions or do things that are stupid. There are others who do use drugs but who'll purposefully try to wind me up; although, I've only encountered one of those so far as most people who've taken them will know not to do it. The best person to have around is someone who's taken them and someone who's not a prick. The best thing a sitter can do is fuck all, and not question people, wind them up, stare at the trippers or talk about them while they're in the room. They only need to do anything if one of them is upset or possibly going to hurt themselves. The only time I've gone weird was when I tripped with some sitters in the room, who'd not done it themselves, who started putting on nasty videos and talking about us, not knowing what they were doing.

I would avoid public areas the first time, at least until you're used to the effect. They can scramble up the way you speak, making you talk what sounds like gibberish to everyone else. You may not feel as free and willing to engage with it or express yourself if there's lots of everyday things happening around you. I tried them in a bar first (I wasn't drinking) and didn't enjoy having a hundred people around me, and people asking me questions. It got a lot more enjoyable when I went home and lay on the bed.

You'll become much more sensitive to things.

If someone gets upset, they just need reminding that it's a trick and not real. If something is scary, smile at it and it'll stop being so.

The sensory effects of the drug are massively enhanced by things that stimulate the senses. Smells, bright colors, music, tactile sensations. A piece of tin foil will instantly become amazing, as it sparkles and crackles. Anything that's has a specific character to it will work, like oranges.

As such, you can use things like that to not only make things more interesting but to also distract upset people. Having them look at something with a lot of sensory character to it will make them focus on something else, and the bad effect will disappear.

I almost universally see faces all over things when I trip with mushrooms, or people in the walls and things like that. They're tricks, not real. And they'll smile back if you smile at them. Don't run away from scary things, it may make it worse.

The faces and people I see don't look real in anyway. They're not like photos or real people, they're outlines or shadows. And they're often neon rainbows in some way. They don't talk to me at all and they don't really follow me, they're usually stuck to surfaces and static, like a picture in that sense.

Closing your eyes can produce some very odd pictures in my mind.

Probably the first thing you'll see are trails. Wave your hand in front of your face, slowly, and it'll look like it has 'zooooom' lines smearing off it - that is the start. It's not like being blurry eyed when drunk, it's far, far more fun than that.

Another common early effect is that text begins to look like it's vibrating or, even better, breathing. It can float off the surface a little and will twist and twirl, gently. That, combined with what it's doing to the speech centers of your brain, makes reading and typing difficult. It looks beautiful.

You might feel a little bit sick at first, but that should go away.

Things that flash, create bright lights, sparkle, rainbows and anything like that are all good. Holographic wrapping paper, holograms, LED's, fairy lights... Try to collect together a pile of interesting things to play with before taking them. Optical tricks are good, but don't search online for those since quite a few of them have the scary faces flash up and scream at you.

A kaleidoscope would be good. Or glitter.

Staring into a mirror can be fun, specially if I grin. It looks a lot like it's actually a cut out in the wall, with someone standing on the other side.

Citrus fruit tastes really nice, along with earthy type foods like brown bread and water. A mountain of fruit and things like jelly at a party is an excellent sign that someone's used to tripping and is doing their best to make you feel good.

I have a pair of these rainbow glasses.


They cost about 40 cents. I'd highly recommend them. I had them on when I took around half an ounce. Things look really pretty through them normally. When tripping, I was looking at some fairy lights and was playing with the rainbows for about half an hour.

Here's how things look through them -----> Rainbow video

This store sells tons of them, in various themes, as well as a ton of other rainbow generating artifacts -----> Rainbow Symphony

Tripping is like daydreaming, those times when you stare off and 'fall asleep' to the normal world. The more you stare at something and let your mind wander, the stronger the effects will get. If you're constantly distracted by being asked questions or having to do something (like being careful crossing roads), it will spoil some of the effects and make you worry.

Try to take them when everyone is in a positive mood and it's a sunny, fresh day. It does have a positive effect. Getting washed first tends to make it feel nicer as well.

You can manipulate the effects you see to some extent, if you think about something in particular you can manifest it. If you concentrate on how you want it to change, it can be bent.

The best way to avoid negative effects is not to think or worry about them in the first place. You should be eager and excited to be eating the mushrooms, not worrying and hesitating.

Tripping is like connecting your brain to some intergalactic library that downloads it to your brain so quickly you can barely see the individual pictures. There's a stream of images and thoughts rushing through your mind.

You should keep the mushrooms dry, in the dark and cool if you're storing them for a while - the chemical in them (psilocybin) can break down quite quickly if it's damp, warm and in the sun.

Either way, it'll be a truly mind blowing experience. Tripping defies explaination, there's simply nothing like it in the normal world and no way of entirely explaining what happens. If you like it, you'll end up grinning for the rest of your life.

Someone who took more acid than anyone else;

The most accurate video I've seen showing one of the effects of trippy drugs, changing expressions. It's also accurate how he has to gaze at the mirror to start it, and it gets stronger as he stares, then disappears. The strange, looping sounds are also accurate.

Another tripper, going about his normal everyday things (roger rabbit, shroomery);

Neon outlines of people;

Something I saw when tripping the first time, doubling up of features, or 'raining' copies of a pattern.

Patterns or color changes on the skin are normal. I saw red clouds breathing on mine, and they'd flow if I blew on them;

If you see this, it's probably working;


The people who made this were on drugs;



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
"I prefer to trip alone. Or when everyone else around me is as well. If there's someone sober sitting there they usually make things bad. There are two kinds of sitter. The ones who don't take drugs themselves, likely because they're scared of doing so, who'll constantly ask questions or do things that are stupid. There are others who do use drugs but who'll purposefully try to wind me up; although, I've only encountered one of those so far as most people who've taken them will know not to do it. The best person to have around is someone who's taken them and someone who's not a prick. The best thing a sitter can do is fuck all, and not question people, wind them up, stare at the trippers or talk about them while they're in the room. They only need to do anything if one of them is upset or possibly going to hurt themselves. The only time I've gone weird was when I tripped with some sitters in the room, who'd not done it themselves, who started putting on nasty videos and talking about us, not knowing what they were doing."

not to scare you, but your sitter is VERY important. you need to be able to tell them to leave you alone if they start asking lots of questions, or if you find them constantly staring at you. I HATE NOTHING MORE than some asshole going "so how you feeling?" every ten minutes. or just constantly bringing up the fact that you're tripping, and or telling other people the same thing.

go over some rules like that with them before you begin. you dont want to feel criticised


Usually, a sitter should be in the same house/flat/forest as the tripper, but in a different room or maybe 20 meters away.


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Oct 2009
^ +1

I hate having a sitter in the same room as me. Last time, due to time dilation and other trip-effects, I thought my sitter had been staring at me for hours which led to the belief that he was plotting to kill me. Once you have experience with the mushroom, I don't think sitters are necessary. A distraction at best and sometimes detrimental.


Matrice périnatale
7 Juil 2010
you don't need or want a sitter with mushrooms IMHO. It would be horrible.


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Nov 2008
not to scare you, but your sitter is VERY important

Not wishing to be a dick but, unless you've tried half ounces plus and dry, I don't need advice on sitters :P

According to the shroomery poll, I belong to a less than 1% group when it comes to 'excessive' shroom use. If you've ever used a premade syringe, bag, incubator, fruiting chamber or jar, there's a good chance I know the people who made it, helped make it for you or made it with my own hands.

I think I may also know who shroomjohn is... :D

Tiax is right. If they're going to be there, they should be sat in a different room. Sitters shouldn't be interacting with the trippers, they should just be glancing over them to check they're okay. And a sitter who's never tripped is next to worthless when it comes to them getting upset or doing odd things; or worse, detrimental. There's three of you, and you're obviously smart enough to ask first, so I doubt you'll have problems. Take them alone and when you know no one is going to randomly walk in on you. If you know anyone who you know for sure has taken them before, and that they have a good heart, ask them to look after you. Being a good sitter is all about experience and heart, not the perception of it.

A lot of people your age lie about drug experiences to sound grown up. You have to be canny and only pick people you've seen on drugs, not people who just say they are. Taking drugs doesn't necessarily make you grown up. I know a lot of people I consider more grown up than I who've taken no drugs, and I've drunk, smoked and eaten so many of them I forget which one's I've taken when asked.

As soon as you've finished tripping, you'll know who's been lying to you about it.

Mushrooms won't let you lie to them. A lot of drugs won't. If you're a prick inside, it's going to magnify that characteristic. I've been up for so many nights I've lost count on amphetamine and snorted hundreds of pounds worth of coke in hours without forgetting to say please and thank you; it usually makes me say it more than normal. Whilst I've seen others degrade to the kind of guys who'll smack their girlfriends around and become absolutely fucking dicks with amounts that'd do nothing at all to me. And people like that can abuse others when they see they're vulnerable.

If you have a good heart and don't want to unnecessarily hurt other forms of life, you don't have to worry about tripping. If you genuinely don't want to hurt others, it's never going to hurt you.


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Oct 2009
mushroom_john a dit:
you don't need or want a sitter with mushrooms IMHO. It would be horrible.
I agree, but a good compromise if it seems necessary is to have one in another room or something, like Tiax suggested.