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Alpiniste Kundalini
9 Nov 2007
ANCIENT ALIENS This is a now 3 season documentary and i recommend it to any one interested in ancient civilizations.
it is on youtube and easily found in torrents on the net.

its very interesting everyone who i have given this series has loved it even opened a few minds.

it has extensive research into civilizations uncovered from the ground, citys so massive that come from time when Man was supposed to be in caves all neanderthal like.

i believe there are Aliens, but Aliens do not answer all my questions sometimes they just add to them.
i also believe in energies, intelligent energies, i think back to the Big Bang and wonder what was before the Big Bang a single molecule an Atom that was always just there?

in my head our equation has to have infinity and i find it easier to accept this infinity with a directing vibration rather than Randomly out of Nothing infinity is something i cannot comprehend but i know as humans there are things we just cannot understand but it has been shown in the past we should not deny something simply because we cannot fathom them.

every thing on earth today has a great Mind behind it every technology every new molecule, and i believe there has to be something better out there, something as great as at least every atom in the universe every star every cell working in synchronicity every breath and thought every sound something more energetic than all this in all time all at once.

call this energy source what you like i believe it is everywhere the canvas of space time.


27 Nov 2011
I think it's kind of a joke, personally. Most people I know feel the same way. Everyone is different I guess.
The History Channel in general seems to me like a complete mockery of any sort of unbiased educational programming.
TTC and MIT and many others online offer more balanced veiws.
Even TED talks...

My main complaint with Ancient Aliens and the like is that they never interview any dissenting scientists. And they seem to excel at picking the most ridiculous looking people to interview, adding credence to the opinion that these people are out to lunch. Why even let someone on the set looking like this?

Don't get me wrong, you can dress however you want to, but if you're presenting an idea that most people find questionable, dressing like a fruit loop isn't going to help spread the message. Than again, this is exactly what aliens would put on television....if they wanted people to think they were not here...and that everyone who believed was looney tunes.

Who knows, it may even be true, but the presentation and lack of healthy debate makes the show itself a bit of a joke to me.

Reminds me of my favorite New Outer Limits episode:

...always a silver lining...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
^or the new south park episode.

anyway, I like this guys hairdo, I have a very similar one. :P

it'd be weird if there were no aliens, but I doubt that they were directly involved in our history. if they were, well, nice.
I don't have history channel, but it seems like a crap channel. I mean come on, it's TV, it's about quota, not "truth" or whatever.


On the subject:

Misconceptions About Today from Future History Classes



27 Nov 2011
Edit: to Tiax...I don't get it.

To Banana:
Meh, I've seen some decent programming.
The Science Channel, when they're not stroking to military technology (or pumpkins), can be pretty mind blowing.
Just saw a thing on the planets that took my breath away. Really spectacular visuals for what is happening in our solar system. My only quibble is they kept teasing us like life on other planets in other solar systems actually means something practical for us.

It doesn't.

We will never, ever, ever get to another solar system. Ever. Most scientists know this.
To me this means we need to protect this planet, as it's precious beyond words. And they kinda
left this exit strategy like we can foul this biosphere up and just 'jet' and go live somewhere else.

Blah blah blah, yeah, aliens. Possible, likely even, somewhere.
But not probable here on Earth, not to me at least.

And it's gonna take more than snazzy hair and a tie to convince me.

LinkTV, UCTV, FSTV, all have decent shows.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
haha for real though...

my problem with the "ancient aliens" show is not with it's content, (though there ARE a lot of half-baked shows now on the channel...) my problem with the show lies in the fact that, once they present what we know, the actual evidence, then these guys go in and spray their own personal dogma all over it. for example the popular opinion on there is that: "if aliens have contacted us, then they must have used really complex machines to fly to our planet, so we should try to build those flying machines that they used thousands of years ago."


ill leave this with the well known problem of "how does one have enough fuel, food, and other resources to travel many lightyears across a galaxy that is riddled with meteors and asteroids, and get to the destination with a lifeform that is still alive?"

and ill even give everyone a starting point. the closest thing to our solar system, a star, is about 4.2 lightyears away. and the time it takes to travel 1 lightyear with our current technology is about 38,263 earth years. thats 5.8 trillion miles. multiply that by four and you get about 160705 years and about 24.4 trillion miles, and you've made it to the nearest star outside our solar system - still nowhere near another solar system, and even father from a potentially habitable one, and have traveled essentially nowhere inside of our galaxy.

if it took me ten minutes without a degree to figure this out, i can only imagine their qualifications.

with our current perspective of things, we will never build a flying machine to fit the evidence we have.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I stopped watching the history channel.

There was one of these kind of shows, a little less well done, but the theme was "Have we been visited by aliens?"

The show started out ok. Some very cool pictures that had ufo looking things in ancient art... then it got a little more obvious. Like. "Wow that.. what? Why the hell have I never seen that - it is a UFO abducting an egyptian pharoah" it looked TOO good, too real.

Then.. they finished the show off with the most ridiculous example. "Even the Mona Lisa has a UFO in the background."
And the Mona Lisa they showed definitely did. There was a grey disk in the background, shiny metal... I'll let you find it on the real mona lisa:




27 Nov 2011
Just because something was in an ancient artwork, doesn't mean it literally happened, right?

I dunno, 'anything is possible, not everything is probable'. I like wild seeming possibilities as much as the next person.
But, as a friend once reminded me, even if there were aliens here on Earth...how does that change my search for balance and peace within? I'd still need to maintain my practice. Before contact, chop wood, carry water.

Not sure it changes much of my daily routine, to be perfectly honest. Just, I feel sad sometimes when I hear people on Washington Journal (I watch too much tv, I know) call in and start quoting The History Channel like they're a reputable source of historic information.

Washington Journal, talk about reality tunnels that 'influence u's but have very little personal relevance.
I have a weird story about that I'll share later...has to do with navigating our consciousness and what we let
influence our world views.

Be well.