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Alien Trees


Glandeuse Pinéale
Meditation Experience:

I usually meditate in bed before going to sleep, either sat upright or on my back, and with my eyes closed. I begin with some deep, slow breaths, and then I let the mind do its thing! The mind then tires itself out and tranquility comes, then the meditation begins.

Even with my eyes closed I can still see, I call this Step 1 in the consciousness realm. What appears first is a open sided cube made from a shiny material, and its rotating. After a period of around 2 minutes the cube is then enveloped by a large circle, and they both continue rotating for a few more minutes.

Then the cube and circle both disappear and I am looking at an infinite row of trees! The trees are unlike anything I've ever seen! They then speak to me telepathically and inform me that they are alive! They also shake their branches as if to shake hands! They have also imparted to me that they are of alien origin.

All in all a most enjoyable meditation :)
What do you see when you turn out the lights
I can't tell you but I know it's mine!

I have similar, although less figured, experiences with meditation. That is not to say that I haven't been in contact with cubes, trees and yes, even circles! I'm still figuring out how to move about in there, though. And a general term of it. Someone on here called it Mind-Space. I like that.
Namaste KrispedKritter,

ah, yes, the infinite space of consciousness :) Even with eyes closed I(and others) can still see! Always have been able to, and seen some wonderfully wacky and geometrical patterns. My favorite are the swirling clouds which expand and retract, I feel as though I'm floating! Its so relaxing. I've also seen other beings who were not of human origin and this is something I'm going to explore more. I once saw a horse transform into a motorbike - impressive.

Consciousness. Infinity. And its something we can all explore.

The orthodox religions try and and keep its mind controlled slaves away from this what is a natural phenomena. It isn't supernatural, it is perfectly normal. If people start realizing how vast and powerful they really are then this world would change for the better!

Mind-Space. Yes, like that too!
tripofthebrain a dit:
The orthodox religions try and and keep its mind controlled slaves away from this what is a natural phenomena. It isn't supernatural, it is perfectly normal. If people start realizing how vast and powerful they really are then this world would change for the better!
Boss quote right there. Thank you for those wise words, m'am.
Could I ask you a slightly offtopic question, if you don't mind me doing so please.
This talk about the New World Order, the Illumination, the Elite globalists who are creating a big mess out of the world as well as poisoning us with fluoride, mercury and lithium compounds, pesticides and flu jabs with viruses in them that modify and damage the human DNA, changing laws to their will without public approval, fighting undeclared wars abroad and taking military occupation in illegal and inhumane manners. What are your thoughts of that? People laughing at conspiracy theories because of the mainstream influences in all media and entertainement, although if you look back in history, you can read and find out all the conspiracy theories of the time that turned out to be true.
As an aspiring musician in London, what can or should I do?

Also, this talk about Nibiru, the 12th planet, the UFO's, 2012 disasters. The mayans and their calendar ending as well as many other signs suggesting superior, intelligent entities from space coming down to Earth, possibly explaining the pyramids being built, such as in Chichen Itza. May I also please ask your thoughts on that?

I hope I am not tiring you with the negative sounding things, but as a young man who loves life, I fear for the worst. I feel compelled to ask these questions to those who are older, wiser and more experienced than myself.

Thank you for your time.
- Alex
If people start realizing how vast and powerful they really are then this world would change for the better!


Elite globalists who are creating a big mess out of the world as well as poisoning us with fluoride, mercury and lithium compounds, pesticides and flu jabs with viruses in them that modify and damage the human DNA, changing laws to their will without public approval, fighting undeclared wars abroad and taking military occupation in illegal and inhumane manners

there is something to be said about being positive. not in a way that it may give us hope. but that the feeling of bliss literally alters the matter of the universe; to be more precise, ALL emotion affects matter (us, and the things around us), but positive emotions like bliss and compassion are very powerful tools that are often ignored or simply not part of standard education.

not anyone can make a difference, but EVERYONE MAKES A DIFFERENCE. :D
KingLordMaster a dit:
tripofthebrain a dit:
The orthodox religions try and and keep its mind controlled slaves away from this what is a natural phenomena. It isn't supernatural, it is perfectly normal. If people start realizing how vast and powerful they really are then this world would change for the better!
Boss quote right there. Thank you for those wise words, m'am.
Could I ask you a slightly offtopic question, if you don't mind me doing so please.
This talk about the New World Order, the Illumination, the Elite globalists who are creating a big mess out of the world as well as poisoning us with fluoride, mercury and lithium compounds, pesticides and flu jabs with viruses in them that modify and damage the human DNA, changing laws to their will without public approval, fighting undeclared wars abroad and taking military occupation in illegal and inhumane manners. What are your thoughts of that? People laughing at conspiracy theories because of the mainstream influences in all media and entertainement, although if you look back in history, you can read and find out all the conspiracy theories of the time that turned out to be true.
As an aspiring musician in London, what can or should I do?

Also, this talk about Nibiru, the 12th planet, the UFO's, 2012 disasters. The mayans and their calendar ending as well as many other signs suggesting superior, intelligent entities from space coming down to Earth, possibly explaining the pyramids being built, such as in Chichen Itza. May I also please ask your thoughts on that?

I hope I am not tiring you with the negative sounding things, but as a young man who loves life, I fear for the worst. I feel compelled to ask these questions to those who are older, wiser and more experienced than myself.

Thank you for your time.
- Alex

Hi Alex, ask away! No problem whatsoever!

NWO/Illuminati. We are on the brink. People should research the Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, Tavistock Institute, Vatican, Royal Bloodlines, MKULTRA etc. They will soon have the smiles wiped from their faces! Also research False Flag Operations - the US, UK and Israel are experts in this. Even Hitler! 9/11 & 7/7 are just two examples of False Flag Operations. Since 9/11 the world has entered a very dark period - all planned! Our freedoms are being stripped away at an alarming pace. Watch out for the London Olympics as I have some reliable information that something BIG is going to happen. But most people who are awake have known this for years, its just that I am privy to certain bits of info. I would steer clear of the Olympics, also I advise people NOT to watch it on television. The opening ceremony is all ritualistic. It is from the dark side, people use the word satanic, and that's fine; but they have no idea what it really is. I can post some excellent documentaries to help people see whats going on, and I will. But it isn't a laughing matter, however people will make fun of this subject - and the media will do its bit to ridicule conspiracy theorists. David Icke has come in for some stick this past six months, but the good news is he is actually reaching a heck of a lot of people.

I recommend people watch the likes of Brian Gerrish(UK), Jim Marrs(USA), David Icke(UK), Robert Menard(Canada) for starters.

We are being attacked on every level possible, from the air we breathe - CHEMTRAILS, the food we eat - GM, Aspartame, MSG etc, water - FLUORIDE, our clothing is toxic, vaccines & Big Pharma, shampoos & toothpaste are hazardous to our health! I could go on but I'll stop their! It can get you depressed!

Nothing is an accident!

2012. Is this a big psy-ops? Could well be! Certain entities feed off negativity. And what do we have in abundance!!!

I try to live from the Heart. I know their are plenty of good people out there who are doing the same. All is not lost - although "they" want us to think that way!

Alex, try and hook up with like minded people. Live from the Heart. And sow seeds whenever possible. I believe their are people who meet up in London, or did so. I shall try and find out if thats still happening. I live in the North West of England, but I will try and find out whats happening as regards to meetings/groups.

Next post, in this thread will have some videos.
ophiuchus a dit:
If people start realizing how vast and powerful they really are then this world would change for the better!


[quote:20kgaekj]Elite globalists who are creating a big mess out of the world as well as poisoning us with fluoride, mercury and lithium compounds, pesticides and flu jabs with viruses in them that modify and damage the human DNA, changing laws to their will without public approval, fighting undeclared wars abroad and taking military occupation in illegal and inhumane manners

there is something to be said about being positive. not in a way that it may give us hope. but that the feeling of bliss literally alters the matter of the universe; to be more precise, ALL emotion affects matter (us, and the things around us), but positive emotions like bliss and compassion are very powerful tools that are often ignored or simply not part of standard education.

not anyone can make a difference, but EVERYONE MAKES A DIFFERENCE. :D[/quote:20kgaekj]

Brian Gerrish Speaking on 31st March, 2012





This will be an hour well spent believe me. Brian is a former Naval Officer, high ranking, and can prove what he says! Also worth checking is the UK Column.

Last one for tonight/this morning!

Robert Menard - Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception (Entire)


Highly recommended. Even though Rob is Canadian, a lot of what he says is applicable the world over!

Education - Religion - Politics/Government - Entertainment are all used to dumb us down. To be good obedient slaves!!!
I'm glad I asked! Thank you for your time. Watched half of the videos already.

Just joined the The London David Icke Discussion Group. Got a group meeting on the 22nd of April. Should be pretty cool!
KingLordMaster a dit:
I'm glad I asked! Thank you for your time. Watched half of the videos already.

Just joined the The London David Icke Discussion Group. Got a group meeting on the 22nd of April. Should be pretty cool!

Alex, thats great news! It was the David Icke Group I was thinking of :)

Will add some more videos! There are some excellent groups which meet around the UK, one of my favorites is the New Horizons which meet in Lytham St Annes. Run by a lovely couple James and Jenny, very helpful people. Truthjuice have groups across the UK, in Wrexham, Manchester, Birmingham for example. Must dig out some links!

9/11 False Flag

A top site run by my friend, Andrew Johnston:-

Theres deffinatly something to this mindspace thing. Ive been slowly gaining control over movement through it as well. Interesting stuff.

Just recently started grasping the concept abit better.

All of this 2012 stuff, I feel the same anticipation, but I fully embrace it. The system must be broken in order to mend. It only means change for the better.

How far can this mindspace go? :lol:
Planning some cosmic spice soon. This mindspace stuff tickles my inner explorer. :wink: