A Quest to Heal HIV with Ayahuasca Shamanism

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
The following blog was posted by author Robert Tindall at www.roamingthemind.com.

A Quest to Heal HIV with Ayahuasca Shamanism

During the years that my wife, Susana Bustos, and I have spent studying and training in the Peruvian tradition of vegetalismo, we have come to appreciate the paradoxes that indigenous medicine comes wrapped in for Westerners. Among them is the distinction between curing and healing of disease. The thrust of modern Western medicine is to either manage disease within, or excise it from, the body, and disease is usually considered cured when symptoms abate. In indigenous styles of medicine, which give equal importance to curing as the West, healing may require searching out the hidden origin of the disease in the body/mind. In this healing quest, a cure may be found, and may not. The valence of the disease, however, will change. In such cases, it is the entire self that is engaged in unraveling a disease’s enigma, and the body is the laboratory wherein the cure can be found. As a consequence, such healing is often idiosyncratic, because each body’s laboratory is unique.

Paradoxically for Western medicine, if disease is cured shamanically, the medications used (which in vegetalismo is a complex synergy of plants, the shaman’s icaros – or sacred songs – and the ecology of the healing locale itself), will often elude scientific researchers in search of a “silver bullet
Excellent. I have been doing a lot of reading on the healing capabilities of the shaman. And I have learnt a lot and had to do a lot of rewiring in my brain in order to be able to fully accept theirs views. We in this western society, are so brainwashed that all disease must be treated with some type of pill and/or the disease must be 'extracted'. What I have found to find out, not just found in shamanism, is that all disease is a manifisation of the spirit world. When there is an something wrong in the spirit world it will show up in the form of sickness.

I read an excellent book about Shamanism, and this is one of the quotes that really stood out to me,

"By quieting the internal chatter and holding this space of silence, one becomes a receiver of stimuli--not an interpreter or manipulator of it--and a mirror of existence in its purest form."--Exploring Shamanism

Curing disease for the shaman comes down to something as simple as quieting the internal chatter in ones mind. It is a very interesting subject not accepted by western society. There is a very interesting video on facebook about this from a physics researcher. It's called 'god code- the divine matrix'. I am not sure if you can find it, but it is about this.
Interesting! I would like to know if there are more people who are trying to cure HIV/AIDS with ayahuasca or other shamanic medicines. And, most important, if they got cured.
My uncle knows a shaman who has cured a patient my uncle knew of cancer. It's not stories, they actually do it. It is so amazing.

peace, love & light
Its good and true because there is a bad need of new ways and techniques of treatment for this diseases.First we have to spread more and more lessons and social messages and secondly we have to find the perfect solution treatements for the relieve of effected persons of HIV and STDs.