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A liberals thoughts on that MORON Sarah Palin


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774


Bill Maher!? No wonder you're so fucked up in your thinking. Go McCain!! :lol:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
Whatever, ellis....McCain is a fucking warmonger, and too feeble, mentally, to be president. He didn't even know how many houses he owned.

His wife is the head of a fucking alcohol consortium, making her a really harmful dealer of a really harmful drug.

you are a fool.


Google Obama's dad. 'nuff said.
She is a beer distributor. When is beer a bad thing? You are fucked up!


11 Juil 2008
it matters not


spice a dit:
Whatever, ellis....McCain is a fucking warmonger, and too feeble, mentally, to be president. He didn't even know how many houses he owned.

His wife is the head of a fucking alcohol consortium, making her a really harmful dealer of a really harmful drug.

you are a fool.

I guess little boys smoking is okay. What a hypocrite and a communistic follower. Your brain is too small. I have exhausted any and all possibly pleasureable exchange. "Whatever......" My daughter says that. :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
You don't understand what's wrong with mass-marketing alcohol, you don't like the constitution, and you're for John McCain.

'nuff said is RIGHT, chump.


And it's hypocritical to think it's cool that littls boys smoke. :roll:


It was pretty refreshing to hear Sarah totally 'dominate' Biden last night! Hehehe.....

You Google Obama's dad yet? :wink: Get ready....


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
She only dominated in the closed, clustered minds of idealogues such as yourself.

She is a moose-hunting, idiot-pentecostal moron, who couldn't even debate properly. She was stiff, and over-rehearsed.

You deserve them, but the rest of us don't.


spice a dit:
She only dominated in the closed, clustered minds of idealogues such as yourself.

She is a moose-hunting, idiot-pentecostal moron, who couldn't even debate properly. She was stiff, and over-rehearsed.

You deserve them, but the rest of us don't.

It must hurt bad. Because that's not how it was at all. She out finessed, out anticipated and flat-out out 'dominated' her opponent. She out smarted the poor liberal bastard.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
....AND an idiot, who's in denial....


http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/03/ ... =hpmostpop

http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008- ... 146235.htm

http://capitalnews9.com/content/headlin ... fault.aspx

Biden trounced her.

She is a hick....an imbecile from moose country who I can understand why you like.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Again, doofus, BIDEN won, handily.

"Ms. Palin "won" on what count? Folksy charm? Ability to manipulate "regular folks" into thinking it's o.k. to vote for this team because she's just a "down-home hockey mom" who simply does not have enough experience for the important task. Very, very scary. Please, she's not right for the job."

The London Times says;

'Palin ALMOST holds her own'

The Sydney Morning Herald ( thats in Australia, ellis)

http://news.smh.com.au/world/feisty-pal ... -4t70.html

.....says Biden won

Politico.com says;

" Palin falls short"


The Times of India; ( That's in INDIA, ellis) says Biden won
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Worl ... 557929.cms

World opinion backs ME up, fool.

You're a blind, imbecelic republican idiot, much like George Bush.

Even when the truth is staring at you, you are a testiment to the effects of denial and delusional thinking.

In case this point escapes you also, ellis...


You are an ignorant redneck.
You are an ignorant redneck.
You are an ignorant redneck.
You are an ignorant redneck.
You are an ignorant redneck.
You are an ignorant redneck.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
Thanks for links Spice, I just recently started paying attention to Bill Maher, and I think I'm really gonna like this.

Also does anyone else have a case of ED? (Electyle Disfunction). ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
After watching, LOL! More please. :D


15 Mar 2007
I was amazed that anyone said Palin did okay after that debate.
I watched it and thought the whole time, she really blew it just like they were worried about. It was almost sad how poorly she did, how nervous she acted, and how little she knew. She actually pronounced nuclear like Bush...she said nucular more than once. My god!
I really was amazed when I heard commentators (some who I really like) say she did reasonably well and redeemed herself.
I know all she had to do was complete a sentence to impress compared to her interviews....but as far as I could tell that's about all she did.

I can see not being enthused about Obama, but to really think Palin would do well running this county really seems like some kind of insanity to me. I really don't understand it.

I know it's probably just that I'm biased or something. But, I really don't understand.

There really are complexities to these issues that need to be fully understood. You really have to be interested in politics and government...and the rest of the world to be a good president. It seems she really is not at all. She obviously hasn't read a newspaper or magazine regularly at all based on her interview answer when asked.

Do you really think the country can be run on personality alone? There's plenty of people in the country who are life long NRA members and anti-choice in every case (including life of the mother)....so couldn't McCain have picked someone with a little more interest in the world.

He obviously picked her to try to win. He obviously didn't think of all the people he could pick she's the best for our country. McCain hardly even knew her before choosing her. Country first, before his party or himself...that's complete bull.

I'm not trying to argue with any Palin fans out there. There's absolutely no sense at all. If you are really a Palin fan, there's really nothing left to say.

I feel saddest for those who have only been adults since Bush was in power. Believe it or not, there was a time before him when our leaders were smart and respected by the rest of the world. (See, even that statement is kind of funny.....I'm sure there's a lot of McCain/Bush fans who would argue that it's bad if the rest of the world respects you...that they are all on the other side fighting against us. So, saying we were respected wouldn't work to convice a Bush/McCain fan. So...why argue.)

When Bush was appointed for his first term, my wife was really upset. I remember telling her...he's an idiot, there's not much he can do. He'll be voted out in 4 years and will be unsuccessful until then because he's so dumb. That was the most wrong I've ever been! Things were really different before Bush drove the military, the economy, public education, and the supreme court into the depths that they have reached now. We had a surplus for crying out loud.

Aids used to talk about how they would give Clinton hundreds of pages of material and meet to brief him the following day, and he would know more than them after studying it all night. When will we have a president that we can respect as smarter than most of us. That's what I want, someone smarter...not someone self proclaimed hockey mom. But, I guess that's just not the way McCain/Palin voters think.

It really, truly perplexes me.


Elfe Mécanique
17 Sept 2008
Can we arrange a vote-ban for this person? Please? He is SCREAMING for it.

Go McCain? He's against all drugs, oh except his pharmaceuticals, and his pillhead wife too. He would have you arrested for using "EllisDee" you dumbfuck, why would you support him. I will win against any point you make, along with everyone else here, you are a moron. What you say may sound Intelligent, but it's not coming intelligently.

Get Real.