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1st time DXM


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
well this turned out to be the first psychedelic that worked for me(Salvia by far being useless:(].I took 300mg of DXM(10 tablets of Dexofan each containing 30mg of DXM).During first hour I felt a mild euphoria feeling,later there appeared some pressure in my head,and i felt a quite anaesthetic feeling through my body.Music sounded very interesting.Then I went out and everything seemes to happen in a slow motion-people were walking slolwly,cars' wheels seemed to be rotating extremely slowly,and I had a constant thought in my head-THEY ARE ALL LATE.At the same time I did not feel connected with everything happening around me...as if I was watching a movie.Really interesting.Effects lasted for approx. 3 hours,and I noticed no negative effects,except for complete inability to concentrate on complex tasks such as writing and even reading.I'd like to increase the dosage;would 400mg be ok?Or it's safe to jump to 500mg straight away?Any advice is welcome


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
There are no known overdoses on dxm of 2,000mg or less. However, a few have died from a "supposed" dmt overdose of less than 2,000mg in combination with othe drugs such as mdma.

So, yes, 500mg is physically safe (relatively) but no one here can comment on your personal psyche or the mental/psychological effects that any drug will have on you. 500mg won't (likely) kill you (unless you're allergic and don't know it) but anything can happen to your mind and subconscious. I've never used dxm recreationally so I can't really tell you if that's too big of a jump, but with all things that I am unfamiliar with, I'd say take baby steps. If you like the way 300g feels then I'd try 400g. After all, that is 33% more; you don't want to get in over your head until you know what you're getting into.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
It's not really safe offcourse... The fact u can OD on > 2000 mg dxm alone proves that it isn't safe :p. But 500 mg compared to 2000 mg is "kind of"(relatively!)safe, for your body that is.


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
well I've by for read quite a lot about it on erowid..and it turns out not to be the good thing to mess with. :roll:
Anyway it becomes dangerous when it's used too often..It's suggested to wait at least 3 days between its usage,preferably 2 weeks.However,I felt sooo empty and depressed after it that I did not want to use that the next day.
I liked the way 300mg worked.Apparently,the same dosage did nothing to my friend,apart from itching.Same weight,same sex,same age.Maybe I shall try 400mg the next week or so.Will let you know how it worked.
Really,I would not use that shit if I had mushrooms or LSD available in my country.But the only thing I can buy here on streets is MJ,meth,coke,and heroin-drugs I am not interested in at all.I'm actually planning to order some HBWR seeds from ******* in the near future,not convinced yet.Sorry for offtopic.


I wouldnt recomend to take dxm from any pharmaceutical products, because its pretty easy to find pure dxm on the web for a very cheap price, maybe you shoul check it on google.


Matrice périnatale
25 Juil 2007

That will tell you everything you want to know.

Frequent dxm use reportedly can cause long term damage to the brain.

But dxm itself isn't actually that dangerous, it's more dangerous what else is in the pill you are taking.
Acetaminophen and Guaifenesin are dangerous is large doses.

You can do an extraction on some pills and get all the bad stuff out.
A website that sells pure dxm would be great, but most of those websites are unreliable because they're fake, or stuff gets caught in customs, etc.

If anyone knows a reliable website... send a link my way :D


21 Juil 2007
5 922
Does anyone have an idea, if the pills from ratiopharm and dr. rentschler in germany, which are available in apothecaries, contain shit?

I guess they are standard pills taken when having a cold or need to cough a lot.


Sale drogué·e
10 Juin 2006
If you checkin for the bad stuff, pay attention for Acetaminophen (that fucks up your liver) and Chlorpheniramine. these are subtances you wanna try to avoid.

I dont know if you have the brand: "Daro" in Germany anyway they sell them holland and those are relativly oke..


21 Juil 2007
5 922
Thanks man for the reply! Amazing!!! :D


21 Juil 2007
5 922
got some without the shit in it now!!!!!
wooohoooo!! 8) gonna try them soon i guess!!!

one more question: as i informed myself about serotonin syndrom i figured out, that i have that too, but only very slightly. I read on a site, that in combination with MAO-I's and other stuff DXM can inflict serotonin syndrome.

So that i already have it a bit....what you'd say would it better to not take it at all or take low dose first?

Or would it be better to solve the serotonin problem in myself on DXM since i seem to have a possible result of DXM intake??? :ninja: :mrgreen:

What you'd say... is the precaution thing mostly "panicmaking" or shocking you from preventing you from doing shit or should i better listen to my body and see if i feel like i can do it???

Well i know already it's a combination of both :P


21 Juil 2007
5 922
just took the stuff!!!
At first i chewed 10 and i felt a slight melting into one. Then i chewed 10 more and the feeling intensified, though my stomach feels kind of strange, but i must say the taste of them were good, but if you chew 20 of them with the pleasant taste of honey and honey and citrus it's kind of too much :mrgreen:

Anyway i can see the effects really clear!!! I informed myself about DXM and it's a dissociative drug, which means (well at least that's the meaning i put in it) it dissociates yourself, bodily and mentally at least that's how i feel it. I felt that i had inner conflicts, but i couldn't reach them, now on DXM i see them melt together!! kind of cool!! 8) though a kind of strange bodily feeling but really chilled, too! I share the feeling, too from afer about everybody else being late in a way which i find really elusive but really funny too. :D

But keep in mind please anything that has to do with DXM: Inform yourself really well about it before you take it. And be sure about it. Because it can be really dangerous in wrong use or overdose, but well i mean being in a psychonaut forum, i guess (hope) most people know that. Additionally it's maybe important to say that DXM is not a psychadelic drug like maybe LSD or i don't know. I figured out, that it's different. It's dissociative. That's maybe why it's used for bodily problems like coughing or colds too. hahah :mrgreen: So please be sure about yourself if you take high doses! : :)

peace :P

Note on my own posts: Sometimes i have to write a lot of shit. Don't know why really :mrgreen: but sometimes i find it kind of smart too so please don't take my lot of writing like anything offensive that i want to prove you wrong or something ... english's not my mother tongue by the way too so it's sometimes difficult to say exactly what i mean! :P

by the way sorry for triple bost i hope you guys don't bother :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
I can give you some tips but I need to know which substances are in each pill and tell me theirs mg. And do you are on some other drugs or medicines, cause this is really importante. Morphine and other opiates are antagonisted by DXM! SSRI can induce serotonine syndrome as MAOi also. Coke can produce paranoid sideeffecs with DXM like ants walking in side of your skin, tobbaco will reduce effect of DXM, and such on. What are yo are taking and I will tell you advices how to prepare yours day when take DXM.


Sale drogué·e
2 Sept 2007
DXM is one of the best documented drugs, in my opinion. Read up on DXM FAQ at third-plateau.org, then make the decision if you want to move up to the third plateau.

I've gone once to the first, seven to the second, two to the third and two to the fourth, the first fourth plateau being the most overall life-altering night of my life. I took about 1500 mg that time.