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Résultats de la recherche

  1. PsiloFlip

    LSD symposium

    Hi fellow travelers I was in Basel from Friday until Sunday afternoon. The conference was great. I met the people I always wanted to see. I got my Pihkal and Tihkal copies signed by the Shulgins. These people are fantastic. In "Ask the shulgins" I asked them if the desire to alter consciousness...
  2. PsiloFlip

    LSD symposium 2006

    I just received an announcement from Erowid today. Next year in January (13-15th) the "International Symposium on the Occasion of the 100th Birthday of Albert Hofmann" takes place in Basel. More information can be found at http://www.lsd.info I consider to go there to meet all the...
  3. PsiloFlip

    Sex and drugs!

    :think:Of course "set" and "setting" is very important, and maybe, one person must choose this two wisely. :think: Reading this sentence makes me doubt that you understand the meaning of "set".
  4. PsiloFlip

    Panaeolus Campanulatus (Paardenmestzwam)

    Spaar je de moeite! Volgens mijn "Psilocybin mushrooms of the World" is de Panaeolus Campanulatus (overigens ook bekend als Panaeolus papilionaceus) niet actief. Paul Stamets heeft meer dan 30 van deze stoeltjes geconsumeerd met als enig effect misselijkheid ;). Als je deze soort aantreft, kun...
  5. PsiloFlip

    everything has life!!!!!!!!

    First of all:lesson:Be extremely careful with drugs in the bathtub! Secondly: Salvia is not a party drug. Don't rush into high doses if you have not enough experience with Salvia. Take the time to get to know her and vice versa.
  6. PsiloFlip

    How long can you hold shrooms?

    If properly dried, shrooms can be kept for more than a year without noticeable potency loss. (I performed a bioassay of 2g (dried,1 year old) P. cubensis and compared with 2g (dried, new harvest) P. cubensis). Drying: I put my shrooms on a grating and dry them by fanning at room...
  7. PsiloFlip

    freedom of religion vs entheogens

    You can't just invent a religion that uses LSD as a sacrament. Recently, scientology tried to get recognized as a religion in Europe. It was denied. Good, because all these religions are crap anyway. Nevertheless if you manage to do so count me in. LSD is certainly a benign substance.
  8. PsiloFlip

    Need some input here...

    With "true psychedelic drugs" I meant LSD, psylocin, mescaline, DMT, ayahuasca, Salvia and the like compared to the "psychedelic" herbs ******* sells. As I said before if it is legal it can't be that good! :grin: MDMA is indeed the same as ecstacy (XTC) or at least it should be. The problem...
  9. PsiloFlip

    No satisfaction

    Today I used 2.7 g Kratomextract for the first time. I boiled it in 100ml of water and drank the tea on an empty stomach. After half an hour I finished the tea and waited for the effects to start. Actually, nothing did happen except that I wanted to do things and I started ironing the laundry...
  10. PsiloFlip

    Need some input here...

    Hi RiLekst, I'm not sure if you should try mushrooms on your own. If you decide do it make sure you start with a low dose. If you are unfamiliar with true psychedelic drugs you cannot know how you will react. Having someone you trust next to you who can tell you to relax and go with the flow...
  11. PsiloFlip

    psychedelic revolution

    I seriously wonder if more people would trip if it is depenalized. I'm not talking about selling psychedelics at your local supermarket. I was more thinking about giving people true information about drugs (positive and negative effects; risks and benefits) instead of just saying "drugs are...
  12. PsiloFlip

    Need some input here...

    I would go for the real thing :grin: and skip the pseudo drugs. Think about it, if they would be really good, they would be forbidden! (eg. methylon was pretty good for the time it lasted) I have tried a couple of aphrodisiacs like Yohimbe and Muira Puama. Both my girlfriend and I didn't like...
  13. PsiloFlip

    psychedelic revolution

    In my opinion, an adult individual should have the right to alter his/her consciousness (in a responsible way) by ingesting chemical catalysts if wanted. This is what I always tend to call "the freedom of its own consciousness" I just don't have the patience neither the time to become a...
  14. PsiloFlip

    5meo DMT

    DMT stands for N,N-dimethyltryptamine. DMT exists in our body and occurs in the plant and animal kingdoms. "DMT Is Everywhere" as Alexander Shulgin formulates it in Tihkal. DMT is present in the pineal, a small gland in the inner part of the brain. This gland might make mind-altering amounts of...
  15. PsiloFlip


    Ik heb ook ervaring met dat lichte gevoel tot een paar dagen na de dxm ervaring. Net alsof je op wolkjes loopt. Ik had dxm geextraheerd uit hoestsiroop via een standaard zuur-base extractie met petroleumether. De stommiteit die ik toen begaan heb, was dat ik de dxm-base uit de etherfase weer...
  16. PsiloFlip

    What is your favorite way to consume your shrooms?

    I grind the dried mushrooms in a coffee grinder. I pour 150 ml of boiling water on this powder and add some honey for the taste (it still tastes bad!)I let it soak for 10 minutes and drink it within 10 minutes.:pint: I usually have a light breakfast a couple of hours before I drink the tea...
  17. PsiloFlip

    Psychedelic Party

    I made up my mind and convinced my girlfriend, our first psychedelic party will be the Voov! The idea of being overwhelmed with psychedelics and meet other explorers sounds great. Voov experience here we come! :dancing: Thanks for the links!
  18. PsiloFlip

    Psychedelic Party

    Hi folks! I'm very interested in psychedelics but feel often to be the only one with this interest. In my daily life discussions on "drugs" are strictly forbidden and my passion has to be carefully hidden both for my parents and collegues. Although I have experienced some psychedelic drugs, I'm...