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Résultats de la recherche

  1. RiLekst

    Need some input here...

    Hi silmendil, >Opium, coca leaves, small dose of san pedro. I had the chance of trying opium once but I stay away from drugs that can be addictive. I think opium is adictive or not ? Coca leaves, well I drank a lot of coca-leafe-tea when I was traveling Peru, I even brought some...
  2. RiLekst

    Need some input here...

    Hi PsiloFlip, Well I did try mushrooms once and it was a great experience. I think it was a moderate dosage, I felt I was in control of what I saw. It took about 5 to 6 hours to wear off. In that period I was for about one hour alone, in that time I had a bit of somewhat more scarier moment...
  3. RiLekst

    Need some input here...

    Hi marc, >Methylone Ok I will look into that. Greetz, RiLekst.
  4. RiLekst

    Need some input here...

    Ok I will just add items to this list. Next one I tried: Tagetes Lucida. Effects: Tagetes Lucida is said to produce everything from euphoria to "closed-eye-images" that are similar to those of Peyote. 25 grams in 0.6 liters of water, cooked for 5 minutes, drank 0.5l. Well guess what...
  5. RiLekst

    Need some input here...

    Hi esin, I was on 4 week holiday traveling through the south of Etheopia when I tried qat, by the way if you like adventurous traveling this is a very nice country to go. I have been there twice actually, but then I traveled the north. In the east of Etheopia almost everybody chews qat...
  6. RiLekst

    Need some input here...

    Hi Snapinho, Well I don't know what exactly what mdma is, I will read up on that. Cheers, RiLekst.
  7. RiLekst

    tpg shit

    Hi Sanne, >En dan maar hopen dat je geen verse spullen hebt besteld.. >..want dat gaat stinken Tegen die tijd zal het pakje geheel nieuwe levensvormen bevaten denk ik. Mischien zelfs wel een paar leuke paddestoeltjes ;) Greetz, RiLekst.
  8. RiLekst

    Need some input here...

    Hi PsiloFlip, Apreciate your answer, >I would go for the real thing and skip the pseudo drugs. >Think about it, if they would be really good, they would be >forbidden! Well that is true for some extent ofcourse. I can add just another one to the list of speudo-drugs...
  9. RiLekst

    Need some input here...

    Hi JO, Apreciate your reply. >just simply change the products, they got not interest expect when very overdozed, Yes it probably is true what you say, but why do they tell at evey smartshop site those wonderful stories about euphoria this, euphoria that, etc. Oh wait that must be my...
  10. RiLekst

    tpg shit

    Beetje laate reactie maar ik kan je de handschudden. Zo'n ervaring heb ik ook, het ging in dit geval om DVDs. Briefje gekregen waar op stond dat ik het pakje op kon halen bij een of ander service center, ok daar naar toe. Zijn die lullo's niet geopend op zaterdag. (Het ironische is dat er...
  11. RiLekst

    philosopher stones trip report

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I won't try this alone after reading this :p Cheers, RiLekst.
  12. RiLekst

    Need some input here...

    Hi fellow explorers, Need some input here... My experiences, weed a lot, paddo's 1 time, qat (khat) 1 time, alcohol a lot. I do not smoke, smoking is for junkies :p I weigh 100kg, a lot but I'm a tall guy (not too fat ;), as an indication of how fast my body can break down 'unwanted'...