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Résultats de la recherche

  1. Abej^a G.

    Les drogues les plus sexy

    Coffee. ^^
  2. Abej^a G.

    Ressemblez-vous au drogué que vous êtes ?

    You are your character now!! ^^
  3. Abej^a G.

    Drogue et introversion ?

    Quando sono drogato e divento introverso mi sfogo con la musica. Perché non parlare di Prāṇāyāma?! = ) Anche se non se ne parla, l'importante è dargli un nome.  : ]
  4. Abej^a G.

    Comment utilisez vous les enthéogènes dans un but thérapeutique/utilitaire

  5. Abej^a G.

    SUPERSTITI PSICONAUTI (confermate la vostra presenza)

    Non so cosa sia successo...  Per ricaricare le pagine uso http://www.cachedpages.com/
  6. Abej^a G.

    De l'usage d'un rituel

    In my transpositions and in the beginning I usually purify my body and in the slowly contemplate myself in Taoist Tai Chi and Chi Kung ^^
  7. Abej^a G.

    Juste pour dire

    Le printemps arrive...!!
  8. Abej^a G.

    SUPERSTITI PSICONAUTI (confermate la vostra presenza)

    Infatti!! Aspetteremo...
  9. Abej^a G.

    Post Punk / Goth / Cold Wave / Batcave / etc

    Pour vous Salut W GRIEZMANN
  10. Abej^a G.

    Preparing for the ceremony of Ayahuasca and San Pedro

    None is dangerous. Use your mind and don't have fears. Start slowly, in small quantities!
  11. Abej^a G.

    In terms of loosing your mind, Is LSD the most dangerous

    Depends on quantity and quality
  12. Abej^a G.


  13. Abej^a G.


    Avec les opiacés et analogues les démangeaison sont une reaction normale du corps Ceci est la section anglaise, s'il vous plaît écrire dans cette langue!! :nod:
  14. Abej^a G.

    Please read, forum rules and guidelines

    Try to use "search button" (the small magnifying glass in the upper right)
  15. Abej^a G.

    Reduce LSD physical effects

    Next time try to do a better psycho-fisical preparation: make a good diet, meditate and try to tire the body as little as possible Try also to find "chakras in the body", like this...
  16. Abej^a G.

    Does anyone live in the UK??

    wait my friend....... and use search button
  17. Abej^a G.

    Please read, forum rules and guidelines

    Forum rules Welcome to Psychonaut! You’ve just entered the Psychonaut forums. Just to keep this forum enjoyable for everyone a few rules have to be announced. We don’t like scrolling through endless pages of this stuff ourselves, so we just keep it brief and basic. By registering at...
  18. Abej^a G.

    Buying Mimoso H. Rootbark

    MHRB and Chacruna don't have the same % of DMT It's better starting from the low: with 25 gr of Caapi and 25 gr of Chacruna; while the next time you can use5 gr for the roots of Mimosa and 25 gr of B.Caapi Be careful with the diet, a important part of trip, "because the key to healing is the...
  19. Abej^a G.

    Self Introduction

    Wellcome Sophia... you know that I'll work sooo much to find possible irregularietes in your post, you know?! You wrote like a spammer!!!!!!! Your wellcome!!!! (http://www.psychonaut.com/general-psychonautics/55036-please-read-forum-rules-guidelines.html)