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  1. K

    Rainbow Gathering 2010 plan ahead for carpooling!!

    http://www.welcomehome.org/rainbow/ http://www.welcomehere.org/gathering_of ... Gatherings its all officially unofficial.
  2. K

    2012: where we are going, where we plan to be.

    thanks for the replies fellow psychonauts. I am not taking a fatalistic outlook. I don't think it will be the end all be all. I hope that it is a day just like any other. I feel that the changes that may or may not take place will be less of an event and more of a process. the Mayans spoke of...
  3. K

    2012: where we are going, where we plan to be.

    All Hollywood attention set aside. 2012 has far too many things coinciding with it for it to be just another "doomsday hoax." It may not be a meteor, it may not be natural disasters, it may not be nukes. But I for one do believe things are changing at an exponential rate. so even if you are not...
  4. K

    Wisdom, or mental trimming?

    I once read in a book called Coming To Our Senses that our bodies are great indicators of what we need if only we knew how to listen to them. an analogy used in the book is when you are studying a particular subject in school, and you can't stop fiddling and twitching, can't focus on the subject...
  5. K

    Rainbow Gathering 2010 plan ahead for carpooling!!

    Hey I've never been to a gathering and i'd love to go this year. Looking to plan ahead for car pooling. either hitching a ride with some people or giving some people a hitch. I'm in wyoming. it will be east coast this year, not sure exactly where. it's not decided until may. anyone west of...
  6. K

    I really don't know what to think about this...

    didn't watch the video. after reading the comments i didnt feel that i needed to. I can't find anyone that can give me a legitimate reason as to why we are there in the first place. what people have said to asking why we are still there is "we have to finish what we started." So Obama's first...
  7. K

    Trip Tunes

    zol2MJf6XNE 1LLAN29W-4w kIGwLguW2Cw uyJjihseiio 25_gjUbvqNg aMEE9AW94Hs just a few i enjoy to trip to. this is actually the stuff i started tripping on. i do enjoy the psychill music to trip to as well.
  8. K

    The Venus Project.

    As for the harnessing of geothermal energey. I'd imagine it'd have something to do with having turbines suspended above the volcano, and the rising heat would cause the turbines to spin. Though I'm sure the process can be refined much further. just a thought. could be way off base.
  9. K

    The Venus Project.

    I agree with spice. Jacque's ideas call for a paradigm shift, which is essentially what the world needs if we are to solve any of our major problems. The system we've been operating in, and the mindset we've held are not cutting. Nothing short of a complete overhaul of our current disposition...
  10. K

    The Venus Project.

    This is the condensed version. it may be viewed in its full 50 minute form in 5 segments on youtube
  11. K

    The Venus Project.

  12. K

    The Venus Project.

    I suppose the difference is that this is something that seems to be in motion. Jacque Fresco has been planning this for his entire life. He has gone around the world doing lectures, and there seems to be a movement behind him. Pardon my ignorance, but no other utopian ideas that have sparked...
  13. K

    The Venus Project.

    I suppose i should expand a bit for those of you who are unfamiliar. The venus project proposes a society with no money, no government, no social classes, and no borders. by dissolving these things, there will be no need for war to stimulate a flawed system, or to steal resources from our...
  14. K

    The Venus Project.

    http://www.thevenusproject.com/ If you have seen zeitgeist addendum you know a bit about jacque fresco and his futurist ideals called the venus project. Is this the standard of the aquarian age? the age of technological and cultural revolution? Or is it a stepping stone in the plan to obtain a...
  15. K

    New to the forum, glad to be here.

    Long have i wanted to go off the grid. perhaps we can just be as our ancestors of the hunting and gathering variety. travel the lands never stopping. i want to see much of south/central america. if only there were fewer cities to run into...
  16. K

    New to the forum, glad to be here.

    Thank you for the replies everybody. I agree that it is a shame that we are "rare" as it were, i also agree that we can shovel off some blame to the government. But, as rare as we may be, we are, and regardless of "the mans" attempts to keep us down our numbers steadily grow. the universe has...
  17. K

    New to the forum, glad to be here.

    Finally. a group of people to interact with that have aims in their journeys. not ingesting these things for the sake of "getting fucked up" but for a higher purpose, a purpose that goes beyond the trip. beyond the 8-12 hours. again glad to be here.