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  1. S

    Best use out of low dose

    So I managed to find some acid and had a very positive experience this past weekend. I spent some time getting lost in the muskeg (1) and lost all sense of time and what was real, and what wasn't -- for a few moments I thought I might've been on another planet because nothing looked real. I...
  2. S

    scientific designs

    The Secret of Life (DNA Helix) was discovered by Francis Cricks when he was on LSD ;) http://www.miqel.com/entheogens/francis ... a_lsd.html
  3. S

    Blending Herbs to Smoke with Cannabis

    I enjoy vaporizing blue lotus and marijuana at the night time for a 'cerebral stoner'. However, I will add it doesn't muddle my mind, but rathers clears it and allows me to slowly process internal thought processes. Not to mention it tastes great with marijuana. Hops and marijuana also go great...
  4. S

    first time amanita

    What do you mean effects the appetite? Increased/decreased? Amanitas are starting to pop up like crazy around where I live... I'm keeping my eyes peeled for a fresh untouched batch, as the ones in my area are well gnawed on by bugs. Im thinking about finding lots of extra ones and burying...
  5. S

    Ah Pook

    <3 "When I become death, death is the seed upon which I grow"
  6. S

    what are you doing?

    Is your social life lagging druglessdouglas? lol, just kidding. And that first video you posted, thank you. I have watched this video while on mushrooms (my second trip actually) and for the love of me cannot remember what, or who it was made/from by or what it was even called. Now I know...
  7. S

    Tobacco- the underestimated Drug

    Since when are tobacco and heroin (and their respective addictions) harmless? Last I checked they kill millions of people. :roll: What kind of rocks do you guys live under?!?!?!
  8. S

    what are you doing?

    I already have several hundred chopped up in my secret freezer catacombs. I don't need anymore.
  9. S

    Picture Association!

    Why are you angry Brain-Eater? Dubai is hardly a country to give any accolades to. Their workers are abused, in often less than human conditions. Not to mention how internet and media is controlled by the government. It's the playground for Middle Eastern oil tycoons. :roll: (Anyone who gets...
  10. S

    I have a question for you

    Easy. Moonpie.
  11. S

    what are you doing?

    Well, what am I doing? I am trying to learn, more about me, humankind, the universe and the song it sings. I am trying to love, me, humankind and the universe we all sing with. Become more in harmony with nature and the spirits. Quit being an ignorant mental, physical mortal being, 'to still...
  12. S

    Picture Association!

    That is truly, the most beautiful, awe-inspiring, fookin' amazing garbage truck I have EVER seen. That's what it is, right? lol (Only kidding, I believe those are their famous 'art buses') Since we are near in the area, Dubai's Palm Islands, aka, giant waste of human resources and time for...
  13. S

    Picture Association!

    I hate guns. [/img]
  14. S

    A second path

    It sounds like both of you need to chill out. How about you both just zip it? As my mother said, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. I enjoy reading these forums, and contributing here and there, but christ, all these people and their conflicting egos and sense of...
  15. S

    Picture Association!

  16. S

    My favorite powerful music videos....

    Enjoy, and tell me why you did such. If not, do the same. 8) In no particular order, however this one is going first: Groundation - "What Could Have Been" (Reggae) Shadowfax - Shaman Song (Instrumental relaxing) Brighteyes - Easy/Lucky/Free The Redneck Manifesto - We Still Got It...
  17. S

    Your creative work

    Yeah, past-me was upset. Why are people afraid of penii' and vaginas? Isn't that what created us? A penis in a vagina, and the ensuing 'squirt'? :shock: Sometimes humans scare me.
  18. S

    Your creative work

    It's the Sistine Chapel. 8) What do you mean 'just a picture'? Of course it's just a picture. Its also just a joke. :roll:
  19. S

    Your creative work

    Something I made in a past life, it's 'alright', not my best work....
  20. S

    Picture Association!

    Indeed. *meow*