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  1. runninglance


    I've had this experience before also. It's really a bummer, I know. Maybe this is a look into what it could be also just read it today... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4052963.stm[/url]
  2. runninglance

    First post + Salvia + Gravity Bong

    Awesome, I would like to try DMT at some point. Hope it goes well.
  3. runninglance

    First post + Salvia + Gravity Bong

    I used 20x, from Purple Sticky Salvia. You should really try it, it's how I had my first real breakthrough. I forgot who I was, which wasn't as scary as it sounds. It was the most intense trip I have had, more so than acid. Let me know how it works out for you if you try it.
  4. runninglance

    First post + Salvia + Gravity Bong

    no replies?
  5. runninglance

    First post + Salvia + Gravity Bong

    I was introduced to Salvia about a month ago and have smoked it several times since then. I really like it, although sadly a lot of people I know don't. Anyways I was wondering if anyone on here has tried smoking it with gravity bong? I did after having a hard time tripping off of it. And it was...