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Résultats de la recherche

  1. F

    Excellent Site for anything Psyches test related, MUST SEE

    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ some sample articles ive found DMT https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/?term=DMT https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5021697/ Ayahuasca https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/?term=ayahuasca https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4687784/ LSD...
  2. F

    Past 2 Mary Jane exp after not smoking for 7 ish yrs

    few months ago my friend had Medical Grade Mary Jane . i was considering smoking again once or twice coz of the boost melatonin lvls over 4000% ( saw a study in like 1995, Maryjane cigarette did this to all the test subjects. ) i was in dark area, and i honestly thought my friend laced this...
  3. F

    Thread Necromancy Rules etc ?

    Jjust wanted to know what would be Considered Necromancy on this site ? Reviving threads that are months idol, years etc Videos, Music and Links There were a lot of threads here but a few of them had last post dates of 2015 so i havnt bothered with posting replies. but ones from l8 2016 ill...
  4. F

    For Education purposes and the amazment of molecules, melatonin to 5meo?

    Has anyone here know of how melatonin is synth to 5-meo ?. Ive heard bout things around other places, that 5-meo can come from yeast, or it can be synth from Melatonin to Mexamine to 5-meo . Just based on that, it wouldn't surprise me if the Human body did that endogenously, in w/e conditions.
  5. F

    easying up on these ridiculous posting permissions for noobs

    Any chance some of these rules or permissions can just simply go, like having wait for 20 posts to reply to your own threads ? Yeah trolls n spammers suck, but why let bunch of arseclowns ruin it for the legit posters, its no different then a drug getting banned coz a few morons decided that...
  6. F

    i have question bout Mushrooms

    On Shrooms are there any Octipus jellyfish like Gods there ? ( btw i h8 using the word entity sounds so stupid, i wouldnt be surprised if most psychonauts say god bless u when someone sneezes but they call beings they meet on psyches a shitty term like Entity . )
  7. F

    nn DMT Trip Report

    Non of this is "set in stone" its how it was conveyed to me, certain words terms were best way to translate to english and my way of processing info ). ( example your not gonna use car analogies when talking to someone who knows nothing about cars kinda thing) ive had many trips for people who...