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Contenu récent par KØMPRØMÆT


    Musique sur la réalité de la drogue

    Baxter Dury - Cocaine Man (2015) - Marilyn Manson - Disassociative (1998)

    4FMP soll verboten werden ?

    Servus, Die Europäische Union wird spätestens ab 2021 EU-weite Verbote von jeglichen neu entdeckten Research Chemicals ohne Ausnahme durchsetzen. Das bedeutet auch, dass wenn in Amerika ein neue Substanz entdekt wurde, diese innerhalb von 6 Monaten in ganz Europa illegal sein müssen wird. Das...

    Commande, ce RC shop est-il fiable ?

    Je suis désolée, mais je can't. There are so many lies being spread about the web project and myself, I do not know why people would even do this. There are few, maybe three or for, non-commercial forums in which I do not want these lies leave uncommented, so I tend to come by whenever the day...

    Liste RdR des shops de RC

    2-FDCK vs. You come on just like Special K The best 2-FDCK I have recently come across was from re.. eu re.. It was noticeable active from as little as 50mg, and it was very mood enhancing. With this compound you would not need to be concerned about falling into a hole, neither will you lose...

    Commande, ce RC shop est-il fiable ?

    Yeah, a bit like on Dopek: You may from time to time post, but only the ones working for that forum are allowed to praise the Sponsors of the shop. I think I have introduced myself, just wanted to do you a favour by presenting the only professionally working RC web shop in Europe. I asked around...

    Commande, ce RC shop est-il fiable ?

    Hi, Sorry for writing in English again. I just wanted to let you know that publicité  Kind regards!

    Liste RdR des shops de RC

    I will read about the accuracy of testing kits, but I will only seek the lab in case a substance seems not to be as expected. I should have done that already, but I feel a bit uncomfortable going to the drug treatment center having something tested, to be honest. The only time I ever had had a...

    Liste RdR des shops de RC

    Good morning, No offense taken! I just wanted to clarify that, yes, I did start with the list and the reviews and the warnings, but that I'll be damned if I was too lazy to work on more elaborate articles in the near future ;-) I am open for critique, ideas and grateful for every helping hand...

    Liste RdR des shops de RC

    Bonjour Cookies, Je suis désolé d'écrire à nouveau en anglais. I do graphics, words, photos, content managing and programming - mostly on my own - and it is exhausting. Regarding the oh so low quality: Have a look at the latest shop review, it describes the Polish RC Scene, how it has...

    Liste RdR des shops de RC

    Dear Morning Glory, I am sorry to write again in English. I do not have the products tested at any lab or the likes. I stopped reading reviews y ears ago. I stick to describing substances I either know or such I could compare to one of its analogues or parent / mother-substances. If you read...

    Liste RdR des shops de RC

    Dear Morning Glory, I am sorry to write again in English. I do not have the products tested at any lab or th e likes. I stopped reading reviews y ears ago. I stick to describing substances I either know or such I could compare to one of its analogues or parent / mother-substances. Testing...

    Liste RdR des shops de RC

    Je suis désolé d'écrire à nouveau en anglais. :-/ I compliled the list of European shops on my own. I started this website to discriminate scammers that steal your money against real shops that DO ship.  Of course, things turned out to be more complicated, than I would have expected. To give...