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What Shape Is Reality?


17 Juin 2010
How do you imagine reality? what model do you hold in your mind?
i see the universe as a fractal, iterating infinitely into the micro and macro scales.
i could be wrong.

what do you think is going on?


Elfe Mécanique
23 Août 2010
i actually don't even know the definition of macro vs micro but i think 3rd dimensional space is infinite in the same way 2 dimensions are infinite to a 2d man living on the surface of a giant floating sphere
i think black hole have something to do with this

and i try to make my personal reality as close to reality as possible


Elfe Mécanique
23 Août 2010
it seems like some people spit out the most random bullshit to try to sound smart


17 Juin 2010
calm down, calm down! :wink:

reality probably does have the same shape as the imagination as it is just another tiny fragment of reality. they are not 2 separate things.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
waygie, really man.

I've seen the reality as a fractal while in hyperspace... It's so easy to comprehend there, but down here I don't know.

It can take many forms and they are all correct.

2D, 1D, 3D, infinite and complex, finite and simple...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Well, yeah not that simple.

I usually see streams of realities floating by, all affecting one another, but invisible to the senses. Everything affecting everything else, layers on top of layers, gods being distorted by realms which cannot even be comprehended...

It's a giant cycle, you think you reach the top, or the ultimate meaning, and then you look up. It just never ends.

But, who's to say DMT reality has any grounds in what actually is.


Alpiniste Kundalini
6 Juil 2010
my reality is more real than yours :p


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Yeah I tend to write in third person alot, when refrencing my own perception of reality. Usually when I say "you" i mean, me from someone elses perspective. :?

Guenn Eona Nimue

Glandeuse pinéale
15 Avr 2011
Hello all!

IJesusChrist wrote - "I usually see streams of realities floating by, all affecting one another, but invisible to the senses. Everything affecting everything else, layers on top of layers, gods being distorted by realms which cannot even be comprehended..."

Works for me!

This would seem to be an updated version of the parable about the blind men all describing and arguing over the shape of the elephant, and I think that would be a very good way to approach this question about reality, but on a much, much grander scale. I think it is safe to assume that all forms of life “have a hand on the elephant”, figuratively speaking, so every life form, and (in my opinion) even that which we consider to be inanimate matter, from the microscopic to the macroscopic, therefore, will have its own sublimely unique experience of reality (the elephant). All interpretations, when considered in this fashion, are therefore valid, and none can rise above, or fall below, the others in the sense of one being more “real” than the others. This parable, and the mind set that quite naturally arises from, and accompanies the use of its principals, can be a powerful tool in the area of conflict resolution, tolerance, and a host of other areas of investigation as well. Essentially, I think, it answers the question “What Shape is Reality?” quite nicely. Reality is, literally and all at once, every shape!

Wishing all of you well! Guenn


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
Thats a great way to explain it :)

I think reality is based on perspective, i guess thats kind of the same as what you said with the blind men and the elephant guenn

I personally tend to usually think of reality, as bill hicks so eloquently put it..
"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather"

also (perhaps obviously to psychonauts) if one perceives reality to be dark and bad and evil then they will experience life as such
and conversely if one perceives it to be sunny, bright and wonderful then that is simply how they will see it


20 Avr 2011
I had a revelation about this the other day.

Existence is infinite, there are infinite dimensions of perception, and infinite ways to measure each dimension. Our own perception is limited to 4 dimensions however, height, width, depth, and time. The other dimensions are all conceptual, each higher dimension may be folded by a dimension above it. This goes on forever.

I also realized that, or rather postulated that, dimensions of perception were fairly irrelevant, as consciousness exists outside of them. This raised further questions to me about the nature of being, thought, and apparent physical laws that seem to transcend our own perception of space-time. Space-time, and all dimensions of perception and travel, are some kind of fabric/liquid, that matter is suspended in. All matter exists in every possible part of this liquid at all times. Effectively, the entire universe is in super-position, like the electrons of an atom. The universe only collapses into possibilities once consciousness tries to observe it.

This kind of thing I figured could go on and on forever, rendering endless thought experiments about self, fate, and determinism. In the end of my psychonautical perambulation, I deified us all, and declared love the only reason to ever bother doing anything at all, mostly just because it felt nice. :rolleyes:

Bill Hicks was totally correct, I have thus reasoned.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
a video on 'dimensions'


20 Avr 2011
Yeah word. I don't agree though that all of existence can be condensed into only 10 dimensions, it's a nice convenient number, and that makes me suspicious. Also, as he explains in the video, to reach a new dimension, you are effectively condensing all of the previous dimensions of space-time into a single a point and drawing a line through it. So why then can this not go on to infinity?

I've read some string theory that describes space-time as having 28 or more dimensions. I think as a mathematic constant, space-time is in fact, infinite.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
space-time is 4 dimensions :)

I don't agree with the video at all after he starts to talk about 6 dimensions.


I read this last night and have been thinking about it today. My conclusion is that reality doesn't have a shape. Why would it have a shape? Shapes are only for things less fundmental than reality. Reality could be more like a shape container. Maybe this would mean it's all shapes simultaneously?

But if it did have to have a shape, I would say the shape of reality is this weird thing I saw at the mall today. It was called Euro Bungee or something. People were strapping their kids into it and then the kids would start bouncing around, four at a time. The Euro Bungee contraption was a mix of metal arms and rubber cords that were suspending the human children. It also seemed to be pretty profitable too. To me that seems to fit the shape of reality and also gives it some function too. But I still don't think reality has a shape.