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Weight Gain after giving up Crystal or Speed


Matrice périnatale
10 Mar 2008
I have been clean from Speed etc. for almost six months now and have gained about 30 pounds. I was before I quit a gym rat but find myself having little to no energy (I am only 34 years old). Is there some sort of diet pill that can give me the same effect without doing it the wrong way? Has anyone heard of Phentermine? I recently bought a bottle that has not yet arrived. I am desperate to get myself back but I am also not willing to go back to what is against the law (Crystal). Please if someone knows what I am going through please help me!


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Nov 2006
Well, you've had your metabolism accelerated due to the speed, so everything you ate was metabolised faster and easier, now that you're clean your metabolism slowed down...so should you in the matter of eating :p

Solution? Eat less, run more!


Matrice périnatale
10 Mar 2008
I run everyday. What you said is not only insulting but it does not help. Being clean is a serious thing to me and what I asked about more importantly was learning how to live with less energy. If there was anything anyone else has done that has helped them with energy loss. NOT comments that are OBVIOUS


Glandeuse pinéale
21 Juin 2007
go to the gym a couple times a week..
and eat healthy and eat 6 small meals per day... so your matabolisme boosts.. and you burn more calories...


5 Jan 2007
I have stopped using speed for over a year now. I gained a little weight, making me look less skinny (I was really skinny when I was using it).
Now about a year after I still have the issue of not having enough energy. Even my creativity is not what it used to be. Whenever I come home from work I usually sleep for an hour, then getting out of bed, still feeling not entirely fit.
Right now I'm in a better shape than half a year ago, but it goes very slowly. Still not very creative anymore, and I get tired really fast. I only blame myself, for using that kind of garbage.
Whatever diet pill you take, it will only make you dependant again. Better get yourself a huge bottle of vitamine pills, and start taking one of these babies everyday, when eating a meal.

I can tell you, it will take a very long time to get back in shape again. Maybe you will never be the way you were before the use. The best thing you can do is not make it worse.


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Nov 2006
The answers were as obvious as the question. It's all a matter of metabolism. What you need is dietetic advice, not psychonautic (as said above, try to boost your metabolism eating less but more often, along with workout, etc, etc.)

You won't find solution in pills or anything else other than your own will.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
Any 'diet pills' would only be an alternative to speed, legal or not. I used to do A LOT of speed, until I freaked out one night and thought I was going to go to sleep and not wake up. Been clean since.

But as far as getting your energy back up, like they said, eat right and get exercise. You could also even try taking some vitamins that help metabolism rates like Niacin B12, etc. What it really comes down to is it takes about 1-2 years on average for your body to fix itself, between re-regulating brain chemicals and your body getting over the psychical dependency of Meth. All I can tell you is will power, and try and get yourself on an 8hour sleep schedule. It's hard but that's what you have to do, just wait it out and keep yourself healthy, stay away from anything speedy too.
If all else fails go and see a professional, you have nothing to worry about with Doctor/patient confidentiality.


13 Mar 2008
Yea back at the dawn of the new millenium my ex and I sold crystal. I quit and she still remains active to this day. I gained a lot of pounds and it has slowly been comming off since 2003. When I quit I weighed 135 lbs after 1 and 1/2 months I weighed 225lbs. Ive never been that much over weight. Since then I started eating a vegetarian diet, yoga, meditation and walking. Now I weigh at 169 lbs. I dont exersize enough. If I did I would lose more.

Phentermine, my mom used to take it for loosing weight. When I was on meth I would snag a few from her to see how they were. Its just an appitite suppresant. Try a pinch of ginger root and a pinch of salt with lemon before and after meals, this will stimulate your digestion. You should also cut back on softdrinks, drink warm water with your meals and throughout the day. This will keep your digestion fire growing and help to burn up excess fat. For more information looking in to ayurvedic medicine.