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Split Second Theory

  • Auteur de la discussion Guest
  • Date de début


Hey guys. I'm new here if you haven't seen one of my posts yet. I just signed up a few days ago and I've been going wild, I love your site so much.
Anyways, I figured I would contribute, so here is my first thread. Hopefully its interesting. It seems very basic to me, it seems like a stupid idea, but I just want to hear some thoughts on this.

During an intense psychedelic trip to the hospital, (already interesting, isn't it?) I realized something quite out of the ordinary. Enlightenment, living in the now, as your natural being, not through the filter of your mind. This is very close to the theory I came up with, but not quite.

During the trip I "realized" that we are beings of cause and effect. I realized that every second that goes by is as productive as an hour of activity. Why? Because every second that goes by is a building block. And each one of these seconds is influenced by literally anything and everything. I realized that even a bat of the eyes completely changes your path... A simple head movement can completely change your train of thought. So essentially, what I realized is that our entire lives are dependant on each and every second.

Do you believe this to be true, or do you believe that each and every second is really trivial when it comes to the big picture? Because really, while I was tripping this was monumental. This realization was very powerful. I know that psychedelics tend to do that to a person. :roll: But really, how many people here believe in enlightenment, or living in the now? Is this what enlightenment is? Or is this a separate theory?

I found it interesting, yet basic, but figured it was still worth sharing.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I'll explain a thought of mine:

Chaos theory is correct, however - chaos theory runs on the laws of phsyics. The laws of physics do not change from second to second, yet, you experience changes of the mindset.

What I mean is: yes. EVERYTHING matters. Every little individual peice of data, every split second decision, all matters. BUT it was always going to be that way, HOWEVER - consciousness eliminates this from being ... reality. Consciousness's reality is... exactly what you said. And consciousness is reality.

Zoh mah gawd trippy 8)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
But really, how many people here believe in enlightenment, or living in the now? Is this what enlightenment is? Or is this a separate theory?

I do believe in enlightenment, but for me it means, finding the explanations and understanding for the things that happening to me. How more i understand, the more enlighten i feel.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Hello, welcome to the forum!

A few of my early trips were all about appreciating and living in the now.. which was big for me because I had been raised in a mindset only thinking about living for the future. I do think every second of life is important. A lot can happen in an instant (tripping aside). Our perception of time is very flexible, depending on our mental state. Aside from perception there's general quality of life factor: I look around and see people so anxious about their future that they have difficulty just enjoying being alive or stopping to relax so that they can think clearly. But I wouldn't consider appreciating the now enlightenment. For me it was more of an epiphany, perhaps a step to wherever enlightenment is..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Enlightenment faux-haiku:

All is nothing.
Mind manifests matter.