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Siberian Amanita Muscaria - Tips


Matrice périnatale
3 Avr 2008
where to find:
for ppl living in eu it's easier to order 'em.

those actually want to get 'em free in the wild follow these simple tips when shroom-huntin'

1. do it after the rain (obviously)

2. amanita is more potent in the autumn (colder is better)

3. grows in mixed wood - where birch and sprucetrees are present

4. grows on needle litter

5. using a knife, carefully cut off the upper part of the shroom

6. don't afraid to get Amanita pantherina

7. after you got enough of 'em - cut em up and let sit on the sun for about one week

8. i suggest either eating your dried shrooms or making a tea out of them (grind before making tea), you can also smoke grinded amanita (mixing with weed is a good mix)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
scottish fly agaric vary hugelly in potency.ive had a whack off 1/4 and nothing off 6! i cook them in milk(after extensive drying) but nothing and i mean NOTHING tastes worse to me. i can taste them now....


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
one more thing. if your collecting panther caps make sure thats what they are!