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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Some people have reported amphetamine like effects of LSD.

I can't remember for certain but I did feel very alert, but an uncomfortable alertness almost. A bit twitchy almost. I was wondering if this was normal for LSD or whether I possibly had something else?

Mushrooms = mind is a million miles an hour, thoughts bouncing everywhere, colors and shapes and sounds. Distortions, movements, etc. But very little bodily feeling alterations. No tingling, no twitching, no ultra-caffeine feel.
Same with other psychedelics I've taken.

I was on pain medication at the time, so that was surely a part of it, however pain meds usually last 4 hours, while my LSD lasted the usual 8, and still at the coming down I was still tingly, or something. An odd feeling, it definitely felt like some kind of body load...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Subjectively, if you're used to psilocybine you may find that LSD induces an increase in energy with typical palpitations at a higher dose. LSD is also more ''easy'' than psilo in a way that LSD is known to be more linear throughout the journey and it keeps one indeed ''alert'' in some way. I find that LSD and mescaline produces more mental and physical energy than DMT or mushrooms.

I have taken LSD dozens of times and each trip had such a rich variety in its actions that I wouldn't be in able to detect your subjective effect. However, I had trips in which I almost drifted into a state of sleepiness due to its boring phase and trips in where I literally danced like an amphetamine freak due to its euphoria. In the past, even little changes to the setting like a sharper light altered the way I sensed my body and mind.

Just use it a several times more and you'll get more used to the effects of acid.


Glandeuse pinéale
30 Nov 2011
dying to try :roll:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
How are you doing Brug? What have you been up to?

Last time I read your post you were less than content with something. . . Hope that has changed!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
i probably wouldnt go so far as to say amphetamine but it does wake me up (no pun intended) and i find it quite hard to fall asleep afterwards (impossible during)


Matrice périnatale
27 Nov 2015
Hi do you know how and where i can stampt of a good quality ? Thanks for the info.


Matrice périnatale
8 Sept 2016
Hi, i need help and maybe someone here can help me.

I had a bottle with 6 ml of LSD in drops. accidentally poured it on a paper carton (one box). how can I remove the lsd

that is in the paper, and then re-convert into a liquid for dosing in drops?